That's a point I am regularly trying to make. All this "Panther Clipper when", "we need this or that feature or game unplayable" and frustration about unfulfilled dreams.txt is not a healthy way to spend your free time. I always say: Like the game as it is now and enjoy what it offers as long as you do. If you don't anymore, take a break or walk away. Everything else, everything new we get is a bonus. Personally, I am still having a lot of fun, and when I don't, I take a break. Sometimes for weeks. It's actually very simple.
It's not like we bought a share of Frontier with our game license. It's not a subscription service that needs to deliver every month to their regularly paying customers, most probably paid less than 60 quid for the game, some got it even for free, and still complain. I think I paid like 60 Euro for the game initially (base game plus Horizons), and 30 for Odyssey? I have just crossed the 2600 hour mark, so right now, I spent around 3.5 cents per hour on this entertainment. I have spent much more money on much less entertaining things.
Sure, some paid considerable money in the kickstarter. Maybe it makes them bitter when you align with another man's vision and you have to realize said vision will not completely come true. But in the end it's a frikkin' game, and a very complex one with a lot of things to do. Most players got much more than their 60 quids' worth of entertainment out of the game.