A Guide to Minor Factions and the Background Sim

Brett C

We'll be checking into what's going on with influences since the 2.3 update. Thanks.

If you have verbose and detailed logs of such, it would be appreciated when we go to compare to what we see on our end of things.
thought smuggling had a "nerf" - you got stats on trade - that would be handy for us - i.e. are you seeing a significant positive boost from trade?

yes, I'm seeing significant boosts from profitable trade. we are combining at least 3 high profit-high demand commodities each run. should be a good thing for the truckers :)

as for smuggling - effect looks quite similar to directly before the 2.3. patch. can confirm that illegal weapons now really reduce influence.

exploration data is back to being a heavy hitter, though. handy for factions with some explorers, or passenger mission runners.

We'll be checking into what's going on with influences since the 2.3 update. Thanks.

If you have verbose and detailed logs of such, it would be appreciated when we go to compare to what we see on our end of things.

great to hear!
I have partial logs from the truckertracker, and stats from data drops by system.

In the name of testing, we have a "trade" mission this evening after the tick starting to see whether it has a strong % effect on a system.

Bounty Hunting:
Sunday PM - bounty hunting in PSPF-LF 2 and WISE 0855-0714 and data dropped in Epsilon Indi (Schneider) and Wolf 359 (Lomas) - measured in a few 10's of millions by me alone - likely to be more than that - I did 8m, Ramforth did 8 - about the same from other commanders.

Exploration Data:
Sunday/Monday between ticks
10 mill each
Alpha Centauri (Hutton)
LHS 340
Wolf 359
Wolf 25
Epsilon indi

A few 3M and 4M to LP 245-10, Wolf 25, Wise 0855-0714

I can provide detailed logs for all systems going back to the point the tick happened.

----------------------------Today's update: 17th April------------------------------
**50.7%** at home in Alpha Centauri (+3.5%)
**45.4%** in George Pantazis (+5.8%)
**47.9%** in LHS 340 (+3.8%)
**43.1%** in LP 245-10 (-2.2%)
**10.9%** in Luhman 16 (+1.3%)
**54.5%** in PSPF-LF 2 (-0.3%)
**40.8%** in Trepin (-1.7%)
**40.9%** in WISE 0855-0714 (+5.1%)
**40.3%** in Wolf 25 (-0.6%)
**38.7%** in Wolf 359 (-0.6%)
**19.7%** in Epsilon Indi (+0.2%)
**55.6%** in Van Maanen’s Star (-5.7%)
**6.1%** in Sirius (+0.7%)
**14.9%** in Wolf 124 (-1.7%)
**7.6%** in Epsilon Eridani (+1.0%)
**15.1%** in Kokary (+1.1%)
**3.4%** in Kappa-1 ceti (-0.1%)
**0.0%** in Colonia (Place Holder)
• Global Faction State: **Boom**
• Global Pending States: ** Civil unrest**
• System Specific States: **None**
• System Specific Pending States: **War** Epsilon Indi (0.9% Gap)

----------------------------Today's update: 16th April------------------------------
**47.2%** at home in Alpha Centauri (+3.3%)
**45.4%** in George Pantazis (+5.8%)
**44.1%** in LHS 340 (+0.4%)
**45.3%** in LP 245-10 (+2.0%)
**9.6%** in Luhman 16 (+1.2%)
**54.8%** in PSPF-LF 2 (-1.5%)
**42.5%** in Trepin (+2.0%)
**35.8%** in WISE 0855-0714 (+3.4%)
**41.3%** in Wolf 25 (+2.1%)
**39.3%** in Wolf 359 (+1.2%)
**19.5%** in Epsilon Indi (+0.1%)
**61.3%** in Van Maanen’s Star (+0.6%)
**5.4%** in Sirius (+0.5%)
**16.6%** in Wolf 124 (+0.6%)
**6.6%** in Epsilon Eridani (+1.1%)
**14.0%** in Kokary (+1.4%)
**3.5%** in Kappa-1 ceti (+0.2%)
**0.0%** in Colonia (Place Holder)
• Global Faction State: **Boom**
• Global Pending States: ** Civil unrest**
• System Specific States: **None**
• System Specific Pending States: **War** Epsilon Indi (0% Gap)
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OK - sunday to monday "tick" we did some testing:
We dropped exploration data at a number of stations AND ran missions
We're in BOOM
Each system where we dropped data (10M) we gained a boost of 3-6% (other than the giant pop one where we gained 0.1%)

At the same time, we did large bounty hunting and mission running.

