Analysing the Thargoid Simulation

I've taken a closer look at the Thargoid's expansion pattern. Lots of graphs in this one

The first graph shows a moving average of how many systems the Thargoids are affecting (including recovery, but for convenience of calculation not including systems previously hit but returned to safe - it doesn't make much difference) at given distances from each maelstrom, while the second shows the same thing but at a given index (maelstrom=1, next closest=2, etc.)

The ones which aren't connectivity-constrained seem to have a sharp drop-off between 25 and 30 LY (index 150-200 depending on how many systems they have): they control or contest almost everything within ~25 LY, then they switch to contesting almost nothing a few LY beyond that. Leigong, Thor, and surprisingly Oya [1] have smoother drop-offs. There's a definite policy here of taking the systems closest to the maelstrom first, at least in general.

[1] I suspect Oya's constraints were masked previously by it being able to spend so much of its budget hitting inhabited systems early.

Looking at how this has evolved week-by-week - I picked Raijin because of the non-constrained ones it's had the least interference in its growth - also has something interesting

So, same graphs but rather than looking at each Maelstrom this week, we're looking at Raijin each week since its arrival.

There's an interesting change in behaviour here: its initial alerts spread out quite a bit, with 12 January getting some out past 25 LY and 19 January going out past 30 LY. There's a bit of in-fill as well, but plenty of outward motion.

On 2 February's cycle, this changes - there's comprehensive infill, nothing new added beyond 22 LY out, and every cycle since then has been the same sort of pattern very cautiously pushing outwards from the centre, essentially moving the position of that "everything behind this line, nothing in front of it" bar slowly forward to the position it reached on 9 March (and then in following cycles their advance has been "deprioritised"). There's been no placement beyond 26LY (rounded) since 26 January's cycle.

You can see a similar drop-off in this graph of the furthest Alert placed by each Maelstrom each week - many of them take a substantial dive between 19 Jan and 2 Feb and only slowly recover: the exceptions are Leigong, Thor and Oya which are connectivity constrained (at least until recently) and Taranis which has seen a lot of successful defences which may be throwing it off its natural behaviour.

Before 2 February every Maelstrom placed over 30 LY (in Indra's case, only once) ... since then, none except Hadad of the largely unconstrained ones have. If you look at it in yttrbio's spreadsheet you can see huge blocks of "the next 10" alerts being placed down after 2nd Feb for some maelstroms in some weeks.

It does seem that there was an intentional change on 2 Feb to prioritise in-fill over a more tendril-like sprawl, for reasons unknown. This may be worth noting if you're trying to figure out where they place Alerts: data before that point probably isn't relevant now.

I'm starting to come around to the theory that Frontier got scared that the Thargoids might do something interesting in 2023 and are reining them in to make sure that they don't.
Thinking about the in-fill stuff - if there are cooldowns to systems spawning alerts then maybe systems that have been off cooldown for longer get priority, causing the first systems taken to do a second wave of expansions.
Looking at this week's 40, just checking by eye I think the rule "the Maelstrom picks the five closest eligible targets" is plausible - assuming the 10 LY rule and that it can't
Alert the same system twice in any 4-week period.

If I get time I'll have a go at predicting next week's Alerts for a Maelstrom or two on that basis.
Speaking as a dog, why haven't the Thargoids eaten the entire galaxy by now, as promised by the guys holding their hands in a triangle? :)
So, if it's just going for the nearest eligible targets, here's the report for Taranis:
Taranis Target Projection said:
Read 121 control systems and 861 targets.

HIP 23716 (18.43): TARGET of Trianguli Sector BA-A d85 and 6 more
HIP 26688 (21.94): cooldown
Hyades Sector AV-O b6-5 (23.98): cooldown?
Vukurbeh (24.25): TARGET of Trianguli Sector KR-W b1-1 and 1 more
Hyades Sector IW-M b7-1 (24.50): no controls in range
Hyades Sector IM-L b8-5 (25.77): TARGET of HIP 25679 and 1 more
Hyades Sector IW-M b7-6 (26.52): no controls in range
Hyades Sector PN-T c3-24 (26.85): no controls in range
Trianguli Sector JW-W b1-6 (26.92): no controls in range
Namayu (27.10): cooldown?
Ge (27.68): cooldown
Ba Njok (27.84): no controls in range
Hyades Sector IW-M b7-0 (27.89): no controls in range
Trianguli Sector JW-W b1-1 (28.92): no controls in range
Hyades Sector YZ-O b6-3 (28.97): TARGET of Trianguli Sector ZJ-A b1 and 1 more
Hyades Sector ZZ-O b6-2 (28.99): TARGET of Hyades Sector NS-T c3-14 and 4 more

Hyades Sector EG-N b7-5 (29.06): TARGET of Hyades Sector EG-N b7-3 and 1 more
Trianguli Sector AF-A c6 (29.07): no controls in range
Hyades Sector EQ-O b6-4 (29.07): TARGET of Hyades Sector EQ-O b6-2 and 2 more
Trianguli Sector IW-W b1-0 (29.24): TARGET of Trianguli Sector GG-Y c18
Hyades Sector XO-Q b5-4 (29.26): TARGET of Hyades Sector GW-W d1-82 and 2 more
Hyades Sector VT-Q b5-2 (29.27): TARGET of Hyades Sector XO-Q b5-3 and 1 more
All of the nearest 5 seem fairly solid for being targeted by multiple controls, so unless a nearer uninhabited control is freed up, I'm fairly confident in predicting HIP 23716, Vukurbeh, IM-L b8-5, YZ-O b6-3 and ZZ-O b6-2 as Taranis' targets next week, if the theoretical basis is correct.
Full prediction for all eight Maelstroms. Interesting opportunity in Leigong where recapturing a single uninhabited Control should prevent the placement of an inhabited Alert the following week, which should be an efficient defence.

