Arf's Holiday Message

Greetings Commanders,

As we approach the end of the year, I thought I would do something different. Instead of the usual Development Update, I would like to show more than tell; specifically around Fleet Carriers! We will have a full Development Update in January 2022, and lay out our plans for communicating with you through updates, streams and social channels.

Update 9

Update 9 is planned for release next week, with full patch notes published on the same day. Once we have a confirmed date and time we will of course let you know! Here are the highlights of what Update 9 will bring:
  • New Twin-Seat Combat Multicrew SRV
  • Mission extensions
  • Multi Limpet Controller
This update will also include a plethora of fixes and tweaks, including (but not limited to) the following:
  • Issues relating to inactive AI at conflict zones will now be resolved.
  • Issues relating to hatch breaker limpets when used on cargo hatch or escape pods on non-dockable megaships (Odyssey and Horizons)
  • Thermal Conduit no longer has the incorrect damage increase and is correctly represented visually.
  • Completing high influence missions will now affect Background Simulation as expected.
  • Stations no longer 'pop' into existence when jumping out of supercruise
One of the tweaks we have looked at based on your feedback is atmospheric lighting. I would like to share some before and after pictures of what you can expect with Update 9. These lighting effects will be noticeable when stars are low on the horizon.





My thoughts on next year

One of the biggest aspects coming in 2022, literally and figuratively, is the addition of Fleet Carrier interiors. There is a huge amount that the team have been working on regarding this, so as promised we would much rather show you!

Join us on December 16th for our Christmas stream! This will be our last stream of the year and we want it to be special. Along with the usual fun you would expect for our end of year stream, we will be taking you on a tour around a Fleet Carrier interior for the first time. We will also be joined by a member of the development team to help us answer as many of your questions as we can.

Please remember that what we show will very much be work in progress and not final. There will also be some elements we will not show, as we feel some things are best experienced in-person, such as the all-important jump...

Outside of Fleet Carrier interiors, the development team are hard at work on new features and mission types, such as settlement defence that I cannot wait to share more on. We are also reviewing and assessing a number of areas that you have raised, such as the Engineering process, but as I said, I will leave those details for January!

One thing I am particularly excited for is the conclusion of the Azimuth Saga. We have been delighted to see our community engaging with this story arc and we cannot wait to expand on it ;). The narrative team and I are excited to entertain, perplex and thrill you with what we have in store next year!

It is fair to say this has been a challenging year for Elite Dangerous but we are proud and grateful of our community. It is our community’s continued love and support that drives us forward each and every day. To quote the first American female astronaut in space and physicist, Sally Ride - “The stars don’t look bigger, but they do look brighter.”

From the team and I, and all of us here at Frontier: have a wonderful holiday and we will see you in black!

O7 Commanders


This is sounding very exciting! There is so much wonderful stuff coming around the corner! Keep up the great work!
Arf and FDEV, can you shine some light on when we can expect to be able to sit with our friends and family in game at bars and social areas? This has a direct playable use and brings intrinsic value to the game. ;)
(As to the folks who are upset that Odyssey is getting new features, and taking that as a sign that Frontier has "given up", its worth remembering that the team working on the game has different departments - and complaining that some employees are working on paintjobs or mission development is like walking into a garage and demanding why one of the salesmen or the receptionist isn't working on fixing a car)

If your only point of contact keeps you in the waiting room and only ever updates you on how progress with your oil change is coming and not the brake system you brought it in for... then you might be forgiven for thinking they're hiding something after 9 months.

Give it a break, in 2021 no one actually thinks all game devs work on the same stuff but fun fact.. all CM's communicate about the game, every part of it, on every platform. Communicating on a singular piece of it on end tells us what FDev thinks of console development.
Curse you. Now I want seasoned wedges and maybe a chicken filet roll for lunch. I'M SUPPOSED TO BE ON A DIET!!!

To be fair, I wouldn't necessarily call the PC folks a beloved child, more like a "customer who have paid for something and what... seven months on STILL has yet to be delivered"

I think that's the difference people lose sight of. Console players are (unfortunately) complaining about something they don't have yet. PC players are (unfortunately) complaining about something they do have, and have paid for, and as such the company has a legal obligation to make it right. There is also the not so small issue that Odyssey, in its current state even after 8 updates and numerous hotfixes and micropatches, WILL NOT PASS MUSTER by Microsoft or Sony and therefore even if Frontier announced "fine, we'll give you Odyssey in its current state" the manufacturers would not allow it (and it likely wouldn't run even if they somehow did).

I fully understand and sympathize with console owners wanting Odyssey now, but they've made the decision/announcement to delay its development and told everyone repeatedly that there'll only be news about it when there's news to deliver, which will be after the PC version is properly sorted (and actually at that point capable to be ported to console). It's the official stance, and I don't think that the people shouting DAILY (not directed at you, you wedge-craving person, you!) at community folks (who aren't actually the ones making the decisions or involved in the actual development) are going to accomplish anything beyond frustrating themselves and the rest of the console community by whipping them into a lather.

