Another reason Legs might not be as great as you think

I very much doubt we will be confined to the cockpit or bridge, that would make the paid expansion pointless and I very much doubt it will sell.
In this case it could be just a small addition.

The planets with atmosphere, flora and fauna being the main development of the New Era.

Which would be an excellent news.
From past experience, it'll be a good idea to temper your enthusiasm & expectation for this addition.
It'll likley be a limpet that you can drive about like an SRV, with further development only if it is used enough.
I very much doubt we will be confined to the cockpit or bridge, that would make the paid expansion pointless and I very much doubt it will sell.

That's the problem though isn't it, the investment or effort into getting Space Legs working well is enormous. Anything less and it risks just being a quirky feature of the game that doesn't really add anything expect for a handle full of RP focused players.

Really the only game I can think of that has Space Legs working well is Empyrion and that has massive gameplay elements of survival, salvage and building... Elite has none of that but its necessary to make it work or at least something like it. I just don't see Frontier taking Elite in that direction but I guess we will see, I hope they don't waste a ton of time and effort though on something that doesn't add more than a quick walk around your ships and stations for no real purpose.
That's the problem though isn't it, the investment or effort into getting Space Legs working well is enormous. Anything less and it risks just being a quirky feature of the game that doesn't really add anything expect for a handle full of RP focused players.

If the only thing we can do with Space Legs is the same thing we do with SRV's now it will be a disaster, space legs is a huge other game done properly, an epic fail done badly, but as I said I am not to much invested in Space Legs, I worry about people who are, expectations as has been posted, may far exceed FDEV's ability to deliver.
That's the problem though isn't it, the investment or effort into getting Space Legs working well is enormous. Anything less and it risks just being a quirky feature of the game that doesn't really add anything expect for a handle full of RP focused players.

Really the only game I can think of that has Space Legs working well is Empyrion and that has massive gameplay elements of survival, salvage and building... Elite has none of that but its necessary to make it work or at least something like it. I just don't see Frontier taking Elite in that direction but I guess we will see, I hope they don't waste a ton of time and effort though on something that doesn't add more than a quick walk around your ships and stations for no real purpose.
If space legs is the next expansion they have had over two years to do it. I very much doubt it will take two years just to get us walking around in the bridge area.
Instead, Legs will probably implemented in new station interiors or on planetary surfaces. Yes, FDev could do a massive re-haul on the way the ships are built inside the cockpits/interiors, but.... seems like it would be a lot of work to me, and the kind of changes that come with bug infestations and more instance lag (due to more things being loaded in inside ship interiors) .
Would Space Legs still be cool without the ability to walk around inside our ship? Probably... if we get some content to do with out legs along with the ability to use them. But I have a feeling that we won't get the ability to walk around in our ships after watching those videos.
It seems that in your OP you're concerning about something that's not your problem, which is very common in people rejecting new gameplay proposals.
We're players and we should stop acting like devs.
You're not part of FDEV, you don't know the game code and you don't know what's happening in the back stage so how can you say what's possible and what's not or what's easy and what's hard to add to the game?
If space legs is the next expansion they have had over two years to do it. I very much doubt it will take two years just to get us walking around in the bridge area.
Seven years. Walking around and atmospheric landings has been asked for, non-stop, since day 1.
If they only waited until two years ago to start development on it .... well....
If space legs is the next expansion they have had over two years to do it. I very much doubt it will take two years just to get us walking around in the bridge area.

So lets say for the sake of argument walking around your ship is in, walking around stations is in, walking on planets & moons is in and I'll even throw in EVA space walk too....
That sounds good n all but very quickly its becomes, why am I walking around, what am I trying to achieve. Space Legs without 'the something else' e.g. survival, building, salvaging, fighting delivers 3/5th of naff all to the game.

Alternatively they might go Space Legs lite and do something pretty basic to suit the RP players and invest the time in other areas. Then of course Space Legs will be of little importance to most people but doesn't mean it shouldn't happen just to curb ones expectations. I think this is the most likely outcome personally

The worst scenario is of course Frontier selling Space Legs as an all singing and dancing feature but you actually just get the walking aspect i.e. 'Space Legs Lite' without the neccassary supporting gameplay and little else with the rest of game, that would be a Rage quit moment and I hope they don't make that mistake.
There is NO reason that exist that would make me think that having the first person ability to go walk about in this. None.
The locked in the cockpit stuff is a prison.

