A Guide to Minor Factions and the Background Sim

Thank you for the answers. My faction was below lead faction, next tick we had gone ahead by a couple of %. There were no conflict states between ours or lead faction to interfere. This latest tick has us 5% ahead of the controlling faction but with no war pending still and hence my question. I am assuming then that if we wanted to trigger the war we would now need to get from our current 34% to 60%.

Check the news bulletins in your system. They may give a clue what faction is the problem and what system the conflict is in. If this doesn't help, you will have to eith check Galmap or visit all the nearby systems.
Has anyone else seen a faction's presence in a system suddenly disappear, replaced by another faction, without the faction ever going into retreat state? I saw this today with one faction I was tracking, and there's another I think it happened to as well (but I don't have exact one-day data on that second one).

On the one I have good data for, the faction was definitely not in retreat state yesterday, and today one of their presences in a 7-slot system is gone, but there are still 7 factions present.

I am seeing a lot of strange things happening lately. This one is new to me, but I just saw a faction vanish from a system after only one day in retreat, and I say vanish because there is no trace of the actual retreat (which could not have happened since the required time did not pass) in the news anywhere.

Well while we are at it - another very strange thing I am seeing a lot is two factions suddenly going equal in influence and pending conflict, without showing any movement indication in the panel (while all other factions do) even starting from very different influence values...
I am seeing a lot of strange things happening lately. This one is new to me, but I just saw a faction vanish from a system after only one day in retreat, and I say vanish because there is no trace of the actual retreat (which could not have happened since the required time did not pass) in the news anywhere.

Well while we are at it - another very strange thing I am seeing a lot is two factions suddenly going equal in influence and pending conflict, without showing any movement indication in the panel (while all other factions do) even starting from very different influence values...

Did the faction go into a war in some other system?

Wars can work as catalysts when disrupting retreats/expansions.
If we're listing weird things, here are a couple of things I assumed were just me not keeping track properly:
I have seen a war start without equalization with a difference of 20+ points (twice). IIRC, those wars should have been avoided. I have seen an expansion bypass a system that had only 5 factions, with the only unusual feature being that a faction in the target system had just jumped into war (and it was one of those 20% difference ones). And now this one definite vanishing alongside a second suspected one...

I had assumed that except for the vanishing, this was because a lot of factors created a chain (war started with odd percentage, causing an early expansion, which went into another system with an oddly premature war, but then didn't go there it went to the next system).
Well it's entirely possible for a conflict to go pending and then have the difference increase massively before it goes active. And of course there's the coup trigger (non-controller reaching 60% will fight the controller) if that applies.

As for expansions skipping over systems, that's new to me.
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Well it's entirely possible for a conflict to go pending and then have the difference increase massively before it goes active. And of course there's the coup trigger (non-controller reaching 60% will fight the controller) if that applies.

In one case the difference happened while the war was in pending state, reaching such a differential that it shouldn't have gone active (this was one with heavy player work to avoid the war, so I tracked it carefully).
In the second case, where I was just tracking a system I wasn't actually visiting, so I don't know when the war went pending, but what I do know is that the percentages were never equal in the first place, and the larger faction never reached the 60% coup threshold. So the situations are different in that the first war definitely started with the two sides equalized, per normal. The second one apparently did not.
OK, after having scanned as much of this thread as my brain could stand, plus a fruitless plea to the godz of the search engine (NOT google, on principle!)....

Is there a definitive table of what +% influence is required to insta-win a conflict state (War, Civil War or Election) as there seems to be a lot of confusion about this since 2.2 dropped?

It's important to me right now as we have to win TWO elections to get total control of a system that we're already Controlling faction of.

Right now, we're in the 2nd day of 'Pending Elections' with the MF that owns the 2 remaining Outposts & have boosted our lead to 16.8% overnight.

- Some are saying that we need to push to 20% 'to be certain' but I thought I'd seen something recently that said only 3% is needed, 5% to be sure.

- As we have to re-equalise again after this election to get to the 'final' one, I don't want us working against ourselves, so to speak.

So, anybody?
In one case the difference happened while the war was in pending state, reaching such a differential that it shouldn't have gone active (this was one with heavy player work to avoid the war, so I tracked it carefully).

That's probably a misunderstanding. A war (or any state, really), once gone pending, will happen, sooner or later (in case of conflict, simply after 3 days). There's no stopping it. So there is no such thing as "shouldn't have gone active".
OK, after having scanned as much of this thread as my brain could stand, plus a fruitless plea to the godz of the search engine (NOT google, on principle!)....

Is there a definitive table of what +% influence is required to insta-win a conflict state (War, Civil War or Election) as there seems to be a lot of confusion about this since 2.2 dropped?

It's important to me right now as we have to win TWO elections to get total control of a system that we're already Controlling faction of.

Right now, we're in the 2nd day of 'Pending Elections' with the MF that owns the 2 remaining Outposts & have boosted our lead to 16.8% overnight.

- Some are saying that we need to push to 20% 'to be certain' but I thought I'd seen something recently that said only 3% is needed, 5% to be sure.

- As we have to re-equalise again after this election to get to the 'final' one, I don't want us working against ourselves, so to speak.

