A Guide to Minor Factions and the Background Sim

The faction controlling Fisher Rest (mega Ship) in Aldebaran is in Expansion; they have several systems in Expansion range.

will be interesting to see, what happens.
response from CMDR Sticks of Frontier on one of the threads in bug reports:
Hullo all,

So after Dav ran over the numbers for this system - and a couple of other systems highlighted elsewhere in the forums, but we'll stick to Njiri for the ease of language - we've got some information for you.

Looking over the server logs for the Njiri system for the past week, we can see that the Order of Mobius have been generating lots of positive influence effects for their faction in that system. However, it's a busy system with 6 other factions in it as well, and all of those have also had lots of positive influence over the same time.

The influence in a system has to add up to 100%, so despite the Order of Mobius trying to move ahead of the other factions, sometimes their influence has actually decreased by a small amount, simply because all of the other factions are trying to increase their influence too. While the Order of Mobius are definitely doing the right things to increase faction influence in that system, they might need to go out of their way to cause negative effects on the other factions to try to break the equilibrium.

We'd welcome continued reports of instances where it seems influence isn't behaving the way it should be, but kindly suggest that an important question one should always consider is: 'Could influence changes in a system be explained by players performing actions for other factions'?


*CMDR Sticks*

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Hi Chaps,

Im looking for some info on Kill x number of Pirate missions in order to help with an ongoing bounty hunting news feed project.

Can you help me identify


Economy types

States types

Faction types

Station types

Hi Chaps,

Im looking for some info on Kill x number of Pirate missions in order to help with an ongoing bounty hunting news feed project.

Can you help me identify


Economy types

States types

Faction types

Station types


Economy types: Military (most important).

States types: NOT boom, outbreak, famine, bust, war, civil war, election expansion. in that case hunt pirates missions are eaten up by state depending missions. this applies for both station controlling and non-controlling factions.

Faction types: All beside anachy factions. corporate and dictatorship more likely.

Station types: Most military stations are surface ports. best if the station has no commodity market.

... so, the knack lies in throwing yourself on the ground, and miss ... uhm ... in finding a military port not in boom in a system with a haz/high res next door in mission generation range, where the haz/high res has an anarchy/pirate faction. i have done that. if not in boom, i know where to get my fix of kill pirates missions. unfortunately, most player factions are regularly in states which eat up those missions. and if those aren't, one of the other factions is usually either in outbreak or a civil war.
Economy types: Military (most important). best if the station has no commodity market!

States types: NOT boom, outbreak, famine, bust, war, civil war. in that case hunt pirates missions are eat up by state depending missions.

Faction types: All beside anachy factions. corporate and dictatorship more likely.

Station types: Most military stations are surface ports.

Thank you so much!

Just to clarify is

|NOT boom, outbreak, famine, bust, war, civil war| mean not all these states or just not Boom.

Amazingly fast response!

Civil Unrest? Lockdown?

Any states have a higher spawn chance for these missions?

+Bucket loads of lovely tea when you need it
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Thank you so much!

Just to clarify is

|NOT boom, outbreak, famine, bust, war, civil war| mean not all these states or just not Boom.

no faction in boom, no faction in outbreak, none in famine, none in bust, none in war, civil war or election in any of their systems, not in expansion ... you see the problem.

Amazingly fast response!

i had the same question some weeks ago. i wanted to make a post "how to find kill pirates missions". you see the problem ;-)

Civil Unrest?

yes, will help to spawn those missions.


in lockdown, a faction won't give out missions at al, so no.
no faction in boom, no faction in outbreak, none in famine, none in bust, none in war, civil war or election in any of their systems, not in expansion ... you see the problem.

i had the same question some weeks ago. i wanted to make a post "how to find kill pirates missions". you see the problem ;-)

yes, will help to spawn those missions.

in lockdown, a faction won't give out missions at al, so no.

There seem to have been some changes.

Im in a system where the contrlling faction (dictator) is in a civl war. The base is a ilitry surfce base contrlled by the main faction and it is spawning lots of kill x pirates missions for a neighboring systems.

