A Guide to Minor Factions and the Background Sim

Hello Folks

I have 2 small question to the BGS because I wonder what happen in the last days.

We are in 2 Systems. Our Home-System (we have the main station and some outpost) and 1 Expansion. We are not active in the Expansion because it's the main system of our allied Player Faction.

We try to get the state "expansion" in our Home-System again (Trigger for that is 75%, correct?). We do all what advised in various BGS-Wikis to increase our influence in the Home-System: Missions, Trading/Mining, Bounty hunting, Explorationdata.

Before 2.2 this runs well but after 2.2 we get some problems. We try to start a new expnasion status and now we stuck since some days around 70% in our main system while our Expansion-System influence grows up! Our influence goes already slightly down in our Home-System. Our expansion system get more and more influence without doing anything!

Now the questions:

1. Is it possible that the % our work for more influence shared in our Home-System AND in the expansion? For example: 3% more influence shared with 2% to our expansion and 1% in our Home-System.

2. Some of our members make a lot of bounty in the hazardous and high Mining areas. They also kill alot fugitive NPC-ships of our own faction. Decrase this the influence of our Playerfaction? Because some say this will be decrease the influence of our faction alot. But other say "fugitive is still fugitive" and the Bounty rewards will increase the influence of our Player Faction.

It would be great if someone with much knowledge about the BGS can answer this questions and mabye can give us some more tipps for increasing our influence.

Sorry for my bad english but I'm not a native english speaker

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Hello Folks
1. Is it possible that the % our work for more influence shared in our Home-System AND in the expansion? For example: 3% more influence shared with 2% to our expansion and 1% in our Home-System.

2. Some of our members make a lot of bounty in the hazardous and high Mining areas. They also kill alot fugitive NPC-ships of our own faction. Decrase this the influence of our Playerfaction? Because some say this will be decrease the influence of our faction alot. But other say "fugitive is still fugitive" and the Bounty rewards will increase the influence of our Player Faction.

Good luck with your endeavors.
1. Basically influence related activities are system specific just like the influence values. So technically the answer is no. There are potentially a range of misleading signs of hinting on influence being interlinked. First of all increasing influence in the 70% region requires way more efforts than in a system with lower influence values. Remember that other factors, most importantly population and other misc player activities also affect this. Another cause of this perception might be interlinked activities carried out in both systems like missions, trading and other activities using one system as a source and the other as target. Bounty hunting in one system and selling bonds in another is another prime example.

2. Although this is a debated area for me it seems quite clear that killing a ship decreases a faction's influence (with a tiny % value). That said this primary effect is proportional (all affected factions share the effects of total kills in direct proportion of their "losses"), so even in itself the controller generally has a (significant comparative) net gain on non selective killing of wanted ships in a RES. The loss portion (of the net gain) of the controller is again offset in a different level from cashing in bounties.
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Some of our members make a lot of bounty in the hazardous and high Mining areas. They also kill alot fugitive NPC-ships of our own faction. Decrase this the influence of our Playerfaction? Because some say this will be decrease the influence of our faction alot. But other say "fugitive is still fugitive" and the Bounty rewards will increase the influence of our Player Faction.

exactly this.

a) killing a ship of a minor faction, wanted or not, decreases a minor factions influence.
b) cashing in a bountie issued by a minor factions ups that faction influence.

last time i have tested that for myself it was ~15 shipkills = 1 bountie claim.

now, if your faction spawns a lot of pirates, and your bountie hunters kill >15 ships of your faction, before cashing in their bounties, you'll loose influence in fact.

there are two ways to approach this:

a) don't shoot wanted ships of your faction
b) cash in, whenever you have shot 1 wanted ship of your faction.

it is the number of bountie transactions/cash-ins that count, not the CR value of a bountie. e.g. whether you shoot 1 wanted eagle or 1 wanted anaconda, or 10 wanted condas before you cash in once, is in terms of influence the same.

Deleted member 38366

Hello Folks

I have 2 small question to the BGS because I wonder what happen in the last days.

We are in 2 Systems. Our Home-System (we have the main station and some outpost) and 1 Expansion. We are not active in the Expansion because it's the main system of our allied Player Faction.

We try to get the state "expansion" in our Home-System again (Trigger for that is 75%, correct?). We do all what advised in various BGS-Wikis to increase our influence in the Home-System: Missions, Trading/Mining, Bounty hunting, Explorationdata.

Before 2.2 this runs well but after 2.2 we get some problems. We try to start a new expnasion status and now we stuck since some days around 70% in our main system while our Expansion-System influence grows up! Our influence goes already slightly down in our Home-System. Our expansion system get more and more influence without doing anything!

