Apex Taxi Broken AI/Pathing (Permanently Trapped in Apex Taxi)

Worked for me on the second try.

Not sure exactly what the difference is with it working and not for some people.

I tried this several times (luckily I have a friend with more credits than they know what to do with, so doesn't mind buying a cheap 2 seater and blowing it up for science) and I always ended up back in the taxi, circling forever. I'm newish to the game, so I hadn't really accomplished anything (handful of completed missions, around 2.5 million credits) so my workaround for this was to just delete my character and start over. It's unbelievable that the game was released with a bug like this, but so far my solution on the new character has just been to inspect the planet I'm flying to before using the taxi. If it has rings, I suck it up and fly my own ship. So far so good, besides occasionally crashing into the sides of space stations or other ships waiting in queue, Apex has been working fine.
Hi guys,

A similar stuff happened to me half an hour ago, my Apex Shuttle was stuck in FSD jumping mode, with the message "Throttle up to engage". I was endlessly flying into space with the message, and with what it seemed to be no hope of jumping at least once again into hyperspace in my Commander life.

I finally solved the problem by exiting to main menu then coming back into the game. It somehow reset the jump and, as soon as I came back into the game, the FSD worked properly and I finally arrived to my destination.

I add my contribution here in case it can be of any help to someone having similar issues.
Happened to me in Solo mode, the shuttle stuck on station, hitting non-stop the exit slot... restarting the client "solved" this crappy bug.
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