Our view is that the exploration data is "working as normal" but missions and bounty hunting had close to 0 effect, whether in low or high pop systems.

I have similar results:

Missions only: +2%
Missions + exploration data: +4%

Today will have results of missions+data+bounties but might be less significant as I had less time to work.

As a comparison, in 2.2 I usually could get about +6% with missions.
I have noticed that a lot (it seems almost all, but maybe that's just me) of missions have now "small" influence increase instead of "medium".
Does anyone know the ratio/difference per mission as in how many "small" make a "medium"?

Thanks in advance
Given that we have been in BOOM for 2 days, these gains look a little low. Actually - scrap that. Our objective was to see whether the new changes could creat stability and nerf the wild swings - they look CORRECT (if we weren't in boom) - however, the drops are causing wild swings to the negative, creating unbalance. A 4% rise in a day is about right for a good effort, rewarding hard work. Bigger swings than that are bad!

For comparison - here is our plummet during wartime in other systems

----------------------------Today's update: 15th April------------------------------
**43.9%** at home in Alpha Centauri (-4.9%)
**39.6%** in George Pantazis (-7.6%)
**43.7%** in LHS 340 (-7.3%)
**43.3%** in LP 245-10 (-2.1%)
**8.4%** in Luhman 16 (-2.0%)
**56.3%** in PSPF-LF 2 (+3.4%)
**40.5%** in Trepin (-5.9%)
**35.8%** in WISE 0855-0714 (-5.2%)
**39.2%** in Wolf 25 (-6.8%)
**38.1%** in Wolf 359 (+5.5%)
**19.4%** in Epsilon Indi (-1.4%)
**60.7%** in Van Maanen’s Star (0.0%)
**4.9%** in Sirius (-0.9%)
**15.7%** in Wolf 124 (-2.8%)
**5.5%** in Epsilon Eridani (-0.2%)
**12.6%** in Kokary (-0.6%)
**3.3%** in Kappa-1 ceti (-0.7%)
**0.0%** in Colonia (Place Holder)
• Global Faction State: **None**
• Global Pending States: **Boom, Civil unrest**
• System Specific States: **None**
• System Specific Pending States: **None**

Whilst there is a known drop during wartime as a result of "investment" - despite us having a clear win on this, the last day of war, the drops in Alpha C (low pop), GP (high pop), LHS 340 (low pop), Wolf 25 (med pop) are a little high. The other systems where drops are around the 1% mark are "about right" during war time.
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I have noticed that a lot (it seems almost all, but maybe that's just me) of missions have now "small" influence increase instead of "medium".
Does anyone know the ratio/difference per mission as in how many "small" make a "medium"?

Thanks in advance

Sorry, It's very early days and I doubt there is any solid evidence yet.
I have noticed that a lot (it seems almost all, but maybe that's just me) of missions have now "small" influence increase instead of "medium".
Does anyone know the ratio/difference per mission as in how many "small" make a "medium"?

Thanks in advance

What I noticed is that influence is consistent with mission type:

Outbound delivery (cargo/data): +
Inbound delivery (source/retrieve): ++
Tourist missions: ++
Passenger missions: +++

With so high traffic systems (rare good trading systems, permit relevant engineer related systems, etc.) it might be challenging to attribute any change to your faction only rather than the effect of the station controllers' state on the influence change due to the (external and somewhat random) activities of the numerous player pilots entering those systems.
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With so high traffic systems (rare good trading systems, permit relevant engineer related systems, etc.) it might be challenging to attribute any change to your faction only rather than the effect of the station controllers' state on the influence change due to the (external and somewhat random) activities of the numerous player pilots entering those systems.