Now the questions:

1. Is it possible that the % our work for more influence shared in our Home-System AND in the expansion? For example: 3% more influence shared with 2% to our expansion and 1% in our Home-System.

2. Some of our members make a lot of bounty in the hazardous and high Mining areas. They also kill alot fugitive NPC-ships of our own faction. Decrase this the influence of our Playerfaction? Because some say this will be decrease the influence of our faction alot. But other say "fugitive is still fugitive" and the Bounty rewards will increase the influence of our Player Faction.

It would be great if someone with much knowledge about the BGS can answer this questions and mabye can give us some more tipps for increasing our influence.

Sorry for my bad english but I'm not a native english speaker


1. There is no Influence sharing amongst various Systems. Support System A and only System A gains Influence.

Caviats :
- Secondary Effects of Missions (Target Factions) can boost the Influence of these, to a varying degree. Sometimes it's a quite profound effect, sometimes it seems nothing (despite the Mission Results indicating otherwise).
- Independent Mission runners can easily cause Influence boosts, especially if the Faction is at very low Influence

2. Bounty Hunting carries a few distinct caviats :
- taking down Wanted Ships from the own Faction does cause a small Influence loss, but that's vastly outdone by handing in the gained Bounty Voucher in the same location

Using Kill-Warrant Scanner for the runs can have an adverse effect due to the following Reason :
- Factions residing at low Influence gain Influence very easily, even if the Inputs are fairly small
- Factions residing at high Influence gain Influence far less, requiring an increasingly disproportional Input to counter anything the small Factions easily gained

My personal rule of thumb : Influence "brackets" cut the Influence effects of any input about in half, beginning at 50% and then every full 60/70/80/90%.
This is the reason it's easy to move from i.e. 10 to 15%, but much much harder doing the same from 70 to 75%. And extremely hard to move when already >90%.

That means a typical Bounty Hunting run using a KWS might yield this :
- 2M Cr Faction A (72% Influence)
- 300k Cr Faction B (15% Influence)
- 200k Cr Faction C (7% Influence)
- 150k Cr Faction D (6% Influence)
- xxxk Cr Empire/Alliance/Federation (irrelevant, unless one of the local Factions is alinged, then it benefits from the SuperPower Bounty handed in)

Effectively, this means Factions B,C and D actually gain more % due to getting the full Influence effect than your Faction A (despite handing in 2M). At >70% Influence, the effect on the Influence is merely about ~1/8th.

And herein lies the problem : 3 other Factions got a total of 650k in Bounties, which outdoes your Input for your Majority Faction simply because of its already high Influence.
The following Influence redistrbution then causes your Faction to lose Influence. Simply due to "supporting" the 3 other Factions that get the full Influence effect of their Inputs while you fight the >70% "uphill battle".

The Solution to this is not to use a Kill-Warrant Scanner. The price for that is a slow decay of Reputation with all the other Factions in your System, if you can live with that.
Then, the only Input goes to your Faction and you stop involuntarily "supporting" the other, smaller Factions.

An Alternative for example is to Import/Export Bounties to a Target System, but that requires another System you control and it'll need suitable Bounty Hunting grounds.

Another Alternative I haven't tested yet, and that would be handing in the Bounty Vouchers for the other local Factions via the -25% Discount Facility - hoping you get 75% of the pay just for the Credits, but that this might not yield any Influence gains for these other Factions.
I'm kinda under the assumption that selling Bounties into that Broker Network found in Low Secutiry Systems is barred from having an Influence effect on the respective Faction(s), but I'm not sure about that.

Personally, I always conduct BH runs without KWS.
This has stopped the Influence decay (felt like fighting windmills) very nicely and reliably, especially since the primary Bounty Hunting System has us always well beyond 80% or even >90% Influence.

Note : should you ever end up in an Election State, you'll see the mentioned effect hitting very hard - since Combat Activities don't count at all during an Election Phase throughout all Systems your Faction is present in.
Took me a while to figure out, but especially during Elections we persistently lost alot of Influence in all of our Systems that were known Bounty Hunting Grounds. Above Explanation was the sole reason for it.

Forgot :

I also reasonably believe that a 1-9% Influence bracket exists (actually boosting any Input), saw many unexpected Influence effects when handing in a single, rather miniscule Input into Systems where our Faction was <10%.
(aimed solely at "finetuning" our Faction away from very nearby useless Conflict Triggers - i.e. another Faction 0.6% below us and the next one 2% above us)
Expected was a ~0.1%-0.2% move, what I got was a full 0.4%. I'm under the assumption that Inputs are boosted by x2 Factor for Factions between 1-9% Influence.


