Analysing the Thargoid Simulation

Here's the kill stats they got: 424 scouts and 22 interceptors (7 cyclops 4 basilisk 10 medusa 1 hydra)
As I understand it, just dropping out of supercruise and hitting whatever showed up.
Thanks :)

So that Commander effectively proved that you can get a decent shift without completing CZ, missions, or any particular signal source.

That shows that killing Thargoids in general contributes in some way - that makes me feel better!

Presumably then, completing CZ, missions, etc. will add to that result, but progress isn't dependent on any completions. Very nice info indeed!
That shows that killing Thargoids in general contributes in some way - that makes me feel better!
It shows killing thargoids outside of CZs contributes - we can't actually 100% confirm they count without corresponding CZ progress or missions. In a regular BGS war just killing ships or completing objectives in a CZ does nothing unless you hand in the bonds or the CZ finishes.
It shows killing thargoids outside of CZs contributes - we can't actually 100% confirm they count without corresponding CZ progress or missions. In a regular BGS war just killing ships or completing objectives in a CZ does nothing unless you hand in the bonds or the CZ finishes.
But outside of a CZ it works. In a standard BGS war you can win a day without any wins in a CZ, or handing in a single bond, just killing merely ships.
No, the screenshot was form one of the new signal sources (AX Weapons fire or AX Ship signatures) that has a T9 or T10 being repaired while thargoids drop in.

The other time when things are triggered by picking things up would be non-HGE salvage signal sources (with threat 3 I think) and black box salvage missions (probably other salvage missions too).
I had that one a couple of times over the weekend, one threat 3 and one threat 6. The threat 3, I was just repairing ships with limpets and not getting anywhere. However, the threat 6, I'd just repaired a couple of ships and a four scouts turned up half way through (Quickly Dispatched) but a little time later three Medusa's jumped in and that was the end of me and the fleet I was repairing. It was Awesome (in a I don't want to be blown up type of way).
There this from the AX ships signal source where a ship is being repaired that makes me think doing signal sources might be more effective than just randomly killing stuff:
View attachment 338529
I think in some other signal sources picking up the stuff spawns pirate ambushes etc so maybe just salvaging stuff counts too?
Wait, is that an NPC talking about the BGS in chat there? Way to break the fourth wall!

Hmm, so at least some of the inhabitants of the simulation know that they're in a simulation. I feel like I've seen this movie...
To complicate matters further, 11 control systems around Leigong are not visible.

Ways they behave controlled (though I've only confirmed the first on all of the systems, the rest on a sample):
  • You cannot jump a fleet carrier in
  • You can be hyperdicted entering the system
  • You can be interdicted while in the system
  • The system is filled with control system signals
  • It counts on Leigong's individual maelstrom scorecard for controlled systems
Ways they do not behave controlled
  • They do not show up as controlled on the galactic map
  • They are not be counted in the total controlled systems on the Thargoid War Information tab on the galactic map
    • If you add up all the maelstroms' control systems individually, you get 219. But if you look at the total below, you get 208. The totals in these two boxes should match:
The list of systems is:
  • Arietis Sector ZE-R b4-3
  • Hyades Sector KN-K b8-2
  • Hyades Sector KN-K b8-0
  • Arietis Sector NX-U c2-20
  • Hyades Sector LX-U d2-95
  • Arietis Sector BQ-P b5-0
  • Arietis Sector XJ-R b4-0
  • Arietis Sector XJ-R b4-3
  • Arietis Sector BQ-P b5-2
  • Arietis Sector NX-U c2-19
  • Arietis Sector XJ-R b4-2
The last 5 are newly-controlled systems after an alert. None of those systems showed up on any of the alert tracking lists I saw, which suggests that the alerts were invisible, which would be consistent with the above (remember that alerts only show in the total count of systems (where these systems are invisible), not in each individual maelstrom (where they are not)). This means that while it seemed like Leigong spawned no new alerts, it's entirely possible that a significant number of alerts are present and just unnoticed because no one checks every system for signals.
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The first 6 were there from the start. The numbers I recall did not include the last 5.

At first I thought it was just an anomaly for those systems, but now that I see that they are expanding invisibly, I think it's probably something to pay attention to.
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This week Leigong gained 13 control systems (according to its local report) but only had 6 alerts visible last week (the local report doesn't count alerts at all, of course), so the "invisible alert" theory I think is pretty likely.
This week Leigong gained 13 control systems (according to its local report) but only had 6 alerts visible last week (the local report doesn't count alerts at all, of course), so the "invisible alert" theory I think is pretty likely.
I just assumed it's a miscount because the logic is just counting thargoid systems in a radius and they're not tied to a specific maelstrom; So it's double counting some systems from other maelstroms.

