What exactly do you mean by 'tried the VR on Odyssey'? Is there some setting we're not aware of to enable VR?
VR is essentially working in the alpha yep. Although not officially in yet, so they’re not accepting bug reports etc at the moment.
Here’s some footage of the 2D screen in action:
And some messing around with the 3rd person vanity camera, which is in VR:
PSA: VR works in the Odyssey Vanity Cam
Here's a vid of some quick messing about with it: Source: https://youtu.be/n8G2BtCXg7A It's obviously not meant for outright gameplay, but it's still fun to charge about in. Can operate your basic weapons and tools, throw grenades etc, but without interactions or a target reticule it's not...
As Arioch says above, since they canned the explo mini game it’s possible to actually explore like this now seemingly. (Most other forms of gameplay are locked off though, as there are no reticules / UI / interaction prompts etc).