Especially when you pull into these stations and you see all this activity around you.
Just being able to get out the ship and walk service desk or to have a pilots lobby where people can change clothes and walk around
and play sub games like connect 4 or Chess/Checkers or have laser gun target practice or play space ball sport.

It would be great to have a Casino station where pilots can fly too and play poker and black jack sub games or and wager stuff they have in their cargo holds or in hand from mining by hand on a planet they went walk about on..

Yeah again there is never going to be a reason not to want first person walk about options...
So lets say for the sake of argument walking around your ship is in, walking around stations is in, walking on planets & moons is in and I'll even throw in EVA space walk too....
That sounds good n all but very quickly its becomes, why am I walking around, what am I trying to achieve. Space Legs without 'the something else' e.g. survival, building, salvaging, fighting delivers 3/5th of naff all to the game.

Alternatively they might go Space Legs lite and do something pretty basic to suit the RP players and invest the time in other areas. Then of course Space Legs will be of little importance to most people but doesn't mean it shouldn't happen just to curb ones expectations. I think this is the most likely outcome personally

The worst scenario is of course Frontier selling Space Legs as an all singing and dancing feature but you actually just get the walking aspect i.e. 'Space Legs Lite' without the neccassary supporting gameplay and little else with the rest of game, that would be a Rage quit moment and I hope they don't make that mistake.

Why do people walk around museums to look at static objects like dead peoples junk from the past or odd looking scribbles they call art... or go look at something that some bored person chiseled out of a lump of rock?

The reason this is a must have option is it just makes sense.. as I stated a few seconds about in another post.. stuff in that boring UI of your cockpit is a prison when you see so much going on around you.

We are bubble girls and bubble boys in this game and it sucks...

If I were the devs and wanted to address some of your points. I would change a fee for all In cockpit transactions, you know may the player pay for the convenience(sp?) of fast in ship transactions.

But if you leave your cockpit and head to the service desk you are not charged.

Also I would have NPC in station that you can talk to get unpublished missions , Think of the Star Trek scene where Bones is trying to find a transport commander to take him to Genesis planet.

Stuff like that.

We have to think in 3 dimensions for this walk about thing. Don't get me wrong... I am not saying do this for every station... but leave it up to the player to explore.

Walking about can add all sorts of sub games like exploration ... Spy mission... Virus mission sabotage all kinds of things... All Kinds!

Also maybe it could help integrate some of the 3rd party stuff into the game via the first person system like bringing information to a station or even manually repairing your ship...

So like we can not crash land and repair our stuff almost like a puzzle sub game to send out a beacon for someone or some NPC that can come rescue us or salvage our ship..

Its endless !
So lets say for the sake of argument walking around your ship is in, walking around stations is in, walking on planets & moons is in and I'll even throw in EVA space walk too....
That sounds good n all but very quickly its becomes, why am I walking around, what am I trying to achieve. Space Legs without 'the something else' e.g. survival, building, salvaging, fighting delivers 3/5th of naff all to the game.

Of course there will have to be the "something else". Why people keep insisting "legs" will be added just fo the sake of it makes no sense at all.

Did FD added ships without the something else for ships? Do we have ships just for the sake of looping around in the void doing nothing? Why would legs be different?
Seven years. Walking around and atmospheric landings has been asked for, non-stop, since day 1.
If they only waited until two years ago to start development on it .... well....

They claim skunkworks pre-date launch and have been active since launch:

There's been various talk of them prototyping the expansions. From the familiar proc gen clouds & the leggy mock-ups of pre-launch, to more concrete assertions like: "We have work going on on Season 3 and Season 4 already..." / 'We have ongoing work on planets, including atmospheres, planetary life, walking about...' etc

What started back around Aug 2018 was ‘full production’.