It would be easy to test of there's a (assuming round-ish whole number) radius around Leigong and other maelstroms that gives a matching number of thargoid-affected systems using an accurate list of systems based on what the galaxy map actually shows.
Unless Leigong's radius is WAY bigger than everyone else, the numbers don't really work for that. I've been trying to track progress over time with position information:

If you want to exclude the Leigong ones I'm referring to here, they're highlighted in yellow on that sheet. The furthest-out alert so far is Hyades Sector GW-W d1-82, 25.6 ly out from Taranis. The distance between Leigong and its nearest maelstrom (Indra) is 117 ly
If you want to exclude the Leigong ones I'm referring to here, they're highlighted in yellow on that sheet. The furthest-out alert so far is Hyades Sector GW-W d1-82, 25.6 ly out from Taranis. The distance between Leigong and its nearest maelstrom (Indra) is 117 ly
If the radius is 100Ly it might work - Indra has stuff that's further than 17Ly from it that might match.
Taranis is only 92ly away from Indra, so if Leigong is double-counting, Indra would be double-counting even harder, but we can identify all control systems for Indra's count within 23 ly. And again, it's not just the count. If you visit those systems, the ones I've visited have interdictions and hyperdictions just like control systems, I've heard similar reports from others, and they block out fleet carrier jumps.
If you jump around and visit some of the nearby systems that aren't shown on the thargoid war map, they will show THARGOID above your fuel gauge on the HUD, revealing that they are in fact under thargoid control (but have no active "attack cycle").

TG War signal detection based list of Thargoid controlled systems:

63 Tauri
71 Tauri
Arietis Sector AQ-P b5-0
Arietis Sector LM-V b2-5
Cephei Sector AV-Y b3
Cephei Sector BV-Y b4
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-18
Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-5
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-114
Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-6
HIP 10778
HIP 15415
HIP 17837
HIP 17862
HIP 19026
HIP 19098
HIP 19263
HIP 20350
HIP 20563
HIP 20567
HIP 20785
HIP 20859
HIP 21912
HIP 22334
HIP 23816
HIP 25654
HIP 30377
HIP 30439
HIP 7819
HIP 8887
HIP 9016
HR 1737
Hyades Sector BV-O b6-2
Hyades Sector BV-O b6-4
Hyades Sector DQ-O b6-0
Hyades Sector EB-N b7-0
Hyades Sector EQ-O b6-1
Hyades Sector FB-N b7-0
Hyades Sector FB-N b7-1
Hyades Sector FB-N b7-2
Hyades Sector FB-N b7-3
Hyades Sector FB-N b7-4
Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6
Hyades Sector GB-N b7-0
Hyades Sector GB-N b7-1
Hyades Sector GB-N b7-2
Hyades Sector GW-W d1-88
Hyades Sector GW-W d1-99
Hyades Sector HW-M b7-0
Hyades Sector HW-M b7-4
Hyades Sector HW-M b7-5
Hyades Sector JN-K b8-1
Hyades Sector RT-Q b5-4
Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-5
Hyades Sector TO-Q b5-4
Hyadum I
Lhou Mans
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-1
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-3
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-6
Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-1
Pegasi Sector JH-V c2-21
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-2
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-9
Pleiades Sector AV-Y c7
Pleiades Sector GW-W d1-54
Pleiades Sector HH-V c2-6
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-61
Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-76
Pleiades Sector MX-U d2-54
Pleiades Sector OD-S b4-1
Pleiades Sector OS-U c2-7
Pleiades Sector OY-R c4-19
Trianguli Sector BA-A d85
Trianguli Sector CA-A c15
Trianguli Sector EQ-Y b6
Trianguli Sector FL-Y b5
Trianguli Sector ZJ-A b1

The list contains 92 systems, so some are still missing.
Control systems don't always have thargoid signals present at all times.
Your list is also missing the ones already mentioned earlier in the thread (that aren't shown on the map).

First, an important correction. The list was constructed based on the system allegiance to Thargoids.

TG Warzones usually appear in the invaded systems, rarelly in the alerted ones. Additionally, there are often damaged stations present in invaded systems.

Unfortunatelly, there is no unambiguous method for detecting alerted systems.

In general, external monitoring of the ongoing war is a bit tricky and definitelly doesn't allow constructing the complete picture.

Hence, different sources (like INARA, AXI) present slightly different situations. And external state classifications sometimes differ from the in-game actuals.

FDEVs implemented only a partial state logging.
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First, an important correction. The list was constructed based on the system allegiance to Thargoids.
Then why does it state "TG War signal detection based list of Thargoid controlled systems" ?

To check the allegiance you have to visit the system and see what the ship's HUD displays. Checking for signals, hyperdictions and/or being able to plot with a fleet carrier are not reliable methods due to randomness/other bugs.

Controlled systems are not guaranteed to contain any thargoid war signals. At any point in time there may be some, or there may be zero. Additionally we also know there are hidden/bugged controlled systems that don't show thargoid war signals under any circumstances (around Leigong).
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