16.01 Update Notes

CGs that only have triple digit contributors. Or almost everywhere you look, really.
Where do you get the information that player numbers are as high as ever?

There are definitely more FCs now. Don't know about active ones, but maybe they don't have to be used to cause issues.
Bear with me: if the number of carriers is the problem, then we should have seen the jump times increase progressively as the number of carriers has grown. Instead, we've seen the problem arise immediately after U16 with jump times instantly quadrupled (15x4=60). This is something gone wrong, no doubt about that. And let's be honest: fdev is no stranger in fixing one thing and breaking five others in the process. (i'm waiting for them to fix the shadows in VR, broken from odyssey release day)
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It has done since sometime between release of carriers and just over a year ago when I got mine. It is reportedly a load shedding device for when a lot of carriers want to jump at the same time. Obviously as we have all become super rich and bought carriers the number of carriers has risen so the number of jumps at one time will have risen with that.

As I said above there are more carriers now than ever before so there will be more jumps than before.

Where other than the commonly mocked on the forums Steam stats do you get the information that there are fewer players now than almost anytime before?
my apologise but lets not further the "stats" talk from here on, im replying to you with no ill intention at all, because the player number discustions are pointless, for us players mostly imo.

Back to the carrier topic, these people need to understand that moving the FC is moving your entire assests with it, regardless if you put everything in the carrier or not, is sure took some toll in the server/rs. hence why the timer exist, 15, 20, 30 minutes, 1 hour, and they took precaution when is not going down, which they did. but is not gonna magically happens.
servers runs with money, i will not stray further but this all is just my opinion, some is just based with some basic logic my brain can handle.

correct me if im wrong, Cheers 07
Bear with me: if the number of carriers is the problem, then we should have seen the jump times increase progressively as the number of carriers has grown. Instead, we've seen the problem arise immediately after U16 with jump times instantly quadrupled (15x4=60). This is something gone wrong, no doubt about that. And let's be honest: fdev is no stranger in fixing one thing and breaking five others in the process. (i'm waiting for them to fix the shadows in VR, broken from odyssey release day)
hello again, im sorry if i kinda counter react to your post in this threat, but i believe having the carrier and operating the carrier have different means in the server.
IM NOT SAYING stuffs to just let it slide aswell, i wish they do reserve some more space for the carriers movement for sure, i dont like waiting for too long aswell when i need it, especially when CG happens or such. me and my friend prayers is that one day we gonna get bigger and dedicated servers for Elite to run in with :p

this is just a joke but yeah that is the joy of proggraming, you create 1 stuff and screw up the 4 others, but to back on the topic, despite the carrier sometimes buggy when we load or unload goods into it which probably also caused by server issue, everything else is working properly for me, that including the carrier jump problem we sometimes gotta deal with, they might need more server space tbh, maybe..

hell even the megaships gonna take 2 weeks for them all to move :p

Cheers mate 07
Where other than the commonly mocked on the forums Steam stats do you get the information that there are fewer players now than almost anytime before?
Ok, "one of the lowest", better? :p

Without epic and standalone data sure, we havent 100% for it, but I clearly doubt, that steam online decreased only to notice higher online on other platforms, sorry bro. You can add even next 2k players to steamcharts as some magic number of players from epic, it still would be much less, than for years 2017-2023. Actually to NOT say, that numbers are very low we would need at least 4/5k players on epic, or running standalone version. Something in my head think, that it can be far from truth. Uusually online on 1 platform don't bleed only to raise up on another (not counting obvious situations as console cancelling).

Also, I don't buy carrier amount argument, because it isn't first big goldrush since adding carriers, so with this logic we should see longer and longer jumps after any
broken CG or op mechanic
goldrush. Meanwhile this issues are much more common right after U16. Not after CG.

