Patch Notes Update April Update - Patch Notes

Pilot's Handbook
  • New section added to the Codex that contains articles detailing activities and features of the game:
    • Mining
    • Exploration
    • Piracy
    • Trade and Smuggling
    • Mercenary Work
    • Bounty Hunting
    • Xeno Hunting
    • Salvage and Rescure
    • Maps
    • Crime and Punishment

Any reason you aren't just removing PowerPlay from the game already? PowerPlay isn't in the Codex as it is, and you are not adding it to the Codex. You've gone out of your way to hide any information on a player's association with a power in their info screens (it's currently only available if you're in a system that belongs to your power, and if you go into the Galactic Powers section, the player information is not available), and you keep ignoring it whenever there are updates. It's obvious that you feel embarrassed on behalf of anyone who has pledged to a power, and want to protect their identities.

Add to that the slew of bug reports that have been filed about PowerPlay that keep being thrown into the "ignore" bin, to the point that we get implicit warning about not posting them again.

So why not just remove the cursed feature already? It's clear to everyone involved that you hate it with a passion and have no intentions of doing anything with it - you even moved the only team member who showed any kind of enthusiasm about it to another game entirely, and I wouldn't be surprised if that came down to higher ups being tired of them asking for resources for PowerPlay.
"Drag Munitions" engineering modification now disables the victims boost function whilst it is active

I smell a burned buts here.... Seams like my FAS and ME gona have tones of fun, blowing big ships... oh my...
@Will Flanagan Hey, as a player who has for a long time been on both ends of ganks, and who does PvP regularly (though I will admit I'm not the best at it by any means haha) I have some serious concerns regarding drag disabling boost. Allow me to elaborate.

First of all: Ganking
It's not secret that FDev are keen on protecting players from ganks. While I generally disagree with that, taking a more EVE Online-like "You consent to being killed the second you undock" approach to elite, this change will make evading a gank nearly impossible, even for veteran Pvpers.
This is because the best way to evade a gank used to be to keep your flight vector unpredictable by boosting away from it, with the fast acceleration that the boost provided allowing this. This way your agressor would have a very hard time hitting you, especially considering one would usually use heat sinks or run silent in order to be untargetable.
In addition to making you harder to hit, this would almost guarantee you could avoid the infamous FSD disabling missiles. Be it the PowerPlay version (usually called groms by the community) or otherwise.
However, with this change, it will be nigh impossible to dodge those missiles, impossible even, in a big ship. Add that extra time on target to the severely diminished evasion that not being able to boost provides, and this will mean basically any ganker will be able to eliminate their target with ease.

Now for PvP:
There has been recently a rise in the so called "reverski" meta. This is boosting backwards while hitting your enemy from far away. This gets to be very annoying, and boring, if you can't catch up to the other.
With drag pack hounds being an easy, almost guaranteed even, way to apply the effect, this will only make this meta even more efficient, as your opponent will now definetly not be able to catch up.
Aside from this, it will also (as I have before mentioned) severely impact evasion. It used to be that evading the shots of your opponents was one of the hardest, but most rewarding, aspects of a PvP fight. This ability will be almost entirely removed if you get hit by drag, which I can guarantee everyone will be running after this update hits.

I urge you to not go through with this particular change to the drag experimental. It will ruin the game for several people, and while the rest of this update is very exciting, and the bug fixes a big step in the right direction, I'm afraid this single change will ruin the whole thing. Please let this be known as the update where FDev really started to fix the many important bugs in the game, not the one where they did that and also ruined any sort of PvP.
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There is a lot more to evasion than boosting, and the frequency with which boosting is possible is quite silly, IMO.

However, any issues caused by the ability to boost excessively or due to excessive benefits from boosting, should have been targeted at the source, not by a radical buff to two weapon types that will make them mandatory.
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Any reason you aren't just removing PowerPlay from the game already? PowerPlay isn't in the Codex as it is, and you are not adding it to the Codex. You've gone out of your way to hide any information on a player's association with a power in their info screens (it's currently only available if you're in a system that belongs to your power, and if you go into the Galactic Powers section, the player information is not available), and you keep ignoring it whenever there are updates. It's obvious that you feel embarrassed on behalf of anyone who has pledged to a power, and want to protect their identities.

Add to that the slew of bug reports that have been filed about PowerPlay that keep being thrown into the "ignore" bin, to the point that we get implicit warning about not posting them again.

So why not just remove the cursed feature already? It's clear to everyone involved that you hate it with a passion and have no intentions of doing anything with it - you even moved the only team member who showed any kind of enthusiasm about it to another game entirely, and I wouldn't be surprised if that came down to higher ups being tired of them asking for resources for PowerPlay.
It's got it's own menu on the main screen, how is that not more prominent than being buried in the codex? Drama.
"Drag Munitions" engineering modification now disables the victims boost function whilst it is active

I smell a burned buts here.... Seams like my FAS and ME gona have tones of fun, blowing big ships... oh my...

Nah, your FAS is going to die just as quickly without boost. Even more quickly probably, since you can't put 4 pips to systems to defend yourself with a big prismatic. This change effects all medium ships and small ships to a large extent. No boost + No speed = sitting duck.
"Drag Munitions" engineering modification now disables the victims boost function whilst it is active

What... the... hell?

Well good job, that is going to kill the number 1 (legitimate) defense against ganks right there, since if you can't boost away your killer is going to be right up your tailpipe for maximum damage, and as it stands its pretty easy to keep the effect on permanently with the right weapon combo. Unless theres a grom bomb style cooldown on it, this is brokeness on par with the original heat weapons.
You were so close to an excellent update, and then you made one massive change that essentially ruined the balance of PvP. Drag munitions were already a very powerful engineer effect. By allowing them to lock up boosting, you’ve just given it a massive buff into meta-defining status. That is hilariously overpowered and plenty of people have explained why, so I’m not gonna beat a dead horse here. Instead I’m just gonna say go back on that one change and this update will be perfect.
Pretty excited about the bug fixes. The issues tracker at work and then resolving the issues is by far the best thing in these patch notes. Imho
Its great to see the patch notes up, but I have to (unsurprisingly) comment on the lack of Powerplay fixes, not to mention the omission of Powerplay from the handbook.

Now that the new player update is out of the way, will FD finally act on the years of feedback for Powerplay and actually update the feature? There is frankly no excuse to overlook it now, every other part of the game has seen time spent on them.
  • ...
  • Fixed some cases where planets can appear to be fully scanned when they haven't been
Aah, just encountered this yesterday a few times on my first real explorer trip and wondered why a planet was showing the mapping grid although it wasn't mapped at all by anybody (only discovered by somebody else). Glad this is fixed as I assume I will be using the DSS for that sort of scanning quite a bit over the next few weeks.
can't wait, till all the notorious gangers make themself a new account, to pvp in the starter zone, maybe finaly shinrarta will be a saver place?
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