So, anybody?

To win Wars > 5%, Civil Wars and Elections >3%.

There's a minimum time for each as well, so no insta-wins. They have to run their course.
OK, after having scanned as much of this thread as my brain could stand, plus a fruitless plea to the godz of the search engine (NOT google, on principle!)....

Is there a definitive table of what +% influence is required to insta-win a conflict state (War, Civil War or Election) as there seems to be a lot of confusion about this since 2.2 dropped?

It's important to me right now as we have to win TWO elections to get total control of a system that we're already Controlling faction of.

Right now, we're in the 2nd day of 'Pending Elections' with the MF that owns the 2 remaining Outposts & have boosted our lead to 16.8% overnight.

- Some are saying that we need to push to 20% 'to be certain' but I thought I'd seen something recently that said only 3% is needed, 5% to be sure.

- As we have to re-equalise again after this election to get to the 'final' one, I don't want us working against ourselves, so to speak.

So, anybody?

there is no such thing as "insta-win", unless you mean, "complete the conflict in the minimum time of 3 day + 1 extra, and be above the winning margin". You can use the pending to boost up, but the only way to win is to ensure you're above winning margin at the end of day 3 (or longer, if it has gone for longer).

CW: 3%
Elections: 3%
War: 5%

Are you sure you absolutely positively have to get the final outpost? There's a bit of risk there, as you'll have to equalize again. Lose that conflict, and you lose control of the system. Just so you realize that.
I am seeing a lot of strange things happening lately. This one is new to me, but I just saw a faction vanish from a system after only one day in retreat, and I say vanish because there is no trace of the actual retreat (which could not have happened since the required time did not pass) in the news anywhere.

Well while we are at it - another very strange thing I am seeing a lot is two factions suddenly going equal in influence and pending conflict, without showing any movement indication in the panel (while all other factions do) even starting from very different influence values...

I have Expanded after one tick when it was interupted by War. The required time of 5 days hadn't passed but it happened. So maybe the same happened with the Retreat.
I have Expanded after one tick when it was interupted by War. The required time of 5 days hadn't passed but it happened. So maybe the same happened with the Retreat.

You know what, you both are right. I checked around and there it is, in civil war in its home system. I know about war early triggering expansion but did not think it could apply to other states. So the minor malfunction here is that when it happens, it is not logged anywhere as it should.
You know what, you both are right. I checked around and there it is, in civil war in its home system. I know about war early triggering expansion but did not think it could apply to other states. So the minor malfunction here is that when it happens, it is not logged anywhere as it should.

Interesting this. As I was in Investment, and decided to take a little trip to the void and see the Neutrons in there new clothing. Anyway, 2 days out and my Investment has been interrupted by a War too. My fellow Cmdr who runs his own gaff next to mine checked in on it for me, and says there is no mention of the ending of the Investment phase but sent me a pic of the faction telling me of the War.

So it might be a case of, if your state is interrupted in any way that cuts it short, it doesn't get reported in the faction news.
We need more corroborative evidence of this from other places and Cmdrs before we go to FD and say 'you have issues here'.

Good spot though Sentenza. +1
So it might be a case of, if your state is interrupted in any way that cuts it short, it doesn't get reported in the faction news.
We need more corroborative evidence of this from other places and Cmdrs before we go to FD and say 'you have issues here'.

ToCs retreat in Karunti got cut short by war (2 days only) and the news happily mentioned it, as did the faction summary. Nothing wrong here.
ToCs retreat in Karunti got cut short by war (2 days only) and the news happily mentioned it, as did the faction summary. Nothing wrong here.

Maybe my mate missed it then. Maybe there is no issue with Retreat but an issue with Investment. Could be something wrong here, ill get him to check again.


OK, so Expansion seems to begin at 75% influence, but it is only flavour text indicating preparations (pending state). Is there something more than the 75% influence that's needed?

Do we have to read Cthulhian quotes by candlelight to summon the Mi-go or something?
Or is there a mandatory wait period before expansion begins?
You know what, you both are right. I checked around and there it is, in civil war in its home system. I know about war early triggering expansion but did not think it could apply to other states. So the minor malfunction here is that when it happens, it is not logged anywhere as it should.

I will have to do some checking since in my case it's possible I haven't found all of this faction's locations. I will try to verify. If I'm able to, it would be verification that war-interrupting-state might apply to retreat.

EDIT: and I bet it's the case, because I had a large number of non-combat missions for that faction take no effect after the tick. I just have to find the culprit system to provide the verification on this theory.
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there is no such thing as "insta-win", unless you mean, "complete the conflict in the minimum time of 3 day + 1 extra, and be above the winning margin". You can use the pending to boost up, but the only way to win is to ensure you're above winning margin at the end of day 3 (or longer, if it has gone for longer).

CW: 3%
Elections: 3%
War: 5%

Are you sure you absolutely positively have to get the final outpost? There's a bit of risk there, as you'll have to equalize again. Lose that conflict, and you lose control of the system. Just so you realize that.

LOL, yes, that's EXACTLY what I meant by insta-win :D

...and no, we're not in the least bit worried about losing control.

We're GOOD, and it isn't our first time, by a long way ;)
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