But, if you enjoy some mental gymastics just to defend something clearly broken- feel free and continue, I don't feel, that I can fight with arguments "jumps are longer cause more carriers" in game, which seen a lot of different goldrushes (and in game, which need few dozens hours to buy carrier even without such events), at opposition to first situation, where jumps can be much longer for weeks or months.
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People meet after work to play and don't want to wait hours to get to their destination!
If we only could plan anything with advance...that's how I'm playing with buddies. I even donated them carriers, so they store everything in 1 place, and when we know, what and where we will things next time they simply move carriers earlier.
Sorry for destroying reality for some people, but elite always required some planning to play together (or at least sticking to 1 area).
Where other than the commonly mocked on the forums Steam stats do you get the information that there are fewer players now than almost anytime before?
EDDN traffic is at least a 6-year low, CG participation levels are lower than the long-term averages for comparable goals, squadron leaderboards are generally on the quiet side for both total activity and number of active squadrons, Colonia region system traffic reports also down.

It's certainly possible that in terms of total [PC] player numbers this is being made up for by another group of people who don't use either Steam or 3rd-party desktop tools, don't join squadrons (even one-player personal ones for the extra bookmarks), don't participate in CGs, and don't visit Colonia and for some reason this group is not only sustaining but increasing its activity/numbers while the other groups are all decreasing.

But it feels like it needs a plausible explanation for why "where you purchase the game" would affect likelihood of playing at all in the longer term, or why "participation in community/multiplayer activities" would be negatively correlated with "chance of continuing to play" for that to be at all likely as an explanation. (And some significant fraction of this group are also moving their FCs around unusually often?)
EDDN traffic is at least a 6-year low, CG participation levels are lower than the long-term averages for comparable goals, squadron leaderboards are generally on the quiet side for both total activity and number of active squadrons, Colonia region system traffic reports also down.

YTD we recorded at least 6 PMFs with 25+ members squadrons, within or in the proximity of our systems, being either abandoned or disbanded for lack of active players.
Bear with me: if the number of carriers is the problem, then we should have seen the jump times increase progressively as the number of carriers has grown. Instead, we've seen the problem arise immediately after U16 with jump times instantly quadrupled (15x4=60).
I went from Deciat to Colonia a couple of weeks ago.

I am now on my way back. It's 40+ jumps each way. So far, I've not had one single jump queue up at longer than 15 minutes, 30 seconds.
I went from Deciat to Colonia a couple of weeks ago.

I am now on my way back. It's 40+ jumps each way. So far, I've not had one single jump queue up at longer than 15 minutes, 30 seconds.
I'm happy for you, but it does not change the bad experience me and my squadron have seen. The situation is slightly improved in these days, but it's clearly not as it was before. We still encounter jumps well above 15.
Are you based in Italy?

Reason I ask, they (along with pretty much the entire EU) allow ISP's to throttle internet connections at will. It was implemented during Covid and it was never undone that I'm aware of. That could be causing issues.
I'm happy for you, but it does not change the bad experience me and my squadron have seen. The situation is slightly improved in these days, but it's clearly not as it was before. We still encounter jumps well above 15.
my lil bet here is to wait for weekend later to see how things goes, also CG is out few minutes ago, i dont think this one pays much for some people, but CG might increase trafic a little bit :D
Are you based in Italy?

Reason I ask, they (along with pretty much the entire EU) allow ISP's to throttle internet connections at will. It was implemented during Covid and it was never undone that I'm aware of. That could be causing issues.
Yes, i'm italian as all my squadron members, but i do not think this issue is ISP related. If this was the case i should have seen problems even in other occasions or in other games. That's not the case, but thank you for trying to help.
Carrier long jump timers IS NOT ISP related.
It depends solely on FDev server infrastructure
Not entirely accurate. A bad or slow connection can really mess things up. I've only had two instances of having a long carrier jump, both when I first got my carrier (that was on update 14).

At the time, my internet connection had been questionable as they were working on a junction box in my neighborhood. I was able to fix it by simply cancelling the jump and plotting it again and it went away.

All of them are in the same place having the same problem while others who are located elsewhere are not. The only difference is the connection itself. I've jumped 33 times since yesterday and not had a single issue.
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