Patch Notes Update 2.3 Beta, Update 2

Weapons/ShieldsChange the exponent of the curve used for shield resistance from power distributor pips to make it less harsh. 0 and 4 pips are unchanged, middle values now have a higher damage resistance. Specifically changed from 2->0.85, which means that 2 pip has an increased damage resistance from 15%->33% (0 pip stays at 0%, 4 pip stays at 60%). This change means that the TTL (Time To Live) increase of each additional half-pip is approximately the same, rather than almost nothing to start and spiking up towards the end, hopefully allowing players to use setups other than 4-SYS with less penalty. Does not affect CQC ships
No one cares and this is still not helping with the problem you are creating with diminishing returns on shield boosters. Leaves shields alone or limit the amount of heavy duty shield boosters a ship can carry.
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No it doesnt when you bind your stuff correctly.

Must be magic.
I bind the throttle to my hotas throttle as forward only / inverted ( same as I use to fly the ship )
No idea why I need to set it to 'inverted' this means 0 position is stationary and forward all the way is max - maybe an issue with the Thrustmaster T.Flight Stick X ?
Anyway - my camera does not fly forward when I switch to it - BUT - my ship ( or SRV ) does fly forward at max speed as soon as I switch to 'lock cam to vehicle' or 'lock cam to world' even though my throttle is at 0 ( and my ship was stationary when I switch to the camera ).
It is one of the ??? megaships - I probably shouldn't have put it in the change log.


Never mind.
I do like seeing things like: "New mysterious things added"
I used think it referred to new in game mysteries, but after the ruined ruins I guess it just means: "New Bugs we haven't found yet"
Is that one of the ??? megaships or something else entirely? (Like this).

Oooh! What would a space dredger be dredging, and how big is its maw? Space debris? (Would be cool to have clean-up ships turn up after the police and rescue, and gobble up any space debris. Would also explain the lack of persistence) Or how about asteroid fields / rings? Imagine a huge asteroid gobbler, you'd get out of that RES in a hurry.
anyone been to wryd yet, is the dweller offering all blueprints for this beta so not just weapons, Shields too ?

I want to test SBs Thermal resistance on my vette
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