Allow the VR '2D screen' to be disabled?

What exactly do you mean by 'tried the VR on Odyssey'? Is there some setting we're not aware of to enable VR?

VR is essentially working in the alpha yep. Although not officially in yet, so they’re not accepting bug reports etc at the moment.

Here’s some footage of the 2D screen in action:


And some messing around with the 3rd person vanity camera, which is in VR:

As Arioch says above, since they canned the explo mini game it’s possible to actually explore like this now seemingly. (Most other forms of gameplay are locked off though, as there are no reticules / UI / interaction prompts etc).
So if I bind the Vanity Cam to a button, I can step out of my Commander's head which works for all but menuing? I can do that on the 2D screen, since, well, menus throw a 2D screen at me anyway in current Elite.

Also for shooting, I guess, but honestly, if my pilot has to pick up a gun, something has clearly gone terribly wrong somewhere.

I just want to lounge in stations in VR and watch ships come and go.
So if I bind the Vanity Cam to a button, I can step out of my Commander's head which works for all but menuing?

You’ll be in VR yep. Essentially just don’t expect to have any gameplay interactions signalled or easily actioned. No UI, no menus. If you can point a tool in roughly the right direction you can still deploy it, but that’s about it. For just looking around locations in 3rd person (or with a bit of hassle, in a kind of faked first person), it mainly works though yep.
VR is essentially working in the alpha yep. Although not officially in yet, so they’re not accepting bug reports etc at the moment.

Here’s some footage of the 2D screen in action:


And some messing around with the 3rd person vanity camera, which is in VR:

As Arioch says above, since they canned the explo mini game it’s possible to actually explore like this now seemingly. (Most other forms of gameplay are locked off though, as there are no reticules / UI / interaction prompts etc).
That video perfectly exemplifies why I HATE the ViRtual flatscreen!
  1. Effectively downscaled resolution
  2. Awkward viewing angles, when you turn to look at the HUD elements like the inventory wheel, it introduces weird parallelogram skewing of the entire game window
  3. The Grey Burquah is brighter than the gameplay, making the gameplay window seem impossibly dark, trying to watch what was happening in the gameplay render in that video on the dark station was like trying to look into a house window at a distance on a bright sunny day. That is to say the surrounding (grey burquah) is much brighter than the contents of the "window", making what is in the "window" impossibly dark and mirky.
  4. That disconnect between head position and rendered view gives me the same dizzy headache I get on flat keeled ships in the North Sea, which is my notice to take some Stugeron or be losing my lunch in less than one hour.
This is what ViRtual flatscreen has done to me:

...Headset and flight sticks shelved and gathering dust.
...Headset and flight sticks shelved and gathering dust.

Hell man, there’s a world of VR games out there...

Definitely where I’m hanging out. 2D EDO just can’t match up :/
Hell man, there’s a world of VR games out there...

Definitely where I’m hanging out. 2D EDO just can’t match up :/
After I realised I was so seriously scunnered to Elite, I stepped back from gaming for a bit, and started doing, Dun! Dun! Dun! Out-side things. Of course, the wonderful Scottish weather often curtails such endeavours, on those days I'm playing cyberpunk.
That is a good sign, I had wondered was the OG 'Rift going to get kicked to the kerb, but if they've fixed that VR issue there might be some hope of them revisiting the decision to make us boxheads have to wear that bloody infernal grey burquah every time we leave the pilots seat.
Has anyone checked the config files for any "hidden" Vr options? Since VR is obviously enabled in 3rd person camera mode, it must be functional in 1st person mode as well.
I really hope they give us at least a very basic VR implementation. If No Man's Sky can do such a great VR mode with such a small developer team, Frontier can as well, if they put a little effort into it.
Has anyone checked the config files for any "hidden" Vr options? Since VR is obviously enabled in 3rd person camera mode, it must be functional in 1st person mode as well.

Have been checking these aspects every update:

Checked the standard install path (Steam): AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Graphics


No bonus option like the HUD-altering 'GraphicsConfigurationOverride.xml'. And no treats in the Settings file:


These would probably be the places to check if FDev were to slide a treat our way though ;)
Just reporting another failed experiment o7

Thought I'd check for any ghost Stereoscopic settings by entering this in the Settings file:


Game boots fine, but it just runs in mode '6', the last one on the list: HMD Cinemascreen (Speakers)

Ah well, was worth a shot ;)

No additions / changes in the options there in phase 4. Will check for a ghost 3D setting later tonight.

Haven’t tried entering ghost options like this yet:

But may try that kind of stuff after launch / when VR support is officially in etc. (It’s still not officially in the alpha AFAIK. At least they said it wasn’t supported / being tested in phase 1, and haven’t said any more on that front.)
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Have been checking these aspects every update:

No additions / changes in the options there in phase 4. Will check for a ghost 3D setting later tonight.

Haven’t tried entering ghost options like this yet:

But may try that kind of stuff after launch / when VR support is officially in etc. (It’s still not officially in the alpha AFAIK. At least they said it wasn’t supported / being tested in phase 1, and haven’t said any more on that front.)
What's "stereoscopic mode"? What happens when that is switched to a 1?
Ok so I tested <StereoscopicMode>7</StereoscopicMode> again, same result.

Have also added <CinematicScreen>false</CinematicScreen> to the end of my settings.xml. It didn't do anything, but hey, it didn't break the game either. Might as well keep it there for now ;)

What's "stereoscopic mode"? What happens when that is switched to a 1?

It's the '3D' option in the graphics menu:


1 is anaglyph, the old red/cyan technique seen in 50s cinema ;)

The options run up to 6, so thought '7' might be a fun shadow option if the devs wanted to go that way ;)
I have spent some time yesterday in VR, and really - that 2D flat projections really sucks - its just waste of potential and immersion.

Much better was vanishing camera, but that was rather TPP not FPP :/ Even much worse performance the Full 3d VR is much much more immersive even worth to buy new gpu to play it.
If 2d option is done - it can stay as low-performance option, but only option. I think VR people will like to play fully in VR.
VR is essentially working in the alpha yep. Although not officially in yet, so they’re not accepting bug reports etc at the moment.

Here’s some footage of the 2D screen in action:


And some messing around with the 3rd person vanity camera, which is in VR:

As Arioch says above, since they canned the explo mini game it’s possible to actually explore like this now seemingly. (Most other forms of gameplay are locked off though, as there are no reticules / UI / interaction prompts etc).
Playing in camera view is in VR and is a night and day difference, they have to implement VR into the on foot play.
Where are the modders? I've been playing Valheim, GTFO, Alien Isolation and Doom 3 with VR mods and thet are really good. All I need is headlook with my hud for on foot and I'm 😋
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