A Guide to Minor Factions and the Background Sim

we still dont own anything on that system, as we were unable to trigger direct conflict with the other factions. so the only way for other players to directly affect our inf is by killing our npc ships, or by increasing other faction's inf... thats exactly why we dont understand the state change because deliveries would not affect us at all...

Is there a RES site there? It could well be that people are using the RES and handing in bounties. This could adversely affect your influence (but not cause outbreak). Moreover, I believe passenger missions have an effect on state. Again, I can't think right now how that could directly affect your faction, but throwing it out there.

A final point is: if you are having problems starting a war via parity, push for 60+% and see if you can get a war pending for control via 'coup'.

As others have mentioned, if there are other PMFs in the local area, even in system, you might want to get in touch with them.
we still dont own anything on that system, as we were unable to trigger direct conflict with the other factions. so the only way for other players to directly affect our inf is by killing our npc ships, or by increasing other faction's inf... thats exactly why we dont understand the state change because deliveries would not affect us at all...

OK, so there's a lot of things getting conflated in some of the posts here, so I'll try and put everything into one spot for clarity.

- Trading on the market at a station only affects the station owner. To date, there is no evidence to suggest trading biowaste on the commodity market causes Outbreak to increase. Any reports of this are anecdotal at best, and nobody has actually reliably caused outbreak through trading biowaste on the commodity market, however many have traded large volumes of biowaste on the open market and had no effect on the chance of outbreak.

- Some missions like deliveries, massacre missions and the like are issued by one faction, and target another faction, regardless if that targeted effect is positive or negative. Such effects include:
  • Increased chance of lockdown for the target of a "Kill CZ ships" massacre mission
  • Increased chance of boom for the issuer and target faction for a boom time data delivery mission *regardless* of the station owner.
  • As relevant here, an increased chance of outbreak for the target faction of a biowaste delivery mission, again, *regardless* of the owner of the station it's delivered to.

- The distinction between trading on the commodity market and doing missions is critical here.

- There is a natural increase in the chance of outbreak occurring to a faction as time goes by. This was introduced by FD in a patch when they realised that Outbreak (and Famine, which has the same effect applied) was not occurring anywhere in the galaxy. This effect is generally outstripped by player activity, however:
  • Anecdotal evidence suggests that trading medicines on the commodity market will reduce that. If you aren't the owner of a commodity market in that system, regardless of whether or not trading medicines has an effect here, it'll be impossible for you to receive that effect.
  • Some missions will reduce chances of outbreak for the issuing faction (like donate medicines). If you're not doing them, you won't be reduce the chance of outbreak occurring.

I'll get some pictures quickly to illustrate this.

I've accepted this mission from Shanhauls Jet Life Interstellar, to ship 72t of Biowaste to Finlay-Freundlich Port in Sitakapa. Note the target faction of the delivery is Callici Empire League

Finlay-Freundlich Port is owned by Sitakapan Expeditionary Forces, not Callici Empire League

When handing in the mission at Finlay-Freundlich Port, the effects of the mission are:
- Decreased chance of outbreak for Shanhauls Jet Life Interstellar, at the source of the mission (Shanhauls)
- Increased chance of outbreak for Callici Empire League (*not* Sitakapan Expeditionary Forces) in Sitakapa

This sort of mission running, combined with the natural increase in chance of an outbreak, and an inability to undertake *potential* (not confirmed) trading in medicines to mitigate these effects (as you don't own any assets) are why outbreak can occur for any faction who owns no assets anywhere.

It's important to reiterate though that this shows how Biowaste delivery *missions* can cause an increase in outbreak. This does not prove that simply trading biowaste on the open market increases the chance of outbreak though
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I'm confused, does killing wanted ships at a res that belong to system controlling faction A while turning the bounty at a station that is controlled by faction B (still in the same system) would :

1. Decrease faction A influence in that system
2. Increase faction B influence in that system


Am I correct?
I'm confused, does killing wanted ships at a res that belong to system controlling faction A while turning the bounty at a station that is controlled by faction B (still in the same system) would :

1. Decrease faction A influence in that system
2. Increase faction B influence in that system


Am I correct?

Its a little more complicated.

1. Killing wanted Faction A ships results in a very small reduction in Faction As influence
2. Cashing Faction B specific bounties in any station will increase Faction influence in that system
3. Cashing any other faction bounties in any station will increase those Factions influence levels in that system (likely they will balance)
4. Cashing Superpower bounties will increase the station owners influence.

Ruling faction and superpower bounties are most plentiful, any additional bounties via KWS are lower in volume and value.
we still dont own anything on that system, as we were unable to trigger direct conflict with the other factions. so the only way for other players to directly affect our inf is by killing our npc ships, or by increasing other faction's inf... thats exactly why we dont understand the state change because deliveries would not affect us at all...