We are basing it on 'against known baseline' from long time stats. We monitor traffic so we know if we have a Spike for instance due to outbreak or nearby CG.

For over a year, bugs aside, we have been aware of the underlying traffic effect. Interestingly the boost as a result of trades in Pantaa Prayer Sticks seems to have lessened. Suspect that rares trading had fallen out of fashion.

In general, historically, we know that any effort by that he team swamps that of general casual traffic.

Testing on trade tonight will give us an idea on how that has changed.
Today's update. We are in boom. Team have been working our systems. Utterly stagnant. Something isn't right.

----------------------------Today's update: 18th April------------------------------

**52.1%** at home in Alpha Centauri (+1.4%)
**45.7%** in George Pantazis (+0.3%)
**47.3%** in LHS 340 (-0.6%)
**43.4%** in LP 245-10 (+0.3%)
**13.1%** in Luhman 16 (+2.2%)
**52.5%** in PSPF-LF 2 (-2.2%)
**40.0%** in Trepin (-0.8%)
**43.4%** in WISE 0855-0714 (+2.5%)
**36.8%** in Wolf 25 (-3.8%)
**39.1%** in Wolf 359 (-0.4%)
**19.0%** in Epsilon Indi (-0.7%)
**48.8%** in Van Maanen’s Star (-6.8%)
**8.5%** in Sirius (+2.4%)
**13.5%** in Wolf 124 (-1.4%)
**8.1%** in Epsilon Eridani (+0.5%)
**13.7%** in Kokary (-1.4%)
**4.6%** in Kappa-1 ceti (+1.2%)
**0.0%** in Colonia (Place Holder)

• Global Faction State: **Boom**
• Global Pending States: ** Civil unrest**
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problem we have is that whilst we can win a war in 3 days flat with a resounding margin, other systems are dropping by around 30% in the mean time despite bounty hunting in them to bolster them - THEN, the 30% drop causes next war, we recover 4-5% a day in all systems for 3 days then war causes us to drop again

The droprate is quite high indeed.

But when you're in a War / Civil War, all of the Stations / Ports in all your Systems are unable to be pushed by any means (Trading / Mission running / Bounty vouchers) in a positive way. Negative impacts via Black Markets are still possible.

Unless they completely overhauled this mechanic with 2.3 that is. Doubt it though.
I have similar results:

Missions only: +2%
Missions + exploration data: +4%

Today will have results of missions+data+bounties but might be less significant as I had less time to work.

As a comparison, in 2.2 I usually could get about +6% with missions.

Adding bounties, at least for the limited work I could do, shows no significant effect over missions+data.
We will hit war tomorrow pm and by previous stats we will lose 6 or 7 a day in systems. 4 days of that and we will have our 3rd back to back war.
The droprate is quite high indeed.

But when you're in a War / Civil War, all of the Stations / Ports in all your Systems are unable to be pushed by any means (Trading / Mission running / Bounty vouchers) in a positive way. Negative impacts via Black Markets are still possible.

Unless they completely overhauled this mechanic with 2.3 that is. Doubt it though.

Bounties should contribute positively in war. I previously had my system gain influence while in war due to bounties.
Bounties should contribute positively in war. I previously had my system gain influence while in war due to bounties.

We're talking bounties here now or Combat bonds?

i have to admit I didn't try BH'ing but regular mission running in another System while a War was active elsewhere. And it had absolutely zero effect.

Yet if BHing actually helps pushing up % in other Systems then the one the War takes place in, it'll be a interesting discovery.
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Testing for this evening - team have been sent to do trade hauling. I'm off to do a 1 man bounty thing in one lone system to see what I can achieve.
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