Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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Been analyzing the initial flashes the ship makes, looking for morse and the like. I haven't been able to find anything coherent but if anyone else wants to try, go ahead.

Recording slowed to 30% speed:

Individual frames if you find that easier:
When I got Hyperdicted I dropped back into the system I was leaving, but I was 22000Ls away from the star.

If you can cross that distance accurately and be close enough to drop into a friends beacon (assuming it's not shut down) before much happens I salute you.

Maybe it's worth a go, just to see what happens.
OK, observation number 1. WAAAAY more active obelisks.

Reference obelisk at top left on this map:

At least 4 active obelisks there, and way more inactive ones!

And more items. A casket is just south of that at the moment.

Getting a screenie now.

EDIT: Ok, my res sucks, but basically it looks like the Beta Ruins + Live ruins have been merged, and more stuff added.

Too much shadow, but you get the idea:
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Welp, 2.203 patch incoming...guess we'd better head over to get those alien ruins decrypted properly!

Yes patch incoming, new mission for alien ruins added:


- Added a new mission type for investigating the ancient ruins"

Aliens? Why does every body keep saying it's aliens? :)

My money is on it not being aliens! It's well within range of even the none-FTL missing, none of the tech looks decidedly non-human (ok, it glows, but so does patches of the ground in the vicinity), and the only thing that at any point mentions 'alien' rather than 'ancient' is the description of the Ancient Totem which says "A statue depicting some kind of alien figure' - and that to me no more means that it's an alien site, than finding a totem of an eagle would mean that the people who lived at the site had feathers, a beak and could fly.

Anyway, time to get the crackpot theories in before the update comes out and all is revealed!:

  • It covers different time periods and possibly different owners/occupiers
  • The ground works originally formed a reservoir and a liquid processing/refinement facility (The evidence to suggest this is the profile of the walls, the blue liquid which has been reported seeping out of the ground in places, the way the liquid would move in the site due to the unusual movement of the moon.)
  • The end product was Quirium
  • Galactic hyperdrives were manufactured here
  • The symbolism of the main structure is to indicate an intergalactic jump (from our galaxy - main circular area) to another galaxy (small circular area which looks a bit like a bar galaxy)
  • The octagonal shape and smaller circular structure are just symbolic and don't represent a map to a specific destination
  • As the supply of the blue liquid dwindled the production slowed, and the operation was cut back before finally being abandoned.
  • Many years later the site was re-opened as a museum. Tours were available and you could see the site, learn what it had been for, how it worked, and what life had been like for the people who lived and worked there
  • With the eventual complete loss of Quirium based drives, travel to the site stopped being viable, and it was left and eventually completely forgotten
  • Over the years since, without any maintenance, time has taken it's toll and things have begun to break down. Some parts of the plant have exploded, destroying sections and damaging others, and the odd metoerite strike or two has caused further damage and knocked up dust which has settled over parts of the site, covering some of it in a thick layer and concealing the actual orginal structure

Or, kind of as above except:
  • An early generation ship had arrived at the system. To their despair, the system was barren. That's what they signed up for though, they knew the risks.
  • All the great effort and long journey appeared to be in vain but nevertheless they continued with their observation of the system, and noticing the unusual orbits of the second moon of the first planet and its own moon, out of curiosty they moved in for a closer observation.
  • To their suprise small areas of blue could be seen on the moon, it couldn't be water could it? Not at those temperatures?
  • No it wasn't water, but their spectographic analysis showed it was something even better - Liquid Oxygen.
  • The Liquid Oxygen would provide them with the air the needed to breathe, and combined with hydrogen would give them water. Their hydrogen fuel supplies would never be enough to make it across the light years to another system, but there would be enough to provide them with water for generations.
  • Landing their ship, they built a great reservoir to store the liquid oxygen, and then deconstructed their ship and rebuilt it into habitats and the facilities needed to process the liquid oxgen and give them their air and water.
  • They thrived for generations, but ultimately it was only a moon, and the supply of liquid oxygen could not last forever. They had always tried to conserve as much as they could but leaks, accidents and meteorite strikes always took their toll.
  • When the liquid oxygen began to run out they knew the inevitable would come. Knowing there was almost no hope, they built a new ship with stasis facilities, and deciding that their best hope for survival was humanity having spread further into space since they had left Earth, they set a course for Sol and set off into the long long night. They knew of course that they were almost certainly doomed and that if they died, all knowledge of them would be forgotten, so before leaving they built archives and data repositories and left them in the hope that one day they would be found and they might, even if only in the history books, in some small way, live on.

(I may have slipped over into writing a bit of a sci-fi short story in the end there rather than having a pure description of the site, but hey ho, I hope everyone enjoys the tale! :) )
Indeed quite possibly, and the same is true in reverse for them. So they may be attempting to bridge the gap. On the other hand, if they truly live in hyperspace, and can create 'structures' and build the technology we have seen, then they must have a means to maintain reasonable control, or perhaps they utilise different space for different purposes.

It's entirely possible that they don't 'live' in hyperspace, and just have more advanced interdiction capabilities. The warp tunnel they create may look very cool (and green!), but our ships create a tunnel too, don't they? Their drive is scanned by our sensors as an FSD, so we can't make too many assumptions about their daily existence yet :)

I wondered if they were extracting the resources for repair, like the UAs - but our ships don't take damage from the scan. I do want to see what happens if one of these decides to load up on meta alloys, as we still don't know what their intended purpose is...

I don't think, that the US opens a Tunnel through witchspace like we do. I think (if it is really Thargoid or similar) that they just open a gate to witchspace and dive in, but with no proposed exit. They can hover and stay in witchspace right? So going in, than navigating and going somewhere and somewhen out if they wanna do. This would also explain, why we don't get any destination of the wake.
The US stays in witchspace
Edit: Got one!

# 7 of 20. Pic inbound. Obviously spoilers ahead



Took the orb + relic to this one (old map, but it still exists)

OK, It's 1:30am and a work day, so I gotta rack out, but that's my 40c. Good luck commanders!
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The new mission to investigate the ruins is very exciting! [woah]

Mission ***SPOILER*** ahead

Ram Tah asks you to collect data and gather ancient objects near the obelisks to decode the data in them. Somew obelisks requiere one object while others requiere two of them
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