- HIP 23716
- Vukurbeh
- Hyades Sector IM-L b8-5
- Hyades Sector YZ-O b6-3
- Hyades Sector ZZ-O b6-2

- Lunguni [1]
- Assinda [1]
- Garongxians
- Arietis Sector JM-W d1-57
- Hyades Sector LI-K b8-3

[1] Unless Arietis Sector UO-R b4-4 is recaptured, will target Arietis Sector YU-P b5-3 or Col 285 Sector DG-O c6-12 as a backup
EDIT: UO-R b4-4 has now been recaptured, so Assinda should be safe.
EDIT: YU-P b5-0 has been recaptured, leaving only AQ-P b5-3 targeting Lunguni; this makes YU-P b5-3 unusable as a backup. Revised prediction follows

Leigong revised after strategic recaptures
- Lunguni [1a]
- Garongxians
- Arietis Sector JM-W d1-57
- Hyades Sector LI-K b8-3 [1a]
- Col 285 Sector DG-O c6-12 [1a]

[1a] A possible reserve for Lunguni if Arietis Sector AQ-P b5-3 isn't available for attacking is Col 285 Sector FB-E b12-1 but that relies on all three control systems attacking that cluster including the LI-K b8-3 and DG-O c6-12 systems being operational. If they are not then further reserve targets would be Heng, Arietis Sector GG-Y d63 and Arietis Sector CQ-P b5-1

- HIP 20527
- HIP 20899
- Arietis Sector HG-X b1-4 [2]
- 37 A1 Tauri [2]
- Hyades Sector PI-S b4-0 [2]

[2] Lower confidence in last three as the relevant controls may be on cooldown. Hyades Sector ON-S b4-7 and Hyades Sector WK-L a9-2 possible instead

- Muncheim
- Gliese 3050
- HIP 38225
- Orong
- Benanekpeno

- Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-10
- Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-3
- Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-12 [3]
- Asletae
- Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-10 [3]

[3] This pair is covered by the same pair of controls. If either is on cooldown or recaptured, Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-0 and Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-3 are likely alternatives

- Col 285 Sector TH-C b13-3
- HIP 21724 [4]
- Col 285 Sector NQ-F b11-1
- Col 285 Sector HL-O c6-14 [4]
- Col 285 Sector GP-H b10-2

[4] These targets depend on both Almar and Col 285 Sector SI-T d3-89 being able to move. If they aren't Thor will need to hit considerably further out. Recapturing these two could potentially halt Thor's spread in this direction for a while. Thor's other targets are also uncertain.

- Holvandalla
- HIP 117177 [5]
- Kuruma [5]
- Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-0
- Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-3

[5] These rely on Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-6 and Tagin being usable. Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-4 and Pegasi Sector YQ-J a10-3 or Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-3 would be reliable backup targets.

- Col 285 Sector RH-B b14-1 [6]
- Col 285 Sector VN-Z b14-7 [6]
- Col 285 Sector OM-B b14-7 [6]
- Col 285 Sector TX-Z b14-0
- Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-25

[6] All reliant on a single control, so Col 285 Sector GQ-O c6-21, Col 285 Sector RN-T d3-61 and Col 285 Sector XN-Z b14-5 provide reliable backups
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Do we want to leave the cut-off systems alone to see if they can alert, or retake them?
There might be a further weeks delay in it detecting the stuff is cut off, but testing if they're easier to move or trying to widen the gap by retaking HIP 6679 so the rest are even more cut off could be things to experiment with.
Full prediction for all eight Maelstroms. Interesting opportunity in Leigong where recapturing a single uninhabited Control should prevent the placement of an inhabited Alert the following week, which should be an efficient defence.
So, how did this go?

- HIP 23716
- Vukurbeh
- Hyades Sector IM-L b8-5
- Hyades Sector YZ-O b6-3
- Hyades Sector ZZ-O b6-2
80% correct. IM-L b8-5 was not targeted, instead going for EG-N b7-5 which would have been the sixth target.

Possible causes: HIP 25679 and Nihal both on cooldown from last week? IM-L b8-5 on cooldown having been recaptured from Control?

- Lunguni [1]
- Assinda [1]
- Garongxians
- Arietis Sector JM-W d1-57
- Hyades Sector LI-K b8-3

[1] Unless Arietis Sector UO-R b4-4 is recaptured, will target Arietis Sector YU-P b5-3 or Col 285 Sector DG-O c6-12 as a backup
EDIT: UO-R b4-4 has now been recaptured, so Assinda should be safe.
EDIT: YU-P b5-0 has been recaptured, leaving only AQ-P b5-3 targeting Lunguni; this makes YU-P b5-3 unusable as a backup. Revised prediction follows

Leigong revised after strategic recaptures
- Lunguni [1a]
- Garongxians
- Arietis Sector JM-W d1-57
- Hyades Sector LI-K b8-3 [1a]
- Col 285 Sector DG-O c6-12 [1a]

[1a] A possible reserve for Lunguni if Arietis Sector AQ-P b5-3 isn't available for attacking is Col 285 Sector FB-E b12-1 but that relies on all three control systems attacking that cluster including the LI-K b8-3 and DG-O c6-12 systems being operational. If they are not then further reserve targets would be Heng, Arietis Sector GG-Y d63 and Arietis Sector CQ-P b5-1
A last minute recapture of AQ-P b5-3 meant that Lunguni was definitely safe. Revising the prediction for that so that FB-E b12-1 comes into sight, an 80% success rate again

Garongxians was missed out because it's having a 4-week recovery so isn't eligible.
Wolf 121 was attacked instead, which I'd expected to be too early after the previous Alert - that can be corrected.

- HIP 20527
- HIP 20899
- Arietis Sector HG-X b1-4 [2]
- 37 A1 Tauri [2]
- Hyades Sector PI-S b4-0 [2]

[2] Lower confidence in last three as the relevant controls may be on cooldown. Hyades Sector ON-S b4-7 and Hyades Sector WK-L a9-2 possible instead
60% success - not surprising with the lower confidence and overlapping controls.

Wolf 121 error means that an attack on HIP 20492 was not predicted, while the control overlaps meant that the ON-S b4-7 reserve was used instead.

- Muncheim
- Gliese 3050
- HIP 38225
- Orong
- Benanekpeno
60% success.

Wolf 121 error meant that HIP 2422 and Jaoi were missed, while Gliese 3050 was skipped despite being targetable by several control systems.
Gliese 3050 I don't have a good explanation for yet - it's been attacked by Oya before, it's definitely in range, it's been long enough ago it can't be on cooldown and it was targetable by 5 separate controls - possibly bringing in HIP 2422 and Jaoi used up the controls which would have attacked it?

- Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-10
- Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-3
- Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-12 [3]
- Asletae
- Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-10 [3]

[3] This pair is covered by the same pair of controls. If either is on cooldown or recaptured, Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-0 and Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-3 are likely alternatives
80% success. BA-P c6-10 wasn't attacked, the first reserve went in its place. c6-10 only had two controls targeting it so it's possible that they were both on cooldown.