Also a couple of days ago a faction in lock down was spawning 'break lockdown' missions in another station that it did not own, same system.
There seem to have been some changes.

Im in a system where the contrlling faction (dictator) is in a civl war. The base is a ilitry surfce base contrlled by the main faction and it is spawning lots of kill x pirates missions for a neighboring systems.

Also a couple of days ago a faction in lock down was spawning 'break lockdown' missions in another station that it did not own, same system.

that's good news, I'll check into it!
checked a Hutton military base for massacre missions - nada. no war missions at all. Enemy has "war salvage" ones listed, but we have standard trade etc
checked a Hutton military base for massacre missions - nada. no war missions at all. Enemy has "war salvage" ones listed, but we have standard trade etc
I've seen it mentioned that there may be a bias against certain faction types issuing massacre missions during wartime - or possibly at any time. Our Democratic factions certainly seem to offer far fewer compared to the opposition (usually Empire factions).

It might be worth doing a comparison of the missions available to each side during a conflict.
I've seen it mentioned that there may be a bias against certain faction types issuing massacre missions during wartime - or possibly at any time. Our Democratic factions certainly seem to offer far fewer compared to the opposition (usually Empire factions).

It might be worth doing a comparison of the missions available to each side during a conflict.

It's not just massacre missions. Apparently it's like one of the sides does not know it's in war. Just yesterday I looked at more than one war around me and it was all the same thing - one factions spawning all massacre and war related missions like scans etc., the other only normal state missions. Just like they did not notice they are in war.
OK - we sent many many ships last night to the system that dropped 7 percent the day before to try and turn around the "wartime drop"
we dropped 0.5% in Wolf 25 instead of 7% - it's better, but would expect a +ve gain from all the work

It's "not well" - whilst fighting in a war the levels of effort to maintain % in other systems, even with a large group are unsustainable - something's very not well.
Alright, here we go again...

Yesterday a War in a nearby System went live, including our MF.

Pre-2.3, that ment that you couldn't positively influence any of the MF involved in the conflict in other Systems then the one the War / Civil War raged (if bounties do have a effect, maybe. Giving the current circumstances I wouldn't bet that it'll work in the first place, if at all).

I assume that Post-2.3 this would still be the case.

In the light of this, when nothing can influence a MF that way, it would be logical that other MFs in the same System can gain % more easily. As they did pre-2.3.

Yesterday, one of our CMDRs handed in 6mil in Exploration data at one of the NPC factions ground Ports whom we're trying to raise since 2.3 went live.

Pre-2.3, handing in 5mil in Exploration data within 24h turned into 8-9% of influence gain with that NPC faction. On a regular basis. Over several days.

Post-2.3 - todays tick:

The NPC faction lost 1% influence.

So excuse me but nothing is working as intended there.

What also comes to mind is that due to our System having to be manually altered to get us ownership of two Stations whom we had lost to the NPC faction (no thanks to the initial BGS crash), it could be that those who reversed the assets to our MF somehow damaged the NPC faction from which we got the Stations back.

Our System contains 6 MFs

4 Independent
2 Empire

Both our main MF and the NPC one we're trying to push up are Independent.
Hello Commanders,

is there a "quick" way to find out in which systems my (minor ofc) faction is currently present? Currently backing them up in two systems, and to my surprise today it went to retreat state. However, this cannot be for the two systems i am currently running stuff for.

It's not just massacre missions. Apparently it's like one of the sides does not know it's in war. Just yesterday I looked at more than one war around me and it was all the same thing - one factions spawning all massacre and war related missions like scans etc., the other only normal state missions. Just like they did not notice they are in war.

We've had that in Colonia. GCDC in war with a faction, whilst that faction is not reporting a warstate itself and was merrily having other states in other systems.
Hello Commanders,

is there a "quick" way to find out in which systems my (minor ofc) faction is currently present? Currently backing them up in two systems, and to my surprise today it went to retreat state. However, this cannot be for the two systems i am currently running stuff for.


check the news from any station you are present, you'll find an article from where they are retreating.
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