2.3 exploration payouts + visual guide

Not sure I understand.
ADS IS a "Honk"

Never mind. Can't delete posts ...

You mean a level 2 scan.

Level 3 scan, Level 2 Scan, Discovery Scan Only
DS can come from ADS, IDS or BDS. They all give the same info, just different range.

Also I'm pretty sure you can do a level 2 surface scan without any discovery scanner.
It's your ship sensors, not the ADS that's scanning the surface. ADS just tells you where things are.
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Sorry for the confusion, made little edit.

As for the price ranges - I've considered doing that, but I didn't had time and motivation to do it. You're welcome to do them if ya like. :)
I've settled for the middle values, and if I had only two examples for a body - I chose the higher one.
What about Black holes? :(

Ehrrr, I'm an idiot. It's there. I'm sorry. Post left for users to mock me.

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Welcome CMDRs.

I present to you my visual giude to exploration containing all the body types
and their general worth when scanned with ADS+DSS, ADS or just "honked".
All the data was taken from 2.3 beta.


[edit] - sorry got wrong values for terr. rocky - fixed
btw - why it shows the image twice? or is it just me?
whatever - first one is good.

Hope you all find it usefull.

very nice ... very nice..
Post left for users to mock me.

If you insist...

Thanks for putting this out here. Can't wait for 2.3 to hit.

Looks like the credits are now found in the more valuable planets (hmc's / Mr's / ammonia's / ww's / elw's and then terraformable rocks and class II gas giants) while stars mostly remained the same or got a little increase.
The only thing that doesn't appear (not a problem though) are rocky ice worlds but they are probably not valueable again.

I have a feeling that the neutron / black hole explorers are now going to plot routes through A / F / G stars
Great work indeed, also interesting to see the scale of the increased payouts across the board.

However, if I read it correctly a terraformable water world is worth more than an ELW? I would have thought that an ELW was the pinnacle of the exploration 'value chart' and that nothing else should pay in the same range.
A pay raise is always nice, although to be honest I have no idea what I would do with more money. We explorers have relatively low costs compared to combat pilots.
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Nice one, Cmdr!

Although I've never quite understood why the life-bearing Gas Giants are practically worthless (less than standard ones), and GGII's are worth a lot more than the others.

Also, there doesn't seem to be much of a difference between the different stars.. what's the incentive to hunt down rare stars if the payout is practically the same as just cruising along the M-class highways?

CMDR_Fru, two questions:
1) since you created this, I have to ask you whether I may have this printed out so I can hang it my cockpit?[1][2][3]
2) related to the first one: any chance you could upload a slightly higher resolution image (4096 pixels to the long side?) somewhere?

[1]I'm assuming the use of the FD graphics would be covered by their "non-commercial use is fine by us" policy.
[2]Reading this again, I realize the question could be understood in two ways. I mean - do you give the permission for me to take the picture data, go to a local print shop and tell them to print it on photo paper for me. Printing that much black on my inkjet would be too expensive, and the lasers here at the office ... don't have a decent photo quality.
[3]Ok, since I'm flying in VR, this may prove to be somewhat awkward. Guess before I take off for exploration in this life, I will have to give V a shot.
Thanks a lot for all the work you've put into this, Fru!
I, for one, find the increased payouts a step in the right direction. I'm already Elite with over 200 million credits earned in Exploration, but I always felt exploring was a bit like mining in Eve Online; underappreciated and very slow. All the places I visited during my trips more than made up for it, though and I wouldn't have done it differently :)

CMDR_Fru, two questions:
1) since you created this, I have to ask you whether I may have this printed out so I can hang it my cockpit?[1][2][3]
2) related to the first one: any chance you could upload a slightly higher resolution image (4096 pixels to the long side?) somewhere?

I second the request for a higher resolution version.
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