Usual Disclaimer :
- personal Experience only
- several of above conclusions would be likely subject for debate... but they have worked extremely well for me, so that's what I go by.
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So few days ago myFaction pending state were "Expansion". And just on today's tick the expansion is now on Current State. My question is.

- How do I know which system myFaction going to expand to?
- And when can I start seeing myFaction on another system? When the Expansion states ended?
- I've also heard Expansion going to take 15% of whatever your influence is from the origin system, where does the Influence reduction take place? The end of Expansion state?

So few days ago myFaction pending state were "Expansion". And just on today's tick the expansion is now on Current State. My question is.

- How do I know which system myFaction going to expand to?
- And when can I start seeing myFaction on another system? When the Expansion states ended?
- I've also heard Expansion going to take 15% of whatever your influence is from the origin system, where does the Influence reduction take place? The end of Expansion state?


It's been my experience that you lose about 3% influence a day from the system where your expansion started once the expansion goes into its active state. Other systems seem to lose a small amount of influence too, but it's not so bad.

In 5-7 days, the expansion should be over and you should get a news item in the stations where your faction is present. It should say where the expansion came from and where you went.

You can shorten the expansion time with a carefully planned conflict. The conflict needs to go active after the expansion goes active. The conflict will force the expansion to complete.

You can also see where you're going before the expansion is over by looking up the closest system with 6 or fewer factions to the one where your influence was highest at the start of pending expansion.
It's been my experience that you lose about 3% influence a day from the system where your expansion started once the expansion goes into its active state. Other systems seem to lose a small amount of influence too, but it's not so bad.

In 5-7 days, the expansion should be over and you should get a news item in the stations where your faction is present. It should say where the expansion came from and where you went.

You can shorten the expansion time with a carefully planned conflict. The conflict needs to go active after the expansion goes active. The conflict will force the expansion to complete.

You can also see where you're going before the expansion is over by looking up the closest system with 6 or fewer factions to the one where your influence was highest at the start of pending expansion.

Excellent answer, just to add, we have recently seen when expansion went active on the Monday tick and expansion took place the following Monday. So the day that expansion went active is day 0 and you need 5-7 more ticks (days) before expansion takes place. So in our case active Monday could have expanded Saturday - Monday, and we had Monday :(
Oic, thank you. And yes it seems myFaction just lost 3% influence the last tick. Is this number constant? Like no matter how much missions you do/trade/exploration data, your faction that is in Expansion will lose influence over the week?
Oic, thank you. And yes it seems myFaction just lost 3% influence the last tick. Is this number constant? Like no matter how much missions you do/trade/exploration data, your faction that is in Expansion will lose influence over the week?

Nah you can counteract the inf loss by doing missions or any other thing that affects influence in a positive way (trading, selling stellar data, etc).


There is some serious bull going on here. 18 points (read it again: 18 points) between faction influences - peace for days -and suddenly there is a civil war between them.

Yeah, I know. That doesn't happen. Well, it did, and there is only one explanation. Dev cheating to favour some players over others.
There is some serious bull going on here. 18 points (read it again: 18 points) between faction influences - peace for days -and suddenly there is a civil war between them.

Sounds like pilot error again. You seem to have that problem quite a lot.

Conflicts have a countdown state that they don't openly advertise unless you know where to look. One the factions equalize, they have three days to prepare for actual conflict. There is nothing you can do to stop it from kicking off.

This means that no matter how far you push a faction, it will result in Civil War if even for a moment it was equalized and the system decided to institute a conflict state.

So yes. It can happen. During the three countdown days you're still at peace, you can still push the influence meter to 18% higher and STILL get dragged into a Civil War.

The other way it can happen is if the faction you're pushing isn't the controlling faction. According to other sources, if a non-controlling faction pushes higher then the controlling faction, it will insistent a Civil War to decide who gets control of the controlling station and therefore control of the system.

So no. Dev cheating is not a factor. I'd ask for more details but since you're notorious for not paying attention in game, I doubt you'd be able to provide those details so we can tell you exactly what happened.


There is some serious bull going on here. 18 points (read it again: 18 points) between faction influences - peace for days -and suddenly there is a civil war between them.

Yeah, I know. That doesn't happen. Well, it did, and there is only one explanation. Dev cheating to favour some players over others.

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Guys, it's not possible to trigger a civil unrest by continuously buying and selling weapons in the same market, right? Was it possible before?
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