You are correct; I don't think Odyssey would be able to launch on console in its current state. But that's not what console players are complaining about.

At this point Frontier have not even confirmed that Odyssey is coming to console. It was originally, but the reassess priorities or whatever language they used left cancelling Odyssey for console on the table. Odyssey is getting more features. The universe is still split between horizons and odyssey, and console players are locked out of all the new odyssey content.

The PS4 and Xbox One were launched in 2013. They are pretty terrible compared to the average gaming PC launching today. I think it would be really hard to get odyssey working on a original PS4. A pro may be in scope. But AFAIK Sony does not allow that.

So it would make sense for Frontier to say "no Odyssey on PS4/XB1".

But what about PS5/XSX. Elite doesn't have native versions for either of those consoles. It should not be a hard port for frontier. Odyssey should run on them. As far as install base is concerned... well if it takes them 9 months, there should be more PS5s then there was XB1 when Elite launched on the XB1.

But having said that... I'm just speculating. Which leads to the core problem: No console news for 8 months.
If your only point of contact keeps you in the waiting room and only ever updates you on how progress with your oil change is coming and not the brake system you brought it in for... then you might be forgiven for thinking they're hiding something after 9 months.

Give it a break, in 2021 no one actually thinks all game devs work on the same stuff but fun fact.. all CM's communicate about the game, every part of it, on every platform. Communicating on a singular piece of it on end tells us what FDev thinks of console development.
That's implying that you had the car in the first place. That's the thing - console owners don't yet own the thing that they're complaining about.

And again - FDev HAVE told us about console development, that its on hold until PC repair is done, and news will be shared when there is news to share. There is (currently) no news to share, so no news is being shared. Despite that, there's a vocal amount of console users DEMANDING that news be shared (when there isn't any) and the CMs ARE replying to them with the .... "the news on consoles is that there isn't any at the moment, as soon as we have something we'll share it."
What would you consider to be a gesture? What exactly do you want to be announced about consoles that isn't already public knowledge? If they say on stream "there is nothing to share at this moment" it literally means there is nothing to share. The only thing that is going to satisfy the console community would be a release date, and we all know how that went last time ...
no not a release date , i never asked for a release date , just a once this and that is done and we got it running as per these PC specs . I would like to have something to look forward to . Or a number of targets , as it is i dont even think Fdev have any target , they are going just pushing out stuff to keep (and rightly so ) EDO players engaged and looking forward to ...
You are correct; I don't think Odyssey would be able to launch on console in its current state. But that's not what console players are complaining about.

At this point Frontier have not even confirmed that Odyssey is coming to console. It was originally, but the reassess priorities or whatever language they used left cancelling Odyssey for console on the table.
Now that I agree about - it would make sense for Frontier to have said at some point "We do still plan to release Odyssey for consoles, but again its on hold until after the current PC version is properly sorted."

As you say its all speculation that's going on, and if they announced that it would go some way to easing that. (For most, some would still complain no matter what).

That said, if its any grain of comfort, I can say that the design and implementation of the things they've added so far (the emotes are a prime example) are VERY much geared towards being usable on consoles. (If they'd released those just saying that they'd be keybinds instead of a wheel, I'd take it as a sign they were deffo going more PC-focused)
IMHO I think Frontier is developing a new version of Elite Dangerous Horizon/Odyssey (Maybe named differently) for the higher spec consoles. We are looking at an old engine which cannot cope with today's more advanced specs consoles ( having issues with different specs PC hardware also). In makes sense they concentrate their resources on future PC/Console hardware, and in the mean time maintain prolong and as much as they can support to the existing Horizons/odyssey. All signals at the moment point to a new Elite game being developed!
That's implying that you had the car in the first place. That's the thing - console owners don't yet own the thing that they're complaining about.

And again - FDev HAVE told us about console development, that its on hold until PC repair is done, and news will be shared when there is news to share. There is (currently) no news to share, so no news is being shared. Despite that, there's a vocal amount of console users DEMANDING that news be shared (when there isn't any) and the CMs ARE replying to them with the .... "the news on consoles is that there isn't any at the moment, as soon as we have something we'll share it."
You're obfuscating, just like FDev.

They could be completely honest but choose not to.
Not mentioning console in a pre-prepared script, even in the slightest way, reveals much. If they have positive console related news to be revealed in January, then a small teaser/mention now would only reduce the salt and ire of the console community. So why would you not do that? Well, you would if you had positive news, so I guess there isn't any!