- Col 285 Sector TH-C b13-3
- HIP 21724 [4]
- Col 285 Sector NQ-F b11-1
- Col 285 Sector HL-O c6-14 [4]
- Col 285 Sector GP-H b10-2

[4] These targets depend on both Almar and Col 285 Sector SI-T d3-89 being able to move. If they aren't Thor will need to hit considerably further out. Recapturing these two could potentially halt Thor's spread in this direction for a while. Thor's other targets are also uncertain.
60% success. Thor is pretty constrained, and most of its targets are only targeted by one control system, so this isn't too bad.

- Holvandalla
- HIP 117177 [5]
- Kuruma [5]
- Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-0
- Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-3

[5] These rely on Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-6 and Tagin being usable. Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-4 and Pegasi Sector YQ-J a10-3 or Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-3 would be reliable backup targets.
100% success!

- Col 285 Sector RH-B b14-1 [6]
- Col 285 Sector VN-Z b14-7 [6]
- Col 285 Sector OM-B b14-7 [6]
- Col 285 Sector TX-Z b14-0
- Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-25

[6] All reliant on a single control, so Col 285 Sector GQ-O c6-21, Col 285 Sector RN-T d3-61 and Col 285 Sector XN-Z b14-5 provide reliable backups
60% success.

The Wolf 121 error means that Bi Dhorora was missed off the target list, as was Neites.
One of the three single-targeted ones was missed, not surprisingly, to go on to the first reserve instead.

So, in total: 29/40 predictions were correct. If the Wolf 121 error hadn't been made, that would have brought in another 6. The rest of the errors did tend to go to the next available reserve where lower confidence was noted, so refining based on that and trying to track more which control systems attacked last week is likely to be needed to finish that off: in the meantime, reserve targets will need to be listed.

On the whole I think the "attack the closest eligible systems to the Maelstrom" seems to be the defined strategy now; how much we can predict eligibility in advance is trickier to say. I'll put together preliminary predictions for next week soon - as the action seems to be including a decent number of Control recaptures now, they'll likely need to be updated at the end of the week as well.
So, here's the initial "Narwhal Nose" prediction for the week 13 April 3309. "Controls" is the raw number of control systems in range, "Confidence" uses how many have been used earlier up the list to give an estimate of their actual attack power - anything under 2 is lower confidence and it wouldn't be surprising to see some of them skipped. The first five in each table are the expected targets; after that are some reserves - depending on the confidence levels, there might only be a few of these or there might need to be several. "Attackers" gives a (partial) list of the control systems involved, so if they get taken out mid-week the predictions will need revising.


Calculating Taranis
Read 122 control systems and 863 targets.

Ebisu21.0555Hyades Sector BV-O b6-4; Hyades Sector EB-N b7-0; Hyades Sector GW-W d1-86; etc
Cao Tzu21.5243.4Hyades Sector GW-W d1-87; Hyades Sector GW-W d1-86; Hyades Sector AV-O b6-4; etc
HIP 2668821.9444HIP 25670; HIP 25679; Matshiru; etc
Hyades Sector AV-O b6-523.9831.9Hyades Sector GW-W d1-87; Hyades Sector AV-O b6-4; Hyades Sector GW-W d1-76;
Hyades Sector IM-L b8-525.7721.5HIP 25679; Nihal;
Namayu27.1022Trianguli Sector EQ-Y b5; Trianguli Sector EQ-Y b4;
Ge27.6844Hyades Sector GW-W d1-81; Hyades Sector NS-T c3-14; Haushu; etc
Hyades Sector EQ-O b6-429.0733Hyades Sector EQ-O b6-2; Hyades Sector DQ-O b6-2; Hyades Sector DQ-O b6-4;
Fairly high confidence predictions throughout. With IM-L b8-5 skipped over this week it's very likely to be in line for alert next week.


Calculating Leigong
Read 160 control systems and 834 targets.

Lunguni23.2311Arietis Sector AQ-P b5-3;
Baudani24.9611Arietis Sector AQ-P b5-2;
Hyades Sector LN-K b8-325.2311HIP 10056;
Garongxians28.1566Jementi; Ceti Sector XJ-A c18; Arietis Sector NX-U c2-12; etc
Arietis Sector UO-R b4-430.9711Arietis Sector VO-R b4-3;
Arietis Sector CQ-P b5-332.0854.3Arietis Sector NX-U c2-12; HIP 10616; Arietis Sector CQ-P b5-2; etc
Col 285 Sector DG-O c6-1334.0011Hyades Sector LI-K b8-2;
Heng34.1142.7Arietis Sector NX-U c2-12; HIP 10616; Arietis Sector YJ-R b4-4; etc
Arietis Sector GG-Y d6334.4711HIP 11134;
Arietis Sector CQ-P b5-134.6331.6HIP 10616; Arietis Sector CQ-P b5-2; Arietis Sector YJ-R b4-4;
HIP 568535.2033HIP 6442; Hyades Sector LY-I b9-0; HIP 6251;
Arietis Sector YJ-R b4-335.3720.3HIP 10616; Arietis Sector YJ-R b4-4;
Matsya35.4911Arietis Sector EW-N b6-2;
Lots of systems at Leigong with only one route to get to them. With the Leigong defence deliberately targeting those bottlenecks last week, this prediction is likely to need revising later.


Calculating Indra
Read 142 control systems and 846 targets.

HIP 2048521.44252563 Tauri; 64 Tauri; Hyadum I; etc
Kagutsuchi22.5022Arietis Sector LM-V b2-3; Arietis Sector NH-V b2-0;
Arietis Sector DQ-Y c924.5911Arietis Sector HG-X b1-3;
37 A1 Tauri24.9222Arietis Sector FL-X b1-0; HIP 19789;
Arietis Sector FL-X b1-125.6121Arietis Sector FL-X b1-0; HIP 19789;
Arietis Sector JR-V b2-226.2977HIP 20480; HIP 20712; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4; etc
69 Upsilon Tauri26.4776.3HIP 20712; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-1; etc
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-026.7522Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3; Hyades Sector PI-S b4-1;
Hyades Sector WK-L a9-226.7922Hyades Sector AR-J a10-0; Hyades Sector BR-J a10-0;
HIP 2085026.991312.677 Theta-1 Tauri; 70 Tauri; HIP 20815; etc
A mix of high and low confidence predictions - even without Control recapture, there's a good chance that the first two reserves might be needed.


