I think the upcoming wing mission system is a good start, but the request from many players is quite simple: some beginners would like to share a 15t, 10ly mission (like me, when I started the game with a few friends), some will solo a 2000t, 100ly mission.
FD heard those argument, but they seem to think that the effort for implementation is too high:
At the risk of being an armchair developer: I think this effort would really be worth it. To have an uniform and consistent mission system based on the new mission template they already have created would be a really big thing. And I think most of the work was already done, a good argument from Mengy about this:
Let's see how things will develop with the new missions.
In addition to this, it would be great if they consider to add missions where wings are required. That could lead to some very cool missions, e.g. something like GTA Heists... (different roles required, players have to be at different places at the same time and communicate with each other). And this way around it would make sense: not all kind of missions can be done solo, but all solo missions can be done in a wing (even if the payout may be small).
Yep, what they've made seems silly. It's just the basis for actual pointful wing missions, but they should have just made that basis, not released it, made the actual wing missions, then converted it over. I personally would have preferred that, even if it came in Q4