A Guide to Minor Factions and the Background Sim

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
That reads like it was part of the recent (supposedly fixed) bug where wars retriggered if the lead swapped during the course of the 1st one. We too saw that, three times in fact. There were in effect two wars and hence two assets swapped.
We are pushing for an expansion, And on yesterday's tick we were at 77.4% in boom but did not go pending expansion.
We are also pending election from the day before yesterday. Does the pending election stop the expansion from going pending?
We are pushing for an expansion, And on yesterday's tick we were at 77.4% in boom but did not go pending expansion.
We are also pending election from the day before yesterday. Does the pending election stop the expansion from going pending?

yes, election is a conflict state, and a conflict in any state stops/blocks expansion.
Hi Chaps,

I've got a couple of questions about expansions and also need some clarification on stuffs. Please keep any reply really simple and jargon free. I'm not at all bright at the best of times. Thanks

When a faction is in an expansion state the home system does not seem to be able to gain any influence. Is that correct?

When the expansion state is in progress is there a way to increase the influence the faction will have in the system it arrives in?

What decides how much influence a faction will have when it arrives in a new system at the end of the expansion state?

Is there a maximum influence that a faction can have on arrival in a news system at the end of the expansion state?

Cheers chaps. I hope you can help.
When a faction is in an expansion state the home system does not seem to be able to gain any influence. Is that correct?
The system that is expanding (need not be the faction home system) loses just over 2% influence per day of the expansion. If you can boost the faction more than this, it can indeed go up, but usually the best you can do is stop it from sliding too much.

When the expansion state is in progress is there a way to increase the influence the faction will have in the system it arrives in?
Don't think so.
Never seen it mentioned on this thread either.
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The system that is expanding (need not be the faction home system) loses just over 2% influence per day of the expansion. If you can boost the faction more than this, it can indeed go up, but usually the best you can do is stop it from sliding too much.

Don't think so.
Never seen it mentioned on this thread either.

limoncello lizard is afaik fully right.

a faction expands into a new system with a fixed % of influence - you can't change that. it is 10%. different numbers can happen, if the BGS algorythm calculates the influence levels for that system after your faction has already arrived there - as the sequence of the BGS algorythm going through systems isn't known (and maybe isn't fixed), there is nothing you can do to give your faction a head start.
We had a weird one recently. Expanded into a system @8.7% (the usual amount i think). It immediately went conflict pending - this was during the state change tick. When influence ticked the same day that faction dropped by 3%.
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The system that is expanding (need not be the faction home system) loses just over 2% influence per day of the expansion. If you can boost the faction more than this, it can indeed go up, but usually the best you can do is stop it from sliding too much.

Don't think so.
Never seen it mentioned on this thread either.

limoncello lizard is afaik fully right.

a faction expands into a new system with a fixed % of influence - you can't change that. it is 10%. different numbers can happen, if the BGS algorythm calculates the influence levels for that system after your faction has already arrived there - as the sequence of the BGS algorythm going through systems isn't known (and maybe isn't fixed), there is nothing you can do to give your faction a head start.

Thank you both for the fast and easy to understand replies. o7 +1
So I am fascinated by the mechanics of the background sim... but can we get a bit of story to motivate participation? Why do I want to help out this faction other than to play 20,000 square chess or raise my own bottom line? Back story on faction leaders, faction rivalries, familial relationships, painful wars, plagues, piracy, ANYTHING! Anger, sadness, regret, love, revenge? VOICED communication, unique gifts, perks, penalties, personalized flavor? I guess I've been spoiled by RPG content in other games to expect that.
So I am fascinated by the mechanics of the background sim... but can we get a bit of story to motivate participation? Why do I want to help out this faction other than to play 20,000 square chess or raise my own bottom line? Back story on faction leaders, faction rivalries, familial relationships, painful wars, plagues, piracy, ANYTHING! Anger, sadness, regret, love, revenge? VOICED communication, unique gifts, perks, penalties, personalized flavor? I guess I've been spoiled by RPG content in other games to expect that.

I get the desire to 'fill out' what are currently just names and numbers on the screen - indeed many, many people adopt a faction and write their own backstory & ongoing narrative (which to some may be part of the charm, idk).

Some of your list might be trimmed though. Anything that would have to be handwritten...there's tens of thousands of factions. Not going to happen.

