Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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There is no weekend on any job involving internetz or networking. If it broke you go fix it.

Unpublishing a galnet article should be a two minute job.

yeah and if they cant remove galnet articles. then there might be issues sometime in the future where they HAVE to take it down but they cant.
I really, truly respect the thought and effort you players in this thread put into solving these "mysteries", but why do you bother? Genuine question, I mean no disrespect at all. But you're all giving FD far more respect than they're giving you, when all they can put out is a few codes now and then, and some broken assets, and they'll happily watch you wasting your time on stuff they know isn't in the game and will never be in the game to the level of depth you're all anticipating with your theory crafting....
my best guess is - not to excuse anything on side of FDev, if U do some, U ALWAYS should have a plan B, C and D - FDev just got crossed by the splendid efforts of CDR xdeath who found the ruins much earlier than anticipated by FDev :)
They simply weren´t ready for it and did not only have to dismiss the whole storyline/CG´s etc. that should have led us to tje discovery (shortly before 2.3 I guess), but put them in the situation to develope something alternative parallel to developement in game.... As I said, U better always have a plan B....[money]

On the backside - what greater compliment they could have given to the Canonn community ? Just too good for em

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Found something interesting at HIP 14479. I went there looking for Unknown Fragments, but also dropped into a few common USS’s to see what was out there.
had that type of USS several times during my UP spawn investigations, can´t say if its limited to UA bubbe though, as I usually
don´t look into USS outside areas of interest too much ;)

Due to crap connection, Id better let you lot know what ive figured out. Please excuse the lack of images - I can upload one, and that's it.

At the alien site: According to my personal theory.

Three extremely important things:

1: The triangular blocks might act as energy dispersal devices. A group of blocks will reflect energy amongst themselves. They can also RECIEVE energy that has been "Beamed" to them, and also disperse energy among themselves and "Power" the circuit that they are on.

2: The larger dark obelisk blocks might be energy "Channelers" they can boost and refocus energy along the long axis. They act as amplifiers in other words, sending energy through the air across distance. But, the can also "Receive" energy through the circular depressions on their sides.

3: The Crystal towers might provide radiative energy which maybe must be focused to be put to use.

The key to this puzzle is getting the lower cog to work. As you can see in the attached picture, they are stuck in the wrong position. Red indicates where they "should" be.

But they are not. The circuit is broken. The crystal towers provide radiative energy, and in the "Correct position" the obelisks would absorb that energy. But, they are off centre, and are receiving a small amount energy at an extreme angle. Maybe this is what is powering the "server" stones...

So... How do we fix it?

A: We shoehorn it. And this is where the Artefacts come in. I believe they act like energy focusing devices. And each one has a different purpose.


The "ORB" receives energy and radiates it in all directions.
The "CASKET" acts as a missing triangular stone.
The "URN" bends the energy in a new direction.
The "TABLET" acts as a makeshift "Obelisk"
The "TOTEM" --- I havent got a clue what that's for...!

What I presume we need to do, is place two tablets on top of the lower cog in the correct positions in order to amplify the energy being received. After that... Well, after that I don't know. That's where you lot come in. We need to put our heads together and figure out what does what! - When I say for example: the "ORB" provides radial energy - im just guessing at the logical purpose. I cant actually get in game to try it out at the moment.

Please take the time to study the half (not even a third) completed diagram. I do hope I have been of some help here.


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And... as you can see, this is very much a work in progress. Pink lines indicate where things need to be placed to make it work. Brown indicates possible underground circuitry negating the need for over the air energy. Blue is the presumed circuit.
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The last line... (Connecting to the second Crystal tower - bottom right of image) im wondering if the distance is too large. That's why its pink.

Due to crap connection, Id better let you lot know what ive figured out. Please excuse the lack of images - I can upload one, and that's it.

At the alien site:

Three extremely important things:

1: The triangular blocks act as energy dispersal devices. A group of blocks will reflect energy amongst themselves. They can also RECIEVE energy that has been "Beamed" to them, and also disperse energy among themselves and "Power" the circuit that they are on.


Sorry but where are you getting all this from?

You're saying it like you've uncovered some facts?
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Sorry but where are you getting all this from?

You're saying it like it's you've uncovered some facts?

Nonono!!! I just looked at the way it was designed! I don't want to come across like that! Please. Spend some time looking how everything connects up. Everything is a bit too well placed or?
It is fair to say you should never assume you know what players are going to do. There have been, to my knowledge, three cases now where FDEV have been caught out by players either not doing what they expected, or by doing what they did not anticipate:

1. SAP8 Containers / Soontil Relics / Elite missions: Apparently there was a mystery and plot here that was time dependant. I passes as people did not work it out

2. Jaques: I spent ages looking for a yellow dot in the middle of nowhere. The player who found it did the same, and went there far ahead of FDEV being ready for that story

3. The ruins: Again Xdeath finding it far too soon because FDEV did not seen to think it through or did and thought "know one is going to seriously do that!"

