A Guide to Minor Factions and the Background Sim

another observation from todays tick:

faction A (controlling the only surface station): lost 15% overnight, faction B+C: in civil war, BOTH gained ~8%, faction D: in outbreak, lost ~1%.

my assumption is, that bonds got the same increased influence effects as bounties.
Understand what you're saying.. nobody is saying these things aren't happening... but I'll draw your attention to this bit that Macklroy said:

I won't speak for anyone else, but I was certainly responding to this and yes, things seem to be working as expected in my experience so far.

That doesn't mean there isn't a possible bug, but it helps demonstrate that the BGS isn't outright 100% broken for everyone, unlike on some occasions where it actually has been completely broken for everyone in times gone by. People responding with "Working for me" are just trying to provide more info.

This is interesting. Something not globally is causing the bgs to ignore our missions. The influence we are losing is not going to one faction either. Its being spread. Main faction is also losing due to it being in war in different system. The leading faction also owns all stations in system. I dont think its bounties as we dont have increase bounty traffic or crimes atm. Also no rings in system. Something in government type, super power standing or some other place holder is bugging us out in all of our systems. Missions are doing nothing for us.

I'm about to change to a different player faction as ours is broke now.... Sucks!
This is interesting. Something not globally is causing the bgs to ignore our missions. The influence we are losing is not going to one faction either. Its being spread. Main faction is also losing due to it being in war in different system. The leading faction also owns all stations in system. I dont think its bounties as we dont have increase bounty traffic or crimes atm. Also no rings in system. Something in government type, super power standing or some other place holder is bugging us out in all of our systems. Missions are doing nothing for us.

I'm about to change to a different player faction as ours is broke now.... Sucks!

Are you independent or aligned?
We're independent and it's a little screwy at the moment. -7% a day in most systems during war, bounty hunting of the order of 30-40M in a medium pop system had little effect, data drop of 10M had little effect so our positive swings in boom are circa 4-5% (which is to be fair ok), but when we take the pressure off, the drops are impressively large.

problem we have is that whilst we can win a war in 3 days flat with a resounding margin, other systems are dropping by around 30% in the mean time despite bounty hunting in them to bolster them - THEN, the 30% drop causes next war, we recover 4-5% a day in all systems for 3 days then war causes us to drop again

Start 70 - 4 day drop@ 7%/day = 42%
42% + 3 days @ +5 - 57%
next war - 4 days at -7% 29%

the drops are farther than the rises
Here are my empirical observations for the day: in systems with little bounty activity, missions etc. show the expected effect, same as before. Where there is very high bounty activity mission effect appears to be greatly reduced.
At this point I go play with BH an see if there is a difference.
I will need to run some more tests to confirm things, but my systems benefit naturally from Trade and Bounty Hunting - so I will need to look into the mission issues.

Will see if I can find some conclusive answers in the week.
If you want to pm me the details I can have a look if you want.

Are you independent or aligned?
We're independent and it's a little screwy at the moment. -7% a day in most systems during war, bounty hunting of the order of 30-40M in a medium pop system had little effect, data drop of 10M had little effect so our positive swings in boom are circa 4-5% (which is to be fair ok), but when we take the pressure off, the drops are impressively large.

problem we have is that whilst we can win a war in 3 days flat with a resounding margin, other systems are dropping by around 30% in the mean time despite bounty hunting in them to bolster them - THEN, the 30% drop causes next war, we recover 4-5% a day in all systems for 3 days then war causes us to drop again

Start 70 - 4 day drop@ 7%/day = 42%
42% + 3 days @ +5 - 57%
next war - 4 days at -7% 29%

the drops are farther than the rises

Independent and system is congested. System is Njiri. Faction Order of Mobius. We have tried to raise influence in Njiri and Exioce but seems our missions are doing nothing. Some guys went to a another system to test if it was an independent thing but they were easily able to raise inf for the "test" faction.
Independent and system is congested. System is Njiri. Faction Order of Mobius. We have tried to raise influence in Njiri and Exioce but seems our missions are doing nothing. Some guys went to a another system to test if it was an independent thing but they were easily able to raise inf for the "test" faction.

ok - similar to us then....
Good evening CMDRs o7

The experience that was observed in the last few days was different, to put it mildly.

