
  1. CaptainCaboose

    Fixing board flipping(and improving the game with a simple idea)

    Afternoon Developers and Commanders! I was spending some time this morning staring at the mission boards, and I got to thinking about how many "exploits" have been created utilizing mode-switching to stack missions. We've recently seen its effects with the passenger missions, but between the...
  2. U

    Newcomer / Intro small, casual wing looking for new and old players alike!

    Hi, i’m Commander Dar We’re a fun-loving, casual and dedicated group of highly active veteran commanders that didn’t like the direction our previous wing was going in. So we decided to respectfully part ways and branch off into our own wing. We are 100% independent and we welcome all commanders...
  3. O


    Looking for other CMDR's to play VR CQC!! None VR CMDR's welcomed! Seem's to me that either no one plays CQC or the servers are too busy to find any matches!?! Message me and let's set up a time and place for some fun VR battles!! I'm in CA, USA-Pacific time zone. I available mostly on...
  4. NW3

    What is your favorite small or medium ship?

    What is your favorite small or medium ship and why do you prefer it? Bonus points: If you prefer flying smaller ships in general, why? Many players (especially new players) seem to think that they need one of the "big 3" ships to have any fun in this game. Personally, I find the big ships to...
  5. Junglebiscuit

    Community Event / Creation Dynamic Forum Signature Generator

    Hello all, I have spent a few hours constructing a dynamic elite dangerous forum signature generator for all to use free of charge. Basically all you do is go to the page, type your commander name, select a background, select an occupation (can leave this blank if you like) then click submit...
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