Try submitting a bug report, maybe the devs will give us some info about outbreak.
Not everything seems to update properly when systems flip from one type to another. One example we've seen is that goods prohibited by the deposed faction still show as illicit when you start the jump sequence even though the new controlling faction accepts them (and they don't show as illicit when you arrive in the system.) One of our systems still shows tobacco as illicit on the HUD when you are about to jump there, even though it's been under our control for several months. We've also seen nearby systems taken over by Federal Democracy factions that continue to sell fed-prohibited goods, including Imperial (and regular) Slaves, narcotics, etc.
Wasn't this a feature of early versions - certainly pre-2 - that had been resolved? The problem arises because the system map/main game and the galaxy map use different databases with data overlap and the mismatch between the two was put down to latency (IIRC).
Can someone explain how RETREAT works please.

We are under 2.5%. How long do we need to stay there, and after that is there a pending period, and how long does it last.

thanks FD
Can someone explain how RETREAT works please.

We are under 2.5%. How long do we need to stay there, and after that is there a pending period, and how long does it last.

thanks FD

- there is no pending period.

- if you are at the end of retreat still under 2,5% you will retreat from the system

- max duration is 5 days/ticks, and can be cut short by conflicts

- first post of this thread was updated some weeks ago and contains all info listed above. It's always worth checking it first! :)
- there is no pending period.

- if you are at the end of retreat still under 2,5% you will retreat from the system

- max duration is 5 days/ticks, and can be cut short by conflicts

- first post of this thread was updated some weeks ago and contains all info listed above. It's always worth checking it first! :)

With all due respect and without further comment this is a screenshot from yesterday.
View attachment 114586View attachment 114590

(I realized that the question may arise whether a conflict state that enjoys precedence to movement states might temporarily blocks the retreat, however as displayed here, it is not the case: there is an economic current state. As movement states take precedence over economic states there is a pending period here behind the pending state, not just a pending state and a blocking state.)
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Just throwing another factoid out there... I did some trading in my cutter last night, did one run each to a couple systems, and two runs to a system in a particularly dire state. Those systems I did 1 run to each gained around 5% overnight, and the one I did two to was a 14m population system which gained roughly 8% (40-48%).

I was using a cutter to run 50t of different types of import goods, so roughly 20 different types per run. This is just one data point, I've not isolated these effects purely to my trading, nor proven anything long-term, but I do have some anecdotal evidence that seems to verify that trading different types of things very much has an impact now,,, which is a good change.
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Just throwing another factoid out there... I did some trading in my cutter last night, did one run each to a couple systems, and two runs to a system in a particularly dire state. Those systems I did 1 run to each gained around 5% overnight, and the one I did two to was a 14m population system which gained roughly 8% (40-48%).

I was using a cutter to run 50t of different types of import goods, so roughly 20 different types per run. This is just one data point, I've not isolated these effects purely to my trading, nor proven anything long-term, but I do have some anecdotal evidence that seems to verify that trading different types of things very much has an impact now,,, which is a good change.

Were those different categories too?
Were those different categories too?
In some cases yes, in some cases no.

Shipping from high tech to industrial gets you a broad range of categories covered, which is one of the above mentioned routes i did. In another route i exported from an extraction economy to high tech, which meant nothing but metals or minerals.
In some cases yes, in some cases no.

Shipping from high tech to industrial gets you a broad range of categories covered, which is one of the above mentioned routes i did. In another route i exported from an extraction economy to high tech, which meant nothing but metals or minerals.

i would expect another round of new materials, goods etc that may or may not be added in 2.3 ( variety etc) so lets hope some of these cross trade goods are expanded
Hey guys,
I came back after a few months of innactivity and the Background Sim feels waaay slower than before. It also seems that there were some changes so I just wanted to ask a few things;

When did they introduce the 3 day wait time before the State goes from Pending to Current? Did it come with 2.2? I don't remember this being here before and I didn't find anything about it in the Patch notes (maybe I am just blind).

Were there any other significant changes that I missed? All I heard is that there was a small "fix" for the mission stacking exploit (you can't stack that many missions as before).
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Hey guys,
I came back after a few months of innactivity and the Background Sim feels waaay slower than before. It also seems that there were some changes so I just wanted to ask a few things;

When did they introduce the 3 day wait time before the State goes from Pending to Current? Did it come with 2.2? I don't remember this being here before and I didn't find anything about it in the Patch notes (maybe I am just blind).

Were there any other significant changes that I missed? All I heard is that there was a small "fix" for the mission stacking exploit (you can't stack that many missions as before).

pending states have not changed at least the last 18 month.

as for changes - the first post has been updated, read and compare!
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