Hi everyone,
The Elite Dangerous galaxy servers will be down for PC for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The updates will go live to PS4 and Xbox One at a later date (I'll confirm the date ASAP) - the console versions of the game will not be affected by this downtime.
The change log will be posted below... ASAP. Thanks!
Fixes and Improvements
General Fixes & Tweaks
Holo-Me Creator
Player Journal
PlayStation 4
Beluga Liner
Stability Fixes
Stations and Outposts
Weapons & Modules
Xbox One
The Elite Dangerous galaxy servers will be down for PC for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The updates will go live to PS4 and Xbox One at a later date (I'll confirm the date ASAP) - the console versions of the game will not be affected by this downtime.
The change log will be posted below... ASAP. Thanks!
Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed the air traffic controller work assignments so they no longer appear to be working where they shouldn't
General Fixes & Tweaks
- General text fixes
Holo-Me Creator
- Removed some placeholder text for the Cyber Lips tattoo
- Fixed issue whereby mining missions could be turned in for profit without leaving station
- Reverted the reward for the Dead Missions to 10 million after it erroneously changed back to 100 million
- Prevented planetary scan sites from spawning in the same location
- Rebalanced passenger missions to be much more in line with other mission types
- Rebalanced distance from star reward elements
- Increased chance of skimmers on planetary scan missions
- Fixed an issue with rank mission and permit spawning
- Fixed incorrect mission (incredibly high) credit rewards and expiry times
- After reviewing overall player experiences since 2.4, we've adjusted the number of missions the servers attempt to send for each board or passenger lounge
- Fixed an issue where after an interdiction, the Thargoid did not move or interact with players until taking damage
- Fixed an issue whereby a ship's shield appeared to still be active during the Thargoid shutdown wave
- Fixed an issue whereby Thargoids were not attacking the player if they were carrying Thargoid parts in their cargo hold
Player Journal
- We no longer write to the journal when in Training Missions
- Fixed player name in Journal text message report
PlayStation 4
- Speculative fix for texture resolution problems
- Fixed Companion API authentication problems
- Fixed an error in ship rebuy cost after committing a murder crime against another player
- Reminded the Engineers how to speak Portuguese
- Hid hidden factions from the summary local news report
- Fixed various transaction server errors
Beluga Liner
- Decals on the Beluga Liner have been made less reflective
- Fixed some incorrect preview thumbnails/names for Beluga Expedition Paint Jobs
- Fixed the SRV's emergency oxygen supply not activating when the life support module is disabled (i.e. running out of fuel)
Stability Fixes
- Fixed a crash that could occur when Thardoids fired their missiles
- Implemented a fix for some players getting stuck loading the Galactic Politics panel
- Fixed a crash that could occur when in Supercruise
- Fixed a crash that could occur when accepting missions
- Fixed a crash that could occur at the Thargoid Barnacle encounters
- Fixed a crash that could occur as a Thargoid dies while a heart is exerted
- Fixed a crash that could occur when fighting a Thargoid
- Fixed a crash that could occur when at a surface port
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to open station services in the docking challenge scenario
- Fixed a crash that could occur when a player jumped to hyperspace
Stations and Outposts
- Fixed several visual issues with the Coriolis stations
- Increased the current no fire zones around Stations and Outposts from 6km to 8km
Weapons & Modules
- Increased the module health of the heatsink launcher and shutdown field neutraliser, from 20 & 20 -> 45 & 35 respectively
- Reduced the ArmourPiercing value of Anti-Xeno Dumbfire Missiles from .05 to .001
- Fixed an issue with the docking computer to prevent it scraping large ships when entering a station
- Raised the Anti-Xeno turret base to allow for a clearer field of fire
- Thargoid weapons are now completely immune to chaff (or any other form of weapon confusion)
- Fixed an issue whereby wing members were sometimes getting multiple copies of combat bonds from destroying Thargoids
Xbox One
- Fixed a bug where users were not being offered the features they had bought while signed in on an Xbox other than their home Xbox
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