Regarding the rogue planet, which is classified as a star type... while looking for the video I mentioned before, there's a discussion where they say that there's no limits for planet's size but the bigger ones are able to retain their atmosfere, hence a gas giant... and from in-game description, these Y class stars are actually gas giants with stellar propperties.

So, a Rogue Planet could be a Class Y star not big enough to keep its own burning atmosfere... which over time turned itself onto a planet...
True that Y class are most often described as Substellar objects, however the data shows a Y class and Rogue Planet as star types. Would seem strange to have the same body classified as two different things. Plus some Y types would then scan as Rogue Planets since that’s the data description.
Y dwarf systems should be dark. I've been to many that have surface temperatures of your freezer.

Fdev has decided in their infinite wisdom to portray dark systems as bright purple
Brown dwarfs do glow a little bit faintly. Some are sub zero and some are a balmy 70°F or a few hundred etc. but even those low temps are HOT compared to space. They don’t sustain constant fusion helium so they’re usually considered sub stellar but they’re bodies with “stellar properties” and do emit. Even Jupiter which is small compared to a Y has some stellar properties, it emits more energy than it takes in from the sun, which would mean at its core it’s got a little crunching going on.
They're treasure-hunters, not anarchists.
Huh? (Fight the αρχ, regin rǫk!)
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Another bit of tin foil for your hat.

The pilots federation control Galnet and has locked your FSD to restrict what you are told and where you can go. How did they get this power over all of humanity? (Raxxla)
Turn against the pilots federation, incur the wrath of ‘their’ galactic empire, sabotage their installations. Destroy their cargo transports.
Imagine a FSD that isn’t locked to pre-determined stars. Imagine being able to jump directly to a planet, without a fuel use limit.

Fight the power, manifest your destiny. Take control.

Yeah it’s Dangerous, are you brave enough?
The permit-locking is determined by the Pilots' Federation but the navigation systems of modern ships are all made by the Achilles Corporation.
Unless there is an in-game-legal way to circumvent a permit lock (I think in Elite: Premonition Luko uses a manually-calculated jump to reach Col 70 Sector but this is not an option for us), which would be cool if it existed and hadn't been talked about, then I'm afraid I'll confine my attention to accessible systems for the time being. I've been doing racing the last week but before that have been spending time close to the frontier of the Bubble, where there is no shortage of unmapped 8th moons where The Dark Wheel station could be hiding. They might not know where Raxxla is, but they might have more of a clue than we have now.
What if Raxxla - the low powered station - is in fact a generation ship that is out there somewhere?

Raxxla and the dark wheel would essentially be the same thing. Fdev basically decided that generation ships could pop up everywhere without being discovered beforr (as they were not part of the game).
It would be cool if they implemented misjumps and manual keying of coordinates like in bsg/wing Commander (movie). But a lot of things would be cool but aren't.

The dark wheel will have nothing to do with raxxla since they don't know where it is at. Raxxla wouldn't be a generation ship since that would be a matter of record, and it would conflict with the central lore of raxxla as being the source of treasure in the form of tech/info/resources.

If anything the most the dark wheel can tell you is where it isn't. They've been looking for it for a long time and haven't found it.
Okay taking requests. Out by 46 Eridani but I’ll travel around if ya like. Noticed there’s stations waaaay out beyond col 70 in small nebs. Like there’s even one in thors helmet. Any constellation or nebula or system anyone wants me to check? No ideas currently so I’ll take yours.
I'd like to backtrack to the installation found in lft 9 to 6 b a belt cluster 1. So I decided to stop and check this out myself for the first time. The installation proved to be less than exciting. The real excitement came when I turned around and looked back towards the star. Can't remember if this was mentioned or not I feel like it might have been and I may even have commented on it but this belt cluster is super cloudy and I can't see anything at all. Also once you get towards the denser part of the clouds these don't even look like normal asteroids. I have a gut feeling this might be a shattered planet. it reminds me a lot of the way I pictured the real soontill from 'and here the wheel' after it was all said and done.

I will be the first to admit my exploration experience in this game is novice at best. anybody with experience that hasn't been here to check this out yet I would encourage to go look at it cuz even if it's nothing it still looks really cool especially when looking at the class L star from inside the clouds
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