Calculating Oya
Read 85 control systems and 908 targets.

Lahua19.3633Tougeir; Muchihiks; Cephei Sector CV-Y b1;
HIP 691320.3644HR 1107; HIP 3006; Cephei Sector EB-X b1-1; etc
Gliese 903520.4944HIP 10778; Daruwach; Cephei Sector ZE-A c8; etc
Minawara23.4233Cephei Sector FB-X b1-1; Cephei Sector FB-X b1-0; Cephei Sector EB-X b1-4;
Poqomathi24.1444Cephei Sector DQ-Y b1; HIP 8525; Cephei Sector DQ-Y b2; etc
Cephei Sector CQ-Y b325.3721.5Cephei Sector DQ-Y b2; Cephei Sector CQ-Y b5;
Gliese 305025.5853.7HIP 8525; HIP 7338; Cephei Sector DQ-Y b2; etc
Benanekpeno27.1932.5HR 1107; Ikpen; Cephei Sector YJ-A c8;
With all the top 5 having multiple independent attackers, then this should be a very high-confidence prediction, at least until some of those controls start getting retaken.


Calculating Cocijo
Read 184 control systems and 804 targets.

Col 285 Sector WN-H b11-527.8211Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-14;
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-1027.8522Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-106; Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-4;
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-329.5111Njana;
Col 285 Sector PS-T d3-15229.5244Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-0; Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-4; Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-17; etc
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-7629.6044Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-4; Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-115; Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-8; etc
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-529.6144Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-7; Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-1; Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2; etc
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-329.6444Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-6; HR 3048; Chibis; etc
Col 285 Sector VD-G b12-529.7722Col 285 Sector XY-F b12-6; Col 285 Sector VD-G b12-1;
Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-2330.0122Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-22; Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-7;
They didn't go for BA-P c6-10 this week, so those two controls should both be live to hit it this week. The other nearer ones might easily be skipped, though.


Calculating Thor
Read 146 control systems and 845 targets.

Col 285 Sector TH-C b13-322.3522Vaipacnali; HIP 17897;
Col 285 Sector HL-O c6-531.5011Col 285 Sector SI-T d3-89;
Col 285 Sector NQ-F b11-134.5422Col 285 Sector NQ-F b11-3; Col 285 Sector QX-U d2-47;
Col 285 Sector QX-U d2-4836.3510.5Col 285 Sector QX-U d2-47;
Col 285 Sector NQ-F b11-237.4121.5Col 285 Sector NQ-F b11-3; Col 285 Sector MQ-F b11-3;
Col 285 Sector QR-C b13-438.3111Almar;
Wikini39.3011Col 285 Sector WC-C b13-2;
Col 285 Sector HP-H b10-339.4911Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-12;
HIP 1679839.5310.5Col 285 Sector MQ-F b11-3;
Hyades Sector NH-M b7-340.2022Col 285 Sector IA-G b11-1; Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-16;
Col 285 Sector QW-D b12-140.2722Col 285 Sector QW-D b12-2; Col 285 Sector QW-D b12-3;
HIP 1851340.4711Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-3;
Col 285 Sector HF-G b11-541.2733HIP 21548; Col 285 Sector HF-G b11-4; Col 285 Sector CF-Q c5-5;
HIP 2203141.3410.7HIP 21548;
Col 285 Sector FU-H b10-241.4811Col 285 Sector IA-G b11-2;
As with Leigong, the sparse routes make this a much harder prediction. Almar and SI-T d3-89 I'm pretty sure both went this week (not yet incorporated automatically) so I'd expect at least Wikini and probably further to be needed on the reserves list, and again it's an area where a revised prediction accounting for recaptures may be needed later.


Calculating Raijin
Read 157 control systems and 835 targets.

Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-421.1455HIP 112823; Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-5; Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-8; etc
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-323.8354.8HIP 112823; Pegasi Sector ZQ-J a10-0; Pegasi Sector ZQ-J a10-1; etc
Isla23.9044Pegasi Sector LC-U b3-2; HIP 116542; Wanmi; etc
Bormuninus24.3644Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-2; Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-0; Pegasi Sector UF-L a9-0; etc
Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-224.7288Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-9; Vistnero; Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-5; etc
Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-325.1087Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-9; Vistnero; Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-5; etc
Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-426.4199Pegasi Sector TK-L a9-2; Pegasi Sector HH-U b3-2; Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-3; etc
It's not technically impossible that some of these might not have any live controls in range, but given those numbers I don't expect there's much that can be done to change where gets hit this time - assuming the theoretical basis is correct.


Calculating Hadad
Read 157 control systems and 834 targets.

HIP 2959618.2266Montioch; HR 2204; Col 285 Sector TS-Z b14-2; etc
Vogulu20.7376.5Montioch; Col 285 Sector RH-B b14-5; Col 285 Sector RH-B b14-4; etc
Yan Zangata22.38108.9Col 285 Sector JW-M c7-10; HIP 30158; Col 285 Sector TS-Z b14-2; etc
Putas23.0521.9Fotlandjera; Col 285 Sector JW-M c7-18;
Col 285 Sector VN-Z b14-624.4310.4Col 285 Sector JW-M c7-18;
Col 285 Sector YY-X b15-827.9111Col 285 Sector OC-L c8-11;
Tau Puppis28.1111Yukait;
Col 285 Sector WN-Z b14-628.9322HR 2138; Col 285 Sector MR-M c7-23;
Col 285 Sector OM-B b14-729.5710.9Col 285 Sector JW-M c7-11;
Col 285 Sector FQ-O c6-330.6811Bagalya;
Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-2531.9688Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-24; Col 285 Sector XN-Z b14-1; Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-10; etc
Top three are all basically certain if the theory is correct. One recapture guarantees VN-Z b14-6 is safe so the revised prediction shifts to YY-X b15-8
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VN-Z b14-6 is only targeted by a Control that was almost certainly used last time, so at least one reserve is going to be needed.

Moreover, my Fleet carrier is at Col 285 Sector VN-Z b14-6, and I am evicting Col 285 Sector JW-M c7-18 myself—you have as much as my guarantee is worth that the latter definitely will not attack the former!
Final revised pre-cycle prediction, unless someone's just storing up a heap of samples to go 0-100 in a single go, probably won't change when the final results are in.
This one tries to incorporate an assessment of which systems were "used" last week. Main changes to the top 5 are in Hadad (where JW-M c7-18 certainly won't be launching any attacks now) and Thor (where a combination of Controls approaching but not yet at completion and others considered unlikely to be ready this cycle has reduced the confidence on many of the top targets without yet removing them).

