Patch Notes Update 2.4 The Return - Update 2.4.02 - Downtime scheduled

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Hi everyone,

The Elite Dangerous galaxy servers will be down for PC for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The updates will go live to PS4 and Xbox One at a later date (I'll confirm the date ASAP) - the console versions of the game will not be affected by this downtime.

The change log will be posted below... ASAP. Thanks!

Fixes and Improvements


  • Fixed the air traffic controller work assignments so they no longer appear to be working where they shouldn't

General Fixes & Tweaks

  • General text fixes

Holo-Me Creator

  • Removed some placeholder text for the Cyber Lips tattoo


  • Fixed issue whereby mining missions could be turned in for profit without leaving station
  • Reverted the reward for the Dead Missions to 10 million after it erroneously changed back to 100 million
  • Prevented planetary scan sites from spawning in the same location
  • Rebalanced passenger missions to be much more in line with other mission types
  • Rebalanced distance from star reward elements
  • Increased chance of skimmers on planetary scan missions
  • Fixed an issue with rank mission and permit spawning
  • Fixed incorrect mission (incredibly high) credit rewards and expiry times
  • After reviewing overall player experiences since 2.4, we've adjusted the number of missions the servers attempt to send for each board or passenger lounge


  • Fixed an issue where after an interdiction, the Thargoid did not move or interact with players until taking damage
  • Fixed an issue whereby a ship's shield appeared to still be active during the Thargoid shutdown wave
  • Fixed an issue whereby Thargoids were not attacking the player if they were carrying Thargoid parts in their cargo hold

Player Journal

  • We no longer write to the journal when in Training Missions
  • Fixed player name in Journal text message report

PlayStation 4

  • Speculative fix for texture resolution problems


  • Fixed Companion API authentication problems
  • Fixed an error in ship rebuy cost after committing a murder crime against another player
  • Reminded the Engineers how to speak Portuguese
  • Hid hidden factions from the summary local news report
  • Fixed various transaction server errors


Beluga Liner

  • Decals on the Beluga Liner have been made less reflective
  • Fixed some incorrect preview thumbnails/names for Beluga Expedition Paint Jobs


  • Fixed the SRV's emergency oxygen supply not activating when the life support module is disabled (i.e. running out of fuel)

Stability Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when Thardoids fired their missiles
  • Implemented a fix for some players getting stuck loading the Galactic Politics panel
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when in Supercruise
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when accepting missions
  • Fixed a crash that could occur at the Thargoid Barnacle encounters
  • Fixed a crash that could occur as a Thargoid dies while a heart is exerted
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when fighting a Thargoid
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when at a surface port
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to open station services in the docking challenge scenario
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a player jumped to hyperspace

Stations and Outposts

  • Fixed several visual issues with the Coriolis stations
  • Increased the current no fire zones around Stations and Outposts from 6km to 8km

Weapons & Modules

  • Increased the module health of the heatsink launcher and shutdown field neutraliser, from 20 & 20 -> 45 & 35 respectively
  • Reduced the ArmourPiercing value of Anti-Xeno Dumbfire Missiles from .05 to .001
  • Fixed an issue with the docking computer to prevent it scraping large ships when entering a station
  • Raised the Anti-Xeno turret base to allow for a clearer field of fire
  • Thargoid weapons are now completely immune to chaff (or any other form of weapon confusion)


  • Fixed an issue whereby wing members were sometimes getting multiple copies of combat bonds from destroying Thargoids

Xbox One

  • Fixed a bug where users were not being offered the features they had bought while signed in on an Xbox other than their home Xbox
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Hi everyone,

The Elite Dangerous galaxy servers will be down for PC for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The updates will go live to PS4 and Xbox One at a later date (I'll confirm the date ASAP) - the console versions of the game will not be affected by this downtime.

The change log will be posted below... ASAP. Thanks!

do we not get patch notes now or something?
Thanks for the work. Now waiting to see what we get :D

  • After reviewing overall player experiences since 2.4, we've adjusted the number of missions the servers attempt to send for each board or passenger lounge

I hope they didn't got reduced? Is 'adjusting' now a synonym for 'decreasing'? :eek:
From 23 missions down to 8!!!! Welcome back board hopping! :(
However, i was hoping for more different ones rather than 8 times Mining missions in an industrial system with boom state within the bubble :rolleyes:


  • Increased the module health of the heatsink launcher and shutdown field neutraliser, from 20 & 20 -> 45 & 35 respectively


Between... what is with the returned scan-ram-Bug? Will it keep happening or is there something on board?

EDMC, EDDiscovery etc.....seems like they're working again. NICE! [up]
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"Changelog, something something billion dollar payouts something something integrity of the end game economy something something sit back, relax and enjoy the grind"

Well I'm looking forward to this thread being nice and civil

Pretty sure that's the only thing this patch is going to address :p
lewis seeing passenger missions were not working as intended will we see a rebalance in it as they are giving really low payouts after this fix?
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