Notice ARX FAQ

Don't know if anyone's trying to work out how ARX are earned or what earns them but if this helps, last night I spent 4 hrs mining LTD jumped and honked 6 systems to sell for 347m earning 20 ARX
Hmmmm that explains that my short trip between 2 neighbouring systems selling for profit 8 units of low key commodities at both sides and completing 1 mission nettet me 0 ARX. :( I thought I'd jump in after a VERY long time away from my ship. Had to reasssign my controls, had to do the tuturial because I didn't know how to steer my ship anymore. Damn... this is going to take a bit more time I'm affraid. When I saw the cost of ARX I though getting 1 ARX by playing wouldn't be such a hassle.
This is a COMPLETE LIE. I am exploring dozen of thousands LY from the bubble, my only activity is honking, scanning systems, scanning planets and scanning geological sites, I can't mine, I can't kill anything, I can't sell anything, I can't do any mission because there is simply no station thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands LY away.

5 hours of exploring netted me 20 ARX, that would be 100 hours in deep space a week to reach the cap... Really? REALLY?!

You are a complete scam and a complete joke.
Scanning a fumarole and earning 2,500cr from Codex added another 3 Arx, driving partially around two small geological sites got me another 3 in about an hour or so.

No I am not going to be grinding or lazing my way to the cap but I am playing the game in exactly the way I was last week and accumulating Arx.

So it isn't a lie FDev never claimed that we would all be reaching the cap within the week just that we can earn Arx by playing and both of us have.
This is a COMPLETE LIE. I am exploring dozen of thousands LY from the bubble, my only activity is honking, scanning systems, scanning planets and scanning geological sites, I can't mine, I can't kill anything, I can't sell anything, I can't do any mission because there is simply no station thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands LY away.

5 hours of exploring netted me 20 ARX, that would be 100 hours in deep space a week to reach the cap... Really? REALLY?!

You are a complete scam and a complete joke.

lol selling the data is where the arx is. i went out to heart and soul for 3 days before the patch dropped and when i sold the data i capped out at 400 arx almost instantly. arx earning via exploration is pretty fair. and in all honesty 400 per week free just for playing the game is very generous. a game studio with lesser morals might not have done anywhere near that much or any at all without making you buy some kind of premium service or subscription. arx still needs some tuning but over all it works fine. patch problems with entirely new features are to be expected and the best way to deal with them is not to be childish but to inform them of what is and is not working and why.

personally i would like to tip my hat to FDev for introducing a premium currency and not being douchebags about it like a studio such as Electronic Arts would be. o7
lol selling the data is where the arx is. i went out to heart and soul for 3 days before the patch dropped and when i sold the data i capped out at 400 arx almost instantly. arx earning via exploration is pretty fair. and in all honesty 400 per week free just for playing the game is very generous. a game studio with lesser morals might not have done anywhere near that much or any at all without making you buy some kind of premium service or subscription. arx still needs some tuning but over all it works fine. patch problems with entirely new features are to be expected and the best way to deal with them is not to be childish but to inform them of what is and is not working and why.

personally i would like to tip my hat to FDev for introducing a premium currency and not being douchebags about it like a studio such as Electronic Arts would be. o7

don't bother, it's a troll boy, tomorrow you won't see it around here
Thank you genius. And this is indeed where the issue is. If you are spending hours in deep space, dozens of thousands of LY from any station you CANNOT sell your data thus you cannot make any decent ARX.
without a station you can't spend the arx either. XD also the feature was just released and is still being tuned and balanced. and, as i pointed out, its free premium currency. you want Fdev to chew your food and wipe your butt for you next? you play the game exactly like you have been and you get free money to spend. there is nothing to complain about here and you are being petty and childish.
without a station you can't spend the arx either. XD also the feature was just released and is still being tuned and balanced. and, as i pointed out, its free premium currency. you want Fdev to chew your food and wipe your butt for you next? you play the game exactly like you have been and you get free money to spend. there is nothing to complain about here and you are being petty and childish.

actually that if I think you can do it :LOL:

without being at the station I mean
Frick you frontier! All cosmetics are now 30-50% more expensive! Screw your god damn greedy assess, I'm not buying anything from you again!
So basically the only difference between Arx and Frontier Points is that Arx will be somehow earnable in-game

And the question is: what's all the fuss about? 10 out of 10 from me

They are abusing compulsive shoppers by obfuscating real costs, and skins now cost about 30% more than they used to before ARX.
They are abusing compulsive shoppers by obfuscating real costs, and skins now cost about 30% more than they used to before ARX.

At that time, Arx were presented as basically a rename from Frontier Points, with the added ability to be earn in game
Now we now that thing are a bit shadier than that.

More expensive paint jobs, lack of paint packages and prices all over the place makes it quite different than the initial presentation.
Fdev deserves to be paid for the work they do in maintaining this game and adding content. they are not EA-ing us with yearly season passes, nor are arx giving any pay to win items. if you could buy guardian weapons with arx instead of earning them like normal the frontier store would be a problem but this is them trying to pay their bills by selling you paintjobs. its just business and they are handling it pretty well i think. :)
Notice how the system is designed to require you to always have some ARX left over after a purchase. So you either order more to "use up" the excess, or you abandon the ARX you may have just paid real-world money for. I supposed you can always make it up by playing the game.

To be honest, I don't have a major problem with this. I bought their game years ago, and paid a moderate amount of an upgrade (Horizons) a couple of years back. I know game development is an expensive business, so this (entirely optional!) income stream helping keep ED in the air is fine by me. It's not like ED goes with P2W or monthly subscriptions..
Hello @refreshfr,

There is a cap of up to 400 ARX that you can earn each week. Any ARX earned in this period will be credited to your overall ARX balance, which can be spent there and then, or saved until a later date.

If you were to only earn 350 ARX in that week, it would not increase your weekly cap for the following week; you can only earn up to 400 ARX per week.

What you Frontier sneakily didn't explain clearly is a very painful (for us players) truth :
If you spend any earned ARX points the weekly cap will not reset:
Of course, now that I am thinking of it, it shouldn't.
But I mean come on Frontier - I just spent my only one single & precious ARX hard-earned from hours of playing in your supposedly 35th Elite Anniversary so called "gift" Retro Thargoid holographic boblehead. And you didn't even make the gesture to reset my weekly cap? Holy Crap..
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Explorers need the Arx cap to roll-over.

I can see why it doesn't, because any exploits would become huge earners, but only getting 400 Arx after spending three months in the black earning peanuts is going to be a kick in the face. Even after December, and even if FCs get Cartographics (which they shouldn't IMO), not every explorer, probably not even most of them, will drag a carrier around with them.

Either the cap has to roll over, or the earnings from exploring must be balanced more toward the day-to-day work and not selling the data.

It should be easy enough to make the Arx happen day-to-day. Discovering new planets is not a cycleable activity. But if the Arx is going to remain concentrated in the data transaction, the cap must roll-over.
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