EDIT: one more rapid recapture in Leigong. It changes some of the confidence levels and would take CQ-P b5-1 off the reserve list, but doesn't much change the top 5.


Calculating Taranis
Read 122 control systems and 863 targets.

Ebisu21.0555Hyades Sector BV-O b6-4; Hyades Sector EB-N b7-0; Hyades Sector GW-W d1-86; etc
Cao Tzu21.5243.4Hyades Sector GW-W d1-87; Hyades Sector GW-W d1-86; Hyades Sector AV-O b6-4; etc
HIP 2668821.9444HIP 25670; HIP 25679; Matshiru; etc
Hyades Sector AV-O b6-523.9831.9Hyades Sector GW-W d1-87; Hyades Sector AV-O b6-4; Hyades Sector GW-W d1-76;
Hyades Sector IM-L b8-525.7721.5HIP 25679; Nihal;
Namayu27.1022Trianguli Sector EQ-Y b5; Trianguli Sector EQ-Y b4;
Ge27.6844Hyades Sector GW-W d1-81; Hyades Sector NS-T c3-14; Haushu; etc
Hyades Sector EQ-O b6-429.0733Hyades Sector EQ-O b6-2; Hyades Sector DQ-O b6-2; Hyades Sector DQ-O b6-4;


Calculating Leigong
Read 160 control systems and 834 targets.

Lunguni23.2311Arietis Sector AQ-P b5-3;
Baudani24.9611Arietis Sector AQ-P b5-2;
Hyades Sector LN-K b8-325.2311HIP 10056;
Garongxians28.1554Jementi; Ceti Sector XJ-A c18; Arietis Sector NX-U c2-12; etc
Arietis Sector UO-R b4-430.9711Arietis Sector VO-R b4-3;
Arietis Sector CQ-P b5-332.0832.6Arietis Sector NX-U c2-12; HIP 10616; Arietis Sector YJ-R b4-4;
Col 285 Sector DG-O c6-1334.0010.3Hyades Sector LI-K b8-2;
Heng34.1131.6Arietis Sector NX-U c2-12; HIP 10616; Arietis Sector YJ-R b4-4;
Arietis Sector GG-Y d6334.4711HIP 11134;
Arietis Sector CQ-P b5-134.6320.5HIP 10616; Arietis Sector YJ-R b4-4;
HIP 568535.2033HIP 6442; Hyades Sector LY-I b9-0; HIP 6251;
Arietis Sector VO-R b4-436.0333Arietis Sector VO-R b4-2; Arietis Sector VO-R b4-1; Arietis Sector VO-R b4-0;
Ceti Sector ZU-Y b336.4533Ceti Sector ZU-Y b1; Ceti Sector ZU-Y b2; HIP 6679;


Calculating Indra
Read 142 control systems and 846 targets.

HIP 2048521.44252563 Tauri; 64 Tauri; Hyadum I; etc
Kagutsuchi22.5022Arietis Sector LM-V b2-3; Arietis Sector NH-V b2-0;
Arietis Sector DQ-Y c924.5910Arietis Sector HG-X b1-3;
37 A1 Tauri24.9222Arietis Sector FL-X b1-0; HIP 19789;
Arietis Sector FL-X b1-125.6121Arietis Sector FL-X b1-0; HIP 19789;
Arietis Sector JR-V b2-226.2977HIP 20480; HIP 20712; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4; etc
69 Upsilon Tauri26.4776.3HIP 20712; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-1; etc
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-026.7522Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3; Hyades Sector PI-S b4-1;
Hyades Sector WK-L a9-226.7922Hyades Sector AR-J a10-0; Hyades Sector BR-J a10-0;
HIP 2085026.991312.677 Theta-1 Tauri; 70 Tauri; HIP 20815; etc


Calculating Oya
Read 85 control systems and 908 targets.

Lahua19.3633Tougeir; Muchihiks; Cephei Sector CV-Y b1;
HIP 691320.3644HR 1107; HIP 3006; Cephei Sector EB-X b1-1; etc
Gliese 903520.4944HIP 10778; Daruwach; Cephei Sector ZE-A c8; etc
Minawara23.4233Cephei Sector FB-X b1-1; Cephei Sector FB-X b1-0; Cephei Sector EB-X b1-4;
Poqomathi24.1444Cephei Sector DQ-Y b1; HIP 8525; Cephei Sector DQ-Y b2; etc
Cephei Sector CQ-Y b325.3721.5Cephei Sector DQ-Y b2; Cephei Sector CQ-Y b5;
Gliese 305025.5853.7HIP 8525; HIP 7338; Cephei Sector DQ-Y b2; etc
Benanekpeno27.1932.5HR 1107; Ikpen; Cephei Sector YJ-A c8;


Calculating Cocijo
Read 184 control systems and 804 targets.

Col 285 Sector WN-H b11-527.8211Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-14;
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-1027.8522Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-106; Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-4;
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-329.5111Njana;
Col 285 Sector PS-T d3-15229.5243Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-0; Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-4; Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-17; etc
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-7629.6044Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-4; Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-115; Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-8; etc
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-529.6144Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-7; Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-1; Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2; etc
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-329.6443Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-6; HR 3048; Chibis; etc
Col 285 Sector VD-G b12-529.7722Col 285 Sector XY-F b12-6; Col 285 Sector VD-G b12-1;
Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-2330.0122Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-22; Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-7;


Calculating Thor
Read 146 control systems and 845 targets.