To their credit FDEV do adapt to these unexpected events, however one does have to ask "how could you not have seen that coming?" With the sky box and gal map solutions; aren't they obvious solutions? They take a lot of work for sure, but if 9 megathreads have not shown FDEV that the collective player base is both very intelligent, resourceful and dedicated, then nothing will.

I agree then should have plan B ready to go from the outset.

I'd also like then to reintroduce the SAP8/Soontil/music of the spheres stuff. I would have loved to know what that was all about.
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Ian Phillips

Volunteer Moderator
In hindsight, looking back on the solution, it always seems obvious from the position of knowing how something was solved.

Beforehand? Thats why there are millions of professional testers in the world.
Sorry but where are you getting all this from?

You're saying it like you've uncovered some facts?

I have "Mighted" the original post. Bitstorm, you are a good poster, and I don't want to upset you. You had a point. I came across badly.
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Gypsy's theory is interesting. I've always felt the structures were guide lines from a map point of view, but they could be energy guides as well. For that matter maybe the energy once activated and guided creates a map. To make his theory work though, some of the artifacts would have to fit into that notch in the top of the black buttresses and act as re-directors for the "energy", change the beam's direction and angle. I know I've tried putting various artifacts into those notches on the tops and I couldn't even get them to drop where I wanted them to, lol. Has anyone else managed to get artifacts to fit into those top notches on the structures?
They - as far as I can see - don't need to be "ON" the obelisks. But if you want to get something up there, just reverse up to an obelisk, so your bum is right up next to it, eject the cargo, and it will appear inside the obelisk. Once you change the SRVs height in relation to it, it will automatically pop up to the top. But I think this is an unplanned bug.
In hindsight, looking back on the solution, it always seems obvious from the position of knowing how something was solved.

Beforehand? Thats why there are millions of professional testers in the world.

Ordinarily I would agree. But in the cases of Jaques and the ruins I think both were pretty easy to anticipate.

With Jaques, you are looking for a system in the middle of nowhere with a station. Therefore it will shop up on the map, unless steps have been taken to hide it. Frankly using the map is a blindly obvious solution. To say it would not have been anticipated, to me, would by on a par with saying you did not anticipate you might get hurt jumping in front of a bus.

And as for the ruins, for weeks before hand there were discussions and conversions about using the sky box to try and locate the damaged Cobra shown in the teasers. So is it such a leap to think, 'oh they might try that again'?

I feel both where well within the realms of anticipation. I think it is more likely that FDEV thought that both would be too great a task for people to bother with. If that is the case, I hope they know better now. If is not the case, and they really did not see these solutions coming, well, that is more of a worry. I would have though them smarter.
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They - as far as I can see - don't need to be "ON" the obelisks. But if you want to get something up there, just reverse up to an obelisk, so your bum is right up next to it, eject the cargo, and it will appear inside the obelisk. Once you change the SRVs height in relation to it, it will automatically pop up to the top. But I think this is an unplanned bug.

You're a genius - I'd love to try this out. I was trying to achieve the same recently, I've no doubt what I wanted to achieve won't work, but heck it won't stop me trying!

Well done Gypsy, I like your ideas, hope something comes of them.
I'm a bit surprised that you folks aren't ticked off at FD now. The ruins turn out to be just a glorified tip-off -- get an invisible encryption key as a mission and go scan something. The only wrinkle is you have to have specific cargo onboard. After all the time and effort put into solving this, and there's nothing to solve. It's just an RNG mission after all.

Isn't it a huge let-down?

And yet I see that folks are still out there, still trying to solve this, when it seems pretty clear there's nothing to solve. The ruins were found early. The needed bits aren't in the game yet. Why aren't you up in arms?

I've enjoyed following this thread, and have been for a long time, even though I'm not much of an explorer. But it amazes me how hopeful everyone remains.

Am I just cynical? I think I'm just realistic.
I have "Mighted" the original post. Bitstorm, you are a good poster, and I don't want to upset you. You had a point. I came across badly.

Oh God no I am not upset or anything!!

It was just on reading your post I thought you'd managed to trigger something and were drawing conclusions from that.

I was wondering what the thing was.

It is an interesting post.
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The more people talk of cogs, the more I wonder . . .

Sorry if I'm behind on all this - I really don't get as much time on ED as I'd love to.

On seeing Gypsy's pic (hopefully above), the AntiKythera mechanism kept springing to mind. I can't help feeling we're looking at a buried clockwork device (stupid as it seems for spacefaring races) and that we're missing a cog between the two raised - apparent - cogs at top and bottom-left. Look at the arm extending down from the top one (partially collapsed or eroded maybe at the bottom?). Is this an arm under which a cog (or something to imitate one) should sit? How much is buried underneath and should the area be cleaned up or unburied in a future CG?

I'll get my coat . . .

Here is an image with 4 pillars activated dont know if we got them all but maybe it helpes in the research.
I dont see a pattern though.

Edit: the three stars on a row might resemble the belt of Orion.

Edit 2: i think that the 4th offset star might be pointing to 31 orionis.
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