Now that on its own you might be able to argue is just because they are still working on optimising EDO and there is no work on consoles until that it done... BUT the fact that carrier interiors are being actively pursued, and announced with such importance - now that is NOT fixing or optimising EDO. And its not the paintjob team. Or the marketing team. Or the receptionists. Oh no, THAT is undeniably new development. That's developers who could be working on porting EDO to consoles. And when there is no engagement and nobody calming our fears, that information unfortunately speaks volumes.
IMHO I think Frontier is developing a new version of Elite Dangerous Horizon/Odyssey (Maybe named differently) for the higher spec consoles. We are looking at an old engine which cannot cope with today's more advanced specs consoles ( having issues with different specs PC hardware also). In makes sense they concentrate their resources on future PC/Console hardware, and in the mean time maintain prolong and as much as they can support to the existing Horizons/odyssey. All signals at the moment point to a new Elite game being developed!
If they announce they are dropping last gen - or placing it in maintenance mode... it'll effect their share price. My guess is that something that significant will be announced after the end of year financials are in.
Greetings Commanders,

As we approach the end of the year, I thought I would do something different. Instead of the usual Development Update, I would like to show more than tell; specifically around Fleet Carriers! We will have a full Development Update in January 2022, and lay out our plans for communicating with you through updates, streams and social channels.

Update 9

Update 9 is planned for release next week, with full patch notes published on the same day. Once we have a confirmed date and time we will of course let you know! Here are the highlights of what Update 9 will bring:
  • New Twin-Seat Combat Multicrew SRV
  • Mission extensions
  • Multi Limpet Controller
This update will also include a plethora of fixes and tweaks, including (but not limited to) the following:
  • Issues relating to inactive AI at conflict zones will now be resolved.
  • Issues relating to hatch breaker limpets when used on cargo hatch or escape pods on non-dockable megaships (Odyssey and Horizons)
  • Thermal Conduit no longer has the incorrect damage increase and is correctly represented visually.
  • Completing high influence missions will now affect Background Simulation as expected.
  • Stations no longer 'pop' into existence when jumping out of supercruise
One of the tweaks we have looked at based on your feedback is atmospheric lighting. I would like to share some before and after pictures of what you can expect with Update 9. These lighting effects will be noticeable when stars are low on the horizon.





My thoughts on next year

One of the biggest aspects coming in 2022, literally and figuratively, is the addition of Fleet Carrier interiors. There is a huge amount that the team have been working on regarding this, so as promised we would much rather show you!

Join us on December 16th for our Christmas stream! This will be our last stream of the year and we want it to be special. Along with the usual fun you would expect for our end of year stream, we will be taking you on a tour around a Fleet Carrier interior for the first time. We will also be joined by a member of the development team to help us answer as many of your questions as we can.

Please remember that what we show will very much be work in progress and not final. There will also be some elements we will not show, as we feel some things are best experienced in-person, such as the all-important jump...

Outside of Fleet Carrier interiors, the development team are hard at work on new features and mission types, such as settlement defence that I cannot wait to share more on. We are also reviewing and assessing a number of areas that you have raised, such as the Engineering process, but as I said, I will leave those details for January!

One thing I am particularly excited for is the conclusion of the Azimuth Saga. We have been delighted to see our community engaging with this story arc and we cannot wait to expand on it ;). The narrative team and I are excited to entertain, perplex and thrill you with what we have in store next year!

It is fair to say this has been a challenging year for Elite Dangerous but we are proud and grateful of our community. It is our community’s continued love and support that drives us forward each and every day. To quote the first American female astronaut in space and physicist, Sally Ride - “The stars don’t look bigger, but they do look brighter.”

From the team and I, and all of us here at Frontier: have a wonderful holiday and we will see you in black!

O7 Commanders


"Only when we feel that the foundation of the PC release is solid, will we be able to re-lay our console roadmap on top." D.B.
Do you feel that the fondation of the PC is solid ?
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If they announce they are dropping last gen - or placing it in maintenance mode... it'll effect their share price. My guess is that something that significant will be announced after the end of year financials are in.

Winner winner chicken dinner. If and when they drop a platform or console generation it'll be the shareholders that are informed first before the end users.
Not mentioning console in a pre-prepared script, even in the slightest way, reveals much. If they have positive console related news to be revealed in January, then a small teaser/mention now would only reduce the salt and ire of the console community. So why would you not do that? Well, you would if you had positive news, so I guess there isn't any!

Now that on its own you might be able to argue is just because they are still working on optimising EDO and there is no work on consoles until that it done... BUT the fact that carrier interiors are being actively pursued, and announced with such importance - now that is NOT fixing or optimising EDO. And its not the paintjob team. Or the marketing team. Or the receptionists. Oh no, THAT is undeniably new development. That's developers who could be working on porting EDO to consoles. And when there is no engagement and nobody calming our fears, that information unfortunately speaks volumes.
Just wait for the response that the PC devs can’t do console dev, and then remind people that consoles are in fact PCs and require minimal code rework (if any) to work on console…
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