Col 285 Sector TH-C b13-322.3522Vaipacnali; HIP 17897;
Col 285 Sector HL-O c6-531.5010.5Col 285 Sector SI-T d3-89;
Col 285 Sector NQ-F b11-134.5422Col 285 Sector NQ-F b11-3; Col 285 Sector QX-U d2-47;
Col 285 Sector QX-U d2-4836.3510.5Col 285 Sector QX-U d2-47;
Col 285 Sector NQ-F b11-237.4121.5Col 285 Sector NQ-F b11-3; Col 285 Sector MQ-F b11-3;
Col 285 Sector QR-C b13-438.3110.5Almar;
Wikini39.3010.3Col 285 Sector WC-C b13-2;
Col 285 Sector HP-H b10-339.4911Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-12;
HIP 1679839.5310.5Col 285 Sector MQ-F b11-3;
Hyades Sector NH-M b7-340.2022Col 285 Sector IA-G b11-1; Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-16;
Col 285 Sector QW-D b12-140.2722Col 285 Sector QW-D b12-2; Col 285 Sector QW-D b12-3;
HIP 1851340.4711Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-3;
Col 285 Sector HF-G b11-541.2733HIP 21548; Col 285 Sector HF-G b11-4; Col 285 Sector CF-Q c5-5;
HIP 2203141.3410.7HIP 21548;
Col 285 Sector FU-H b10-241.4811Col 285 Sector IA-G b11-2;
Col 285 Sector FU-H b10-341.5011HIP 20807;
Col 285 Sector SM-C b13-442.1011Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-18;


Calculating Raijin
Read 157 control systems and 835 targets.

Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-421.1455HIP 112823; Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-5; Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-8; etc
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-323.8354.8HIP 112823; Pegasi Sector ZQ-J a10-0; Pegasi Sector ZQ-J a10-1; etc
Isla23.9044Pegasi Sector LC-U b3-2; HIP 116542; Wanmi; etc
Bormuninus24.3644Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-2; Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-0; Pegasi Sector UF-L a9-0; etc
Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-224.7287Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-9; Vistnero; Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-5; etc
Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-325.1076.1Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-9; Vistnero; Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-5; etc
Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-426.4199Pegasi Sector TK-L a9-2; Pegasi Sector HH-U b3-2; Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-3; etc


Calculating Hadad
Read 157 control systems and 834 targets.

HIP 2959618.2266Montioch; HR 2204; Col 285 Sector TS-Z b14-2; etc
Vogulu20.7375.5Montioch; Col 285 Sector RH-B b14-5; Col 285 Sector RH-B b14-4; etc
Yan Zangata22.38108.9Col 285 Sector JW-M c7-10; HIP 30158; Col 285 Sector TS-Z b14-2; etc
Col 285 Sector YY-X b15-827.9111Col 285 Sector OC-L c8-11;
Tau Puppis28.1111Yukait;
Col 285 Sector WN-Z b14-628.9322HR 2138; Col 285 Sector MR-M c7-23;
Col 285 Sector OM-B b14-729.5710.9Col 285 Sector JW-M c7-11;
Col 285 Sector FQ-O c6-330.6810Bagalya;
Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-2531.9688Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-24; Col 285 Sector XN-Z b14-1; Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-10; etc
Col 285 Sector GQ-O c6-2131.9888Col 285 Sector OB-D b13-0; Col 285 Sector OB-D b13-1; HIP 29217; etc

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So, how did it go this week:
  • Taranis: 60%. Cao Tzu continues into a 4th week of recovery (could we have predicted this in advance?), and then IM-L b8-5 is skipped again, so we get down to Ge. IM-L is a rare-until-recently recaptured uninhabited control, so it may be that we just don't have enough data on what the cooldown is on that type of system.
  • Leigong: 80%. First four right, then skips right down to Heng. UO-R b4-4 is also a recaptured ControlU, as is CQ-P b5-3, and then DG-O c6-13 was a "probably not" anyway with only 0.3 confidence.
  • Indra: 80% (DQ-Y c9 had zero confidence on the final prediction, including it on the list at all was my fault, not the Narwhal's), and again, JR-V b2-2 which was skipped is a recaptured ControlU
  • Oya: 100%
  • Cocijo: 80%. BA-P c6-10 was skipped - yet again, another recaptured ControlU.
  • Thor: 60%. TH-C b13-3 was skipped as another RCU. HL-O c6-5 not a surprise to see missed, and nor was QR-C b13-4 or Wikini or HIP 16798 when going through reserves. This is a tough area!
  • Raijin: 60%. The nearest two were both RCUs, so again, it skipped them.
  • Hadad: 100%
Total accuracy 31/40, which is a bit better than last week.

Three separate causes for the misses:
  • Most obviously, accounting for 7 of the 9 misses, the cooldown on recaptured uninhabited controls appears much larger than expected. IM-L b8-5 in Taranis is now entering its fourth clear week. This is much longer than the cooldown on defeats at the Alert (2 clear weeks) or Invasion (0 clear weeks, or 1 if it was a first-week win, after the Recovery) stages. Until we find out how long this cooldown lasts, predictions are going to be tricky - though IM-L b8-5 should provide a regular test case and all of the other strategically relevant ones have been clear for less time than that. We do have some (much) older recaptures, but they're mostly too far out to be retargeted for now anyway. [1]
  • Cao Tzu went to a 4-week recovery. Not sure if we could have predicted this in advance.
  • Most of the low-confidence predictions in Thor were skipped. If that's all we end up missing on, given the difficulty of determining which specific Control systems attacked in the current cycle, that's going to be pretty good.
[1] The next question is: does this also work on inhabited Controls? I'll put in a science request to the front lines to see if an inhabited Control in reasonable threat range can be retaken. There's also some interesting implications here for those trying to keep the Thargoids away from certain directions - letting them get the uninhabited Control then recapturing in its first week so they can't do anything with it may require less long-term effort than shutting them down every three weeks at the Alert stage.
Narwhal Nose report generated 13 April
A couple of new columns this week - whether the system is inhabited, and whether it (loosely) represents an advance towards the centre of the bubble on a scale from 1 to -1 (formally, just the normalised dot product of Maelstrom-Target and Maelstrom-Sol vectors). The majority of new Alerts are on the "advance" side of neutral, which makes sense as that's the side they're getting most pushback on and need to retry.

Cooldown for recaptured uninhabited controls (and implicitly, recaptured inhabited controls, as we don't have enough data to say if they have separate cooldown rules - though HIP 38235 was reattacked after 4 clear weeks ignoring the recovery, or 1 clear week including it) has been extended to require 4 clear weeks, which takes most but not all of them out of the prediction. If we get 5+ weeks, obviously those will be skipped.


Calculating Taranis
Read 124 control systems and 861 targets.

