A message to Frontier From D2EA

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I find the thargoid conflict the most uninteresting thing in the game, by a long shot. The main reason I don't like it is that FDev have dedicated a very long time to develop this content, so I assume that it's meant to stay in game so that as many players as possible can experience it. So the titans etc won't just go away if, lets say, all past and present players focus their attention in the war and attack thargoids 24/7 (I know that the titans role and methods to attack haven't been revealed yet, so let's assume they have). The fact that this "extreme" danger has to stay in game so that future players have a chance to experience it, makes its advertised importance irrelevant to me.

I agree that tritium gathering has to improve for FCs. I like mining in small doses, but making it compulsory in order to fuel my FC just turns a relaxing experience into a long-hours job.
FC jumping could use some improvement, I find it unacceptable that we can't plot long journeys and have to click Jump every 20 minutes. That's not gameplay. Not even "poor".

Of course, I fully expect the "all is fine", "it's a sacrilege to change tritium gathering / FC jumps", "we're supposed to be suffering, it's the way to enlightment" counter arguments to arrive soon.
Not a carrier owner, but isn’t it that you can store fuel in the cargo hold and transfer it via a ship to the tank? Just fork up the cash, load up on fuel before you go. Plenty of hungry commanders willing to work as loaders for the right price. Same goes for mining I guess, if the price is right.
Can anyone give the main points that they made?
  1. Too much focus on the thargoid war right now
  2. New ships
  3. FC jumping should be 5 minute spooling and 15 minutes cooldown
  4. More ways to acquire tritium in the black instead of just mining
  5. FDev should lean on ED's strength as a space sim and focus more on exploration
  6. Odyssey has been released for 2 years but there's been nothing new since then (no new suits, guns, equipment)
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Good thing we have people like him to show us steam charts. Otherwise I wouldn't know it's a dead game. Other than that, two points:

  • There have been 2.3k participants for the BH CG. That's a good number seeing it's a hot summer, and the first one where the pandemic is really behind us.
  • Frontier already stated multiple times that the current times are the minimum technical limit for FC jumps.

Apart from that: I agree with Northpin.
Not a carrier owner, but isn’t it that you can store fuel in the cargo hold and transfer it via a ship to the tank? Just fork up the cash, load up on fuel before you go. Plenty of hungry commanders willing to work as loaders for the right price. Same goes for mining I guess, if the price is right.
Yes, you can buy it, if you're in the bubble and star system population is high enough to justify large availability in the station market. In Colonia, where my alt cmdr was, there was never enough quantity to load my fc. I tried the Colonia Bridge megaships, but their owning faction, being the only one in their respective systems, was always in Expansion state and never in Boom, so there was almost no tritium available in the market. Maybe FDev should inject a second, native faction for each of those systems, so that we could manipulate BGS and create Boom conditions.
I ended up mining the stuff for 1 1/2 weeks to return to the bubble. As I said, I prefer mining when it's a relaxing experience.
Maybe when F1 has a season break we'll get some devs back to improve things.
Good thing we have people like him to show us steam charts. Otherwise I wouldn't know it's a dead game. Other than that, two points:

  • There have been 2.3k participants for the BH CG. That's a good number seeing it's a hot summer, and the first one where the pandemic is really behind us.
  • Frontier already stated multiple times that the current times are the minimum technical limit for FC jumps.

Apart from that: I agree with Northpin.
  1. Too much focus on the thargoid war right now
  2. New ships
  3. FC jumping should be 5 minute spooling and 15 minutes cooldown
  4. More ways to acquire tritium in the black instead of just mining
  5. FDev should lean on ED's strength as a space sim and focus more on exploration
  6. Odyssey has been released for 2 years but there's been nothing new since then (no new suits, guns, equipment)
  1. Too much focus on the thargoid war right now
  2. New ships
  3. FC jumping should be 5 minute spooling and 15 minutes cooldown
  4. More ways to acquire tritium in the black instead of just mining
  5. FDev should lean on ED's strength as a space sim and focus more on exploration
  6. Odyssey has been released 2 years ago but there's been nothing new since then (no new suits, guns, equipment)

Well... looks like "let's complain, cause complaining makes the clicks flow and"

1. I cannot say that i'm happy about the thargoid focus, but i'm not against it either - there are people enjoying it (and i personally got more than 20 billions (bonds only, some more from missions) fighting the thargoids post U14)
2. The only new ship i want is the Panther Clipper - or any ship with about 1300-1500 tons cargo to help fill/unload carriers faster.
3. this looks like let's make up some issues up so we can complain and get clicks - they've explained they dropped the spool-up time as much they could before getting into technical issues related to advertising the carrier presence in the galaxy
4. Nah, i think it's fine as it is.
6. Same as 3 - let's make up some issues. There were plenty of new stuff, new srv, new carrier interiors, new ship modules and weapons, new thargoid war mechanics, new thargoid ships, etc.
We know it's broke but let's not complain ?
2.3 k is a good number for a CG but 4k would be better . The game will bimball along, it's always had a strong base of players but it doesn't get better ? It's like they have accepted those numbers as the best they are going to get .
Whilst I also appreciate Fdev won't listen and agree it's mainly for clicks. It does raise some valid points.
6. Same as 3 - let's make up some issues. There were plenty of new stuff, new srv, new carrier interiors, new ship modules and weapons, new thargoid war mechanics, new thargoid ships, etc.
I think D2EA was talking more about on new foot assets. So far we've only got the scorpion last year and more recently, revenants.

He says EDO feels more like something FDev just checked off a list before moving on to other stuff.
yeah as a programmer, D2EA should know how server and database propagation works and takes time to be reliable.
I think FDev said that 20 minutes is the total minimum time needed, how that is allocated to cool down/ spool up is irrelevant.
For the record, I prefer the ratio as is, because it gives passengers more time to board a FC during unannounced jumps. It also gives owners more time to cancel jumps.
I think D2EA was talking more about on new foot assets. So far we've only got the scorpion last year and more recently, revenants.

He says EDO feels more like something FDev just checked off a list before moving on to other stuff.

Carrier interiors - on foot asset.
Scorp - On foot asset
New missions, new thargoids stuff

So Odyssey specific stuff was added, maybe not as much - but given the circumstances (flopped release, 7 months crunching to sort of fix it, subsequent budgetary cuts, etc), it's quite something.
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