Prior to the 2.3 patch, we were able to procure 8-10% swings in our main System for any applicable Minor faction (MF), Player or otherwise.

After the 2.3 patch we wanted to do the same, only to be presented with almost no movement at all.

Our main MF was caught in a Civil Unrest state, while the NPC faction we wanted to push up was in Boom. Meaning it should've been possible to get us another equalisation within 24 hours after the last Civil War had ended.

But no such thing.

Over the last few days we've been having 20+ people working on the NPC faction and running missions for them (Trading is impossible, they don't have markets on their remaining assets).

What should've been a wrap in 24 hours dragged on and on instead (our MF - NPC MF)

12th April: 47.0% (None) - 30.1% (None)
13th April: 44.1% (Civil Unrest) - 27.4% (Boom)
14th April: 41.5% (Civil Unrest) - 30.3% (Boom)
15th April: 39.7% (Civil Unrest) - 31.0% (Boom)
16th April: 42.6% (Civil Unrest) - 30.4% (Boom)
17th April: 44.7% (None) - 28.6% (Boom)

We put extra effort into pushing from yesterday to today, but as can be seen the outcome was the exact opposite.

After talking to one of my other BGS sources the general consensus seems to be that the amount of how many transactions need to be done (since, as we all know, this is how things work in this game - sadly) has been increased by FD or certain States being changed completely. Or maybe now that the correct amount of Reputation and Influence gain (Small / Medium / Large) is shown on the Mission / Passenger Mission info, these are now what makes the BGS tick?

If that was done as planned or due to a bug remains to be seen, but it correlates with the experience of many other Wings and their attempts to push either their own or a NPC MF and not succeeding or even getting opposite results.

It would be nice if this could be looked into, because as it is now and without substantial intel on how and what was changed, we might as well scrape the whole BGS as we knew it before 2.3 and begin at Day 1.

Which would alienate quite a few players I'm sure.
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Independent and system is congested. System is Njiri. Faction Order of Mobius. We have tried to raise influence in Njiri and Exioce but seems our missions are doing nothing. Some guys went to a another system to test if it was an independent thing but they were easily able to raise inf for the "test" faction.


Contested usually means powerplay doesn't apply there, as the system can't decide which, so the seconday effects of them should not be an issue.
It is contested between ALD and Zemina. Both have Empire boosts and Federation decreases, making it difficult with other Empire factions there. So if it works, its not helpful for you.

17 million, so its not unmanageable, and no haz rez there I take it - so that shouldn't be a serious issue.

However, local Empire factions does not bode well, and by the looks of it the Black Ram appears to be a Player faction, so you could be facing opposition there.
However it is their home system, so I don't know if they are either inactive or just new.

The major issue I see is there are alot of factions in Boom. That makes your work extremely difficult as they can easily take influence from you.

I am somewhat curious about the Bounties Issued and Traffic reports, as that does tell you if someone is stacking the bounties down against you and how many people you are frequently working around.

To me, it seems as if it is likely working as intended - just that you are suffering from the effects of the local Boom factions working against you. Not much you can do about it at the moment, other than just work at it.

You also have not yet taken the sysem over. Once you do, it will be easier and you could use Trade to bolster the influence.

If anything your worst problem is having the planetaries you do - those are magnets for skimmer missions and you could be suffering from a side effect of murder bounties or the like because of it.
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Black Ram is inactive with bgs. What I dont get is we had many CMDRS running 40+ missions each for three days strait. We are talking 100s of missions in one tick. We lost small amounts during that time. We all gave up and still only losing small amounts. If someone was working against us we should of lost alot more inf than we did. Also we would of seen huge increase with one of the factions but we did not. Everyone in system is taking away from our faction and imperial society (they in war in Ocaili). Even the factions that are not empire aligned are gaining.