Cao Tzu21.5244Hyades Sector GW-W d1-87; Hyades Sector GW-W d1-86; Hyades Sector AV-O b6-4; etcYes-0
Hyades Sector IM-L b8-525.7722HIP 25679; Nihal;No0.3
HIP 2199125.7922Trianguli Sector JR-W b1-5; Hyades Sector GW-M b7-5;Yes0.4
HR 181226.6211Trianguli Sector KR-W b1-1;Yes0.8
Trianguli Sector JR-W b1-028.7422Trianguli Sector GG-Y c18; Trianguli Sector BA-A d84;No0.9
HIP 2312828.8010.5Trianguli Sector BA-A d84;No0.8
Pentam28.8766Hyades Sector NS-T c3-14; Haushu; Hyades Sector NS-T c3-12; etcYes0.3
Hyades Sector EQ-O b6-429.0733Hyades Sector EQ-O b6-2; Hyades Sector DQ-O b6-2; Hyades Sector DQ-O b6-4;No-0.9
Trianguli Sector IW-W b1-029.2410.5Trianguli Sector GG-Y c18;No1
Hyades Sector XO-Q b5-429.2633Hyades Sector GW-W d1-82; Hyades Sector XO-Q b5-3; HIP 25388;No-0.5
For as long as we don't know the cooldown, the model will assume it's exactly as long as the longest observation so far. So IM-L b8-5 is returned for another go, and might well still be in cooldown. With the low-ish confidence levels on some of the others, this one could easily get as far as Pentam.


Calculating Leigong
Read 159 control systems and 836 targets.

Pathamon22.0666HIP 7277; Arietis Sector JM-W d1-56; Arietis Sector MX-U c2-17; etcYes0.5
HIP 686933.3322Arietis Sector JM-W d1-83; HIP 6380;No0.5
Col 285 Sector DG-O c6-1334.0033Hyades Sector LI-K b8-2; Hyades Sector LI-K b8-3; Col 285 Sector DG-O c6-12;No-0.6
Arietis Sector GG-Y d6334.4711HIP 11134;Yes0.3
Arietis Sector CQ-P b5-134.6332.3HIP 10616; Arietis Sector CQ-P b5-2; Arietis Sector YJ-R b4-4;No0.7
HIP 568535.2032.5HIP 6442; Hyades Sector LY-I b9-0; HIP 6251;No0.4
Arietis Sector YJ-R b4-335.3720.7HIP 10616; Arietis Sector YJ-R b4-4;No0.6
Arietis Sector VO-R b4-436.0333Arietis Sector VO-R b4-2; Arietis Sector VO-R b4-1; Arietis Sector VO-R b4-0;No0.7
Arietis Sector DW-N b6-437.5921Arietis Sector JM-W d1-83; HIP 6380;No0.5
Arietis Sector ZU-P b5-038.3332.7Arietis Sector ZU-P b5-4; Arietis Sector VO-R b4-0; Arietis Sector ZU-P b5-2;No0.8
There have been a lot of control recaptures at bottlenecks around Leigong in recent weeks, so this is likely to need revising later, but for now has decent confidence.


Calculating Indra
Read 145 control systems and 844 targets.

HIP 1975724.5244HIP 20419; Scythia; Hyades Sector TO-Q b5-2; etcYes0.1
Arietis Sector DQ-Y c924.5922Arietis Sector HG-X b1-3; Arietis Sector HG-X b1-4;No-0.4
HR 140324.661010HR 1354; HIP 20712; Arietis Sector JR-V b2-4; etcYes0.9
HIP 2001925.581918.9HIP 20577; HR 1354; HIP 20679; etcYes1
Hyades Sector IM-V c2-1125.8411HIP 22566;No-0.5
Arietis Sector DQ-Y c1826.5921Arietis Sector HG-X b1-3; Arietis Sector HG-X b1-4;Yes-0.4
Hyades Sector PI-S b4-026.7522Hyades Sector PI-S b4-3; Hyades Sector PI-S b4-1;No-0.9
Hyades Sector WK-L a9-226.7922Hyades Sector AR-J a10-0; Hyades Sector BR-J a10-0;No-0.3
HIP 2085026.991312.477 Theta-1 Tauri; 70 Tauri; HIP 20815; etcYes0.9
Surprisingly, for how close to Indra DQ-Y c9 is, it's never been hit before, but both of its targeting controls are relatively new. First four targets should be pretty solid this week.


Calculating Oya
Read 84 control systems and 910 targets.

Luggerates21.9688Sambaho; HIP 4041; HIP 3006; etcYes0.3
Aowicha23.7777Daruwach; Cephei Sector ZE-A c8; Cephei Sector AV-Y b4; etcYes-0.3
Juipedun24.1122Bumbo; Cephei Sector FB-X b1-5;Yes0.9
Khondo Po24.3311Col 285 Sector HD-G b12-1;Yes-0.8
Cephei Sector CQ-Y b325.3722Cephei Sector DQ-Y b2; Cephei Sector CQ-Y b5;No0.1
Gliese 305025.5854.3HIP 8525; HIP 7338; Cephei Sector DQ-Y b2; etcNo0.6
Cephei Sector EL-Y c2326.5511MCC 105;No1
Benanekpeno27.1933HR 1107; Ikpen; Cephei Sector YJ-A c8;Yes0
Elboongzi27.3911Lyncis Sector VU-P b5-5;Yes-0.9
Cephei Sector YZ-Y b427.5732.9Cephei Sector ZE-A c8; Cephei Sector ZE-A d69; HIP 4617;Yes-0.6
Gliese 3050 is another recaptured uninhabited control at the potential end of cooldown, so if it does get called as a reserve it might be skipped anyway despite the high paper confidence. Given the Oya defence's high prioritisation of closing down Alerts, depending on what else they do they could easily settle into a fixed 3-week cycle.


Calculating Cocijo
Read 189 control systems and 804 targets.

Hez Ur22.0044Col 285 Sector WY-F b12-3; Mapon; Col 285 Sector WY-F b12-5; etcYes0.7
Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-526.4998Col 285 Sector WY-F b12-3; Mapon; Col 285 Sector WY-F b12-5; etcYes0.9
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-329.6465.2Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-6; HR 3048; Chibis; etcNo1
Col 285 Sector VD-G b12-529.7722Col 285 Sector XY-F b12-6; Col 285 Sector VD-G b12-1;No-0.5
Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-2330.0122Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-22; Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-7;No-0.2
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-330.0144Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-1; Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-4; Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2; etcYes0.9
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-230.0721.8Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2; Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-0;No0.7
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-130.1233Col 285 Sector AF-P c6-1; Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-12; Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-10;No-1
These all look fairly strong predictions as a starter.


Calculating Thor
Read 151 control systems and 841 targets.