Work isn’t as progressed as I’d hoped either. But it’s seemingly further along than you’re suggesting there...
Also I would have NPC in station that you can talk to get unpublished missions , Think of the Star Trek scene where Bones is trying to find a transport commander to take him to Genesis planet.

Sorry that sounds really dull.

You only have to look at X Rebirth where you have to go find a specific character on a station once you've landed to trade in specific services or wares.... Sounded ok but in reality it was awful just didn't work and is exactly how Space Legs will fall flat on its face imho.

In ED I can already see stuff to my hearts content with endless procedural planets and SRV exploration, ok I get to see very little of the interior but that's not really a big deal doing stuff however is. So if say I crash land and can repair my ship by hand/tools and setup a small workshop that's the hook that starts to make space legs interesting. Without that its no better than a free cam.

I'm not anti-space legs per se, I'm anti half-arsed ill thought out space legs I guess is what I'm getting at and problem no matter how you look at it is to do it properly is a massive bit of work and investment.
Look, one way or the other, Frontier better get moving on this feature. The competition is making major strides forward.


I started watching these vids just a few days ago, and although I wasn't too surprised by all the graphical shortcuts and low resolution textures hidden in spots you couldn't really see in game, it quickly occurred to me that if we do indeed get space legs, we may not be walking around admiring the interiors of our ships. Instead, Legs will probably implemented in new station interiors or on planetary surfaces. Yes, FDev could do a massive re-haul on the way the ships are built inside the cockpits/interiors, but.... seems like it would be a lot of work to me, and the kind of changes that come with bug infestations and more instance lag (due to more things being loaded in inside ship interiors) .

Would Space Legs still be cool without the ability to walk around inside our ship? Probably... if we get some content to do with out legs along with the ability to use them. But I have a feeling that we won't get the ability to walk around in our ships after watching those videos.

I'll say here what I said in another thread positing a similar question. Frontier have a precedent of putting the work in to bring geometry and textures up to scratch to go along with the additional gameplay. Multicrew had cockpit geometry and textures updated; planets first had their non-landable placeholder textures replaced to allow for planetary landings, and then more recently had their surfaces updated to make them look better.

No reason to believe that Frontier would balk at the work of updating interiors further to accommodate walking around.

Let's think about what we've got to work with:
3 starport variants - most of which internally could be very similar and re-use assets reasonably
Many variants of outposts, both planetary and space-based (including installations) - but again, re-use of internal assets would be reasonable. Once you've designed a couple of corridors and a few shop-fronts, you've designed them all.
Ship interiors - There will inevitably be changes to layout and some different things in the ships themselves, but our ships are modular... so you only really need to design for the outfitting options and put them together in the ships. Corridors can possibly be the same as for starports.

That would be a lot of work, for sure, but not unreasonable to expect, and I strongly suspect this would be the lowest common denominator for the work, and given the timeframe, there's no reason to believe Frontier won't also create some individualised pieces for interiors.

But I'm not a game developer by any stretch of the imagination; but I keep coming back to the idea that this expansion has had long enough to bake that a whole new game could have been developed in the time. In that sense, I don't see why there wouldn't be time to do it all.
Of course there will have to be the "something else". Why people keep insisting "legs" will be added just fo the sake of it makes no sense at all.

Did FD added ships without the something else for ships? Do we have ships just for the sake of looping around in the void doing nothing? Why would legs be different?

Well they said they'd redo Exploration and we got a new set of tools and not much else...

So yeah seems obvious to me too, doesn't mean it will happen unfortunately. Lack of news/knowledge/interaction isn't helping Frontier will do as they will I just hope they've thought this one through
Well they said they'd redo Exploration and we got a new set of tools and not much else...

Can't argue with you there...

So yeah seems obvious to me too, doesn't mean it will happen unfortunately. Lack of news/knowledge/interaction isn't helping Frontier will do as they will I just hope they've thought this one through

They seem to have been working on this update for a very long time, so let's see what they've been up to... We'll still have a long wait though...
I think the point is that this... how ever they plan to do it is needed.

What kept me from getting this game was the lack of being able to walk around... it was not until I read about the SRV did I decide to buy it... I look forward to see what they come up with.
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