I would like to see some aspect of working for a particular faction be implemented though. It seems a limitless rabbit hole in which to add depth.
(And no, that's not what Powerplay is. I've been at that since day one, 88 weeks ago, so just trust me please ;-) )
So I am fascinated by the mechanics of the background sim... but can we get a bit of story to motivate participation? Why do I want to help out this faction other than to play 20,000 square chess or raise my own bottom line? Back story on faction leaders, faction rivalries, familial relationships, painful wars, plagues, piracy, ANYTHING! Anger, sadness, regret, love, revenge? VOICED communication, unique gifts, perks, penalties, personalized flavor? I guess I've been spoiled by RPG content in other games to expect that.

Man, I would love to RP the hell out of this game. I started a minor faction last year on the Xbox and had a back story, lore, and plans to do some serious roleplay. Well, the other guys I made the group went aren't around anymore and I am pretty sure the 25+ guys in the player group now wouldn't really be down.

But I'd love to! Haha. It would add a lot to the BGS for me. Don't get me wrong, I am excited at what we are accomplishing for our in-game faction but I am a writer and would never turn down an opportunity to RP.
So I am fascinated by the mechanics of the background sim... but can we get a bit of story to motivate participation? Why do I want to help out this faction other than to play 20,000 square chess or raise my own bottom line? Back story on faction leaders, faction rivalries, familial relationships, painful wars, plagues, piracy, ANYTHING! Anger, sadness, regret, love, revenge? VOICED communication, unique gifts, perks, penalties, personalized flavor? I guess I've been spoiled by RPG content in other games to expect that.

Sometimes you gotta make that stuff yourself:
So I am fascinated by the mechanics of the background sim... but can we get a bit of story to motivate participation? Why do I want to help out this faction other than to play 20,000 square chess or raise my own bottom line? Back story on faction leaders, faction rivalries, familial relationships, painful wars, plagues, piracy, ANYTHING! Anger, sadness, regret, love, revenge? VOICED communication, unique gifts, perks, penalties, personalized flavor? I guess I've been spoiled by RPG content in other games to expect that.

What DNA-Decay said. I'm just a bit lazier :p

BTW, just had my Expansion state resolve, and then the Outbreak (which had been queuing for days before expansion went pending) went active after a day or two. I still have a boom pending from about the same time, *and* a war state pending now, because <cue trumpets and fanfare> I had my first ever War-state trigger *below* 70% (occurred at 66%). So I'm at least convinced that the trigger is something above 60%...
Hi guys, just dropping more info in case you wanna test this further.

System: 5.1M pop, 0 traffic (all assets are 80k ls from entry point).

I did 1 VIP transport mission that paid 5 million credits.

Influence before the tick: 57.2%
Influence after the tick: 64.3%

That's a 7.1% gain with just one mission that didn't really take long to do. I've read some comments that said mission payout now has a bigger role, so that could be the reason. Either way, I found this interesting and worthy of this thread.

EDIT: Oh right, I forgot. The target faction was at 11%, and now sits at 11.6%. That's probably relevant.
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Hi guys, just dropping more info in case you wanna test this further.

System: 5.1M pop, 0 traffic (all assets are 80k ls from entry point).

I did 1 VIP transport mission that paid 5 million credits.

Influence before the tick: 57.2%
Influence after the tick: 64.3%

That's a 7.1% gain with just one mission that didn't really take long to do. I've read some comments that said mission payout now has a bigger role, so that could be the reason. Either way, I found this interesting and worthy of this thread.

EDIT: Oh right, I forgot. The target faction was at 11%, and now sits at 11.6%. That's probably relevant.

This is really interesting!

Deleted member 115407

So I am fascinated by the mechanics of the background sim... but can we get a bit of story to motivate participation? Why do I want to help out this faction other than to play 20,000 square chess or raise my own bottom line? Back story on faction leaders, faction rivalries, familial relationships, painful wars, plagues, piracy, ANYTHING! Anger, sadness, regret, love, revenge? VOICED communication, unique gifts, perks, penalties, personalized flavor? I guess I've been spoiled by RPG content in other games to expect that.


Pick any story...

WASHINGTON — Republican senators voted on Tuesday to formally silence a Democratic colleague for impugning a peer, Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, by condemning his nomination for attorney general while reading a letter from Coretta Scott King.

And just edit it...

Einstein Dock, HIP 1234 — HIP 1234 Federation parliamentary representatives voted on Tuesday to formally silence a Cooperative Party colleague for impugning a peer, Senator Poopie McPoopypants of the HIP 1234 Liberty Party, by condemning his nomination for attorney general while reading a letter from Whiney McSnivel.

Those lousy Cooperative Party guys, always impugning their peers. No wonder they lost 4 pts in the polls since yesterday....
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