Col 285 Sector HL-O c6-531.5011Col 285 Sector SI-T d3-89;No0.2
HIP 1870234.8322Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-3; Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-1;Yes-0.5
Col 285 Sector GL-O c6-1538.2811Auaker;No0.8
Col 285 Sector QR-C b13-438.3122Almar; Col 285 Sector HL-O c6-14;No0.4
Col 285 Sector ML-E b12-038.3110.5Col 285 Sector HL-O c6-14;No0.3
Col 285 Sector HL-O c6-1538.4510.5Almar;No0.3
Kalkaduna38.6622HIP 21548; Col 285 Sector LL-E b12-5;Yes0.8
HIP 1679839.5311Col 285 Sector MQ-F b11-3;No-0.5
Col 285 Sector QW-D b12-140.2722Col 285 Sector QW-D b12-2; Col 285 Sector QW-D b12-3;No-0.1
HIP 1851340.4710.5Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-3;No-0.6
Col 285 Sector HF-G b11-541.2743.5HIP 21548; Col 285 Sector CF-Q c5-3; Col 285 Sector HF-G b11-4; etcNo0.5
HIP 2203141.3431.5HIP 21548; Col 285 Sector LL-E b12-5; Col 285 Sector CF-Q c5-3;No0.6
Col 285 Sector FU-H b10-241.4811Col 285 Sector IA-G b11-2;No0.2
Col 285 Sector FU-H b10-341.5011HIP 20807;No0.1
Col 285 Sector LL-E b12-642.0610.2Col 285 Sector LL-E b12-5;No0.8
Col 285 Sector SM-C b13-442.1011Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-18;No0.2
Thor remains very tough to predict with the model giving more reserves than actual predictions - and a slight weakness of the automated part of the model is clear, as it's impossible for all of targets 4-6 to be hit by their two shared Controls. If predictions 1-3 are correct, this won't matter this time, of course. Continuing tracking of Thor is giving a bit more idea of which Controls are "live", though, which will hopefully gradually improve accuracy.


Calculating Raijin
Read 159 control systems and 831 targets.

Nu Guang19.3311Snoqui;Yes0.9
Pegasi Sector YQ-J a10-326.611313Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-7; Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-5; Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-3; etcNo0.4
Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-326.611010Pegasi Sector QE-N a8-1; Pegasi Sector DG-X c1-5; HIP 115162; etcNo-0
Pegasi Sector QE-N a8-426.661110.8Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-0; Chakma; Pegasi Sector UK-L a9-3; etcNo0.4
Jawul26.6722Chinas; Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-13;Yes0.2
Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-326.6811Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-2;No-0.8
Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-426.7298.7HIP 115162; Vistnero; Pegasi Sector MY-O a7-5; etcNo0.3
Pegasi Sector OE-N a8-126.8899Pegasi Sector TK-L a9-2; Pegasi Sector HH-U b3-2; Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-3; etcNo-0.3
Ngolite26.8998.9Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-8; HIP 113535; Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-0; etcYes0.8
For something that close to the Maelstrom, Nu Guang has surprisingly few potential attackers. On the other hand the Snoqui Thargoids are very strongly dug in and don't have anything else to do right now. All of these five look pretty likely on previous form.


Calculating Hadad
Read 159 control systems and 833 targets.

Ahol20.7322Col 285 Sector TS-Z b14-2; Col 285 Sector TS-Z b14-3;Yes0.9
Col 285 Sector VN-Z b14-624.4311Col 285 Sector VN-Z b14-7;No0.5
Tau Puppis28.1111Yukait;Yes0.8
Col 285 Sector WN-Z b14-628.9322HR 2138; Col 285 Sector MR-M c7-23;No-0.3
HIP 3026029.0111Col 285 Sector PM-B b14-5;Yes0.8
Col 285 Sector FQ-O c6-330.6822Col 285 Sector RH-B b14-1; Bagalya;No-0.1
Col 285 Sector FQ-O c6-431.5110.5Col 285 Sector RH-B b14-1;No0.2
Ramandji31.8922Col 285 Sector RX-Z b14-0; Col 285 Sector RX-Z b14-8;Yes0.8
Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-2531.9688Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-24; Col 285 Sector XN-Z b14-1; Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-10; etcNo-0.7
Col 285 Sector GQ-O c6-2131.9888Col 285 Sector OB-D b13-0; Col 285 Sector OB-D b13-1; HIP 29217; etcNo-0.7
Col 285 Sector RN-T d3-6132.0822Col 285 Sector OR-B b14-0; Col 285 Sector OR-B b14-1;No0.3
Col 285 Sector XN-Z b14-532.1387.3Col 285 Sector VS-Z b14-1; Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-24; Col 285 Sector XN-Z b14-1; etcNo-0.8
The confidence levels aren't great but I wouldn't expect them to go as far as the post-Ramandji reliable fallbacks this week either.
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I have Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-2 and Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-3 re-alerting with only 2 clear weeks between this and their last alert.

Inhabited controls go into recovery after being retaken, so I think the cooldown question is going to be irrelevant there.
I have Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-2 and Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-3 re-alerting with only 2 clear weeks between this and their last alert.

Inhabited controls go into recovery after being retaken, so I think the cooldown question is going to be irrelevant there.
Thinking about it a bit more, I think the following rules are the simplest to explain all behaviour seen so far, assuming IM-L and friends are hit next week: to be an Alert target, a system
- must be clear at the start of the week (but might not actually spend any visible time in "clear" state, of course)
- must not have been in Alert or Invasion in either of the previous 2 weeks
- must not have been in Control in any of the previous 4 weeks
I am quite sure it will not have escaped your notice that INIV has been using your M. Hadad list to choose Control targets; according to the list and the Control completions, Col 285 Sector VN-Z b14-6, Tau Puppis and HIP 30260 can no longer be attacked.

[1] The next question is: does this also work on inhabited Controls? I'll put in a science request to the front lines to see if an inhabited Control in reasonable threat range can be retaken.

Will the eviction at Yukait suffice? Other than a mystery 2% at Trianguli Sector GG-Y c18, nothing else of that sort seems to be happening.
Will the eviction at Yukait suffice? Other than a mystery 2% at Trianguli Sector GG-Y c18, nothing else of that sort seems to be happening.
Should do - if it's an advanced enough Control to be putting out its own forward Alerts, then it'll likely be a fairly high-priority target in future weeks once eligible again. Thank you.
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