If bounties are keeping us down, they are way overpowered! Also why didnt they keep the other factions down that wernt running the amount of missions we were.

We have many guys that are frustrated with this as we worked very hard to get to 60% and then the update came out. We were at 58% and couldn't get the extra 2%.
What brings me to the conclusion that something is NOT working as intended is. Cmdrs pushing 100-150 missions daily in system: Net result = 1-2% loss. Cmdrs get frustrated and maybe run 10-20 missions daily in system: Net result =1-2% loss. said before. If it is the result of others working against us, or simply random skimmer missions or bounty hunting, why are we not losing influence by the bucket load now that we have stopped actively trying to push influence. Running the missions (whether they be +inf delivery missions or +++inf passenger missions) seemed to have literally zero effect on faction influence.
Very odd. I'm not seeing any of that out here where there essentially are no players. Now that I know which mission types have the most influence effect I've refocused on them and things are going fine.

Missions having no effect...well I'm sure you've looked but it just sounds like a war/civil war is in progress in another system. That's the only time I've seen missions do nothing at all, pre- or post-2.3.
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Independent and system is congested. System is Njiri. Faction Order of Mobius. We have tried to raise influence in Njiri and Exioce but seems our missions are doing nothing. Some guys went to a another system to test if it was an independent thing but they were easily able to raise inf for the "test" faction.

Order of Mobius is at war in Ocairi. Only combat activities are effective. Its not a BGS bug here anyway by the looks of things.

Oops wrong faction.
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No worries.

To note, there are a few Power-aligned (or at least strongly Imperial) factions surrounding Mobius' AO that would vehemently oppose their expansion as both independent and damaging to two Powers' triggers.
I don't know any details that this is the case, but I could easily see it being true.

Edit: ...and now FDev has given them a weapon.
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Black Ram is inactive with bgs. What I dont get is we had many CMDRS running 40+ missions each for three days strait. We are talking 100s of missions in one tick. We lost small amounts during that time. We all gave up and still only losing small amounts. If someone was working against us we should of lost alot more inf than we did. Also we would of seen huge increase with one of the factions but we did not. Everyone in system is taking away from our faction and imperial society (they in war in Ocaili). Even the factions that are not empire aligned are gaining.

If bounties are keeping us down, they are way overpowered! Also why didnt they keep the other factions down that wernt running the amount of missions we were.

We have many guys that are frustrated with this as we worked very hard to get to 60% and then the update came out. We were at 58% and couldn't get the extra 2%.

What brings me to the conclusion that something is NOT working as intended is. Cmdrs pushing 100-150 missions daily in system: Net result = 1-2% loss. Cmdrs get frustrated and maybe run 10-20 missions daily in system: Net result =1-2% loss. said before. If it is the result of others working against us, or simply random skimmer missions or bounty hunting, why are we not losing influence by the bucket load now that we have stopped actively trying to push influence. Running the missions (whether they be +inf delivery missions or +++inf passenger missions) seemed to have literally zero effect on faction influence.

another idea ... as i have reported yesterday we had a very strange influence swing in a system 4 faction system with two factions in civil war and a third one in outbreak, whith both factions in civil war gaining a lot of influence. i think bonds have the same (unwanted?) effect as bounties now...

which brings me to the idea, whether a flag might be set wrong and powerplay vouchers have a similar effect now?

what we do know so far about the perceived loss:

- mission running isn't effective for SOME factions/group
- it looks as if it doesn't matter whether a group is running 200 or 20 missions, it always results in an influence loss
- strange effects for independent factions in war/civil war, resulting in massive losses for unknown reasons, which can't be countered by bounty hunting.
OK - sunday to monday "tick" we did some testing:
We dropped exploration data at a number of stations AND ran missions
We're in BOOM
Each system where we dropped data (10M) we gained a boost of 3-6% (other than the giant pop one where we gained 0.1%)

At the same time, we did large bounty hunting and mission running.

Our view is that the exploration data is "working as normal" but missions and bounty hunting had close to 0 effect, whether in low or high pop systems.
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