Patch Notes Update 1.4.01 update

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Intriguing! I would like to know more...

I know the feeling.
Greetings Commanders...

  • Speculative fix for mining hopper with unallocated ore


Not completely sure how the mining community feels about this one. If I log in tonight and get a transaction server crash, I will probably take a looooong hiatus from this game...
Thanks, but thats not it. Have 980Ti, there are numerous bug reports about framerate dropping in supercruise with or without AMD cards.

Also the head tracking latency with the rift while in supercruise since 1.4 is really bad. Pretty much unplayable since head tracking seems to be running at about 5 to 10hz. Hopefully this gets addressed before the full scale CV1 release. It would be a bummer to have the DK2 sitting unused for that long.
Can I chip in with a traditional "what no ..." post.

What? no fix for vertical thrusters not working when you're released from the landing pad?

AFAIK, they do work (mine sure do!), you just need to wait for the "Ship released, engines engaged" announcement /before/ touching the vertical thrust key.
AFAIK, they do work (mine sure do!), you just need to wait for the "Ship released, engines engaged" announcement /before/ touching the vertical thrust key.

Yes but that's annoying. They used to work with your finger on the button which should come back.
How about the stuck in hyperspace everyone has been getting, havent seen that since beta/gamma and its back with the current patch..

YES. Among other things (like 10cr, mining & large beams) this one bug is making the game unplayable for a sizeable group of players. Several threads about it; it cripples any activity. Why is this problem not on Known Issues at least?
Lemme guess - You are using a Saitek X52 Pro? It's a hardware issue. I had the same thing. Play around in the control panel with the throttle hat at different throttle positions.

Nope, Thrustmaster. Since 1.4, when you first launch the up thrusters don't work. You have to release and then re-engage them. It's been reported. They are "aware of" and "working on" the problem.
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Thanks FD,

Any word on the mission target text color change?
Hard points on the FAS?
Extended SC exits?
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  • Speculative fix for mining hopper with unallocated ore
Not completely sure how the mining community feels about this one. If I log in tonight and get a transaction server crash, I will probably take a looooong hiatus from this game...

Great to hear improvements being made, but the reason I don't know how I feel about this one is because I don't understand what it means. I didn't know there was anything about mining that needed fixing. Was it a bug that affected a few players? You must understand what it means because you appear to know that it will cause transaction server crashes.
Great to hear improvements being made, but the reason I don't know how I feel about this one is because I don't understand what it means. I didn't know there was anything about mining that needed fixing. Was it a bug that affected a few players? You must understand what it means because you appear to know that it will cause transaction server crashes.

It's intermittent. I hadn't mined for months, then got it on my first mining session on Sunday.

Search for 'mining' here, bug reports galore.

For example
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