Asynchronous Spacewarp - Big Improvement?

I tried it and did not notice any difference.

Turning up graphics settings still results in judder. The oculus log seems to indicate ASW is working but it doesn't reduce the judder.

i5 4690 @ 4.2 Ghz
Nvidia 980 running 373.06 drivers
Windows 10
Elite could really benefit from some kind of VR benchmarking stress test like they had on CS (or was it HL2?) where you flew through demanding environs on rails and got a report at the end. I cant tell if the changes I'm making are having much affect at all, certainly not to the degree of some people here - and I get totally diff results from the many locations you can visit, of course. It would be nice to be able to confirm whats working accurately - or maybe i just need better discipline!
I finally managed to play around with ASW and my god it is a huge difference with a few caveats. Machine is I5-6600 with GTX 970 so no monster rig here.
Previously I had a few settings at High or Ultra but with no AA, Bloom, Shadows, Ambient Occulsion and a few others on Medium with super sampling at 1.0x. Quite a mixed bag and sometimes the Debug tool at 1.3 if I was staying in space and not going down to the planet bases.

Now all settings are at their max apart from Shadows on Med, Ambient still off as is Blur but with AA now on SMAA and super sampling still left at 1.0x. The game has never looked so good while staying very smooth. Even down to the planet surfaces and at busy surface stations. It is a dramatic difference especially in beta.

Introducing the debug tool at 1.3 or using the new built-in HMD Quality setting above 1.0x (2.2 beta version) produces judder to the point where several of the settings have to be off or lowered quite a lot.

I think my personal preference is to ramp up all the settings but leave the super sampling effects alone (at 1.0x). I would love to see what its like with a 1080 card.
On a different note I did read that anyone who has SteamVR installed should turn off the reprojection setting just in case it interferes with ASW, how true I don't know.
Now all settings are at their max apart from Shadows on Med, Ambient still off as is Blur but with AA now on SMAA and super sampling still left at 1.0x. The game has never looked so good while staying very smooth. Even down to the planet surfaces and at busy surface stations. It is a dramatic difference especially in beta.

Introducing the debug tool at 1.3 or using the new built-in HMD Quality setting above 1.0x (2.2 beta version) produces judder to the point where several of the settings have to be off or lowered quite a lot.

Another Oculus/970 owner here trying to work out how to get the best out of ED. I've been experimenting with ASW myself but I'm still slightly confused. Initially when I pressed Ctrl+4 (which I believe is the default ASW on) I got horrible judder. Pressing Ctrl+1 fixed it (but that's turning ASW off isn't it?). Later on (down on a planet after I'd turned some in-game settings down a bit) I found that pressing Ctrl+1/2/3/4 made no discernible difference whatsoever. I'm also confused by your 2nd sentence quoted here. Are you saying that you're not able to use debug tool to set Pixels per Pixel to 1.3? Only, using the debug tool (I've been playing with 1.5 in debug tool with in-game SS set to 0.75) has been the single best improvement I've made to ED so far and now I'm just trying to figure out how best to combine that with ASW.
So anybody with a DK2 - which doesn't fit the 45/90fps pattern of CV1: What are your experinces yet? What performance does the oculus debug tool display and is it full 75fps all the way?
(unfortunately my GPU is AMD so i have to wait for hw support...)
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Did some more testing of ASW. Planet surfaces are way smoother, stations the same. Dcs 2.0 also way smoother. Both of these with 2 point increase in PD. Asseto Corsa maxed out with no judder on full track although they need to improve their AA. IRacing maxed and now drop dead gorgeous. This is truly a great improvement from Oculus
Meh, I see the menus going funky.

Leaving my settings alone at the moment... 1.4PD in debug tool, 1.0x SS in game.

Still getting some judder, mianly when ASW kicks in and out (on Ctrl Numpad 4 Auto ASW mode).

Its better in busy scenes on 3 mode (force ASW ON).

In quiet spots or where you're moving slowly, the best experience is still ATW only and let the 1080 have its head and at least try to get to 90fps.

I'm glad this is helping some but its not adding a great deal for me. Haven't tried it on planet in the SRV yet though.
Another Oculus/970 owner here trying to work out how to get the best out of ED. I've been experimenting with ASW myself but I'm still slightly confused. Initially when I pressed Ctrl+4 (which I believe is the default ASW on) I got horrible judder. Pressing Ctrl+1 fixed it (but that's turning ASW off isn't it?). Later on (down on a planet after I'd turned some in-game settings down a bit) I found that pressing Ctrl+1/2/3/4 made no discernible difference whatsoever. I'm also confused by your 2nd sentence quoted here. Are you saying that you're not able to use debug tool to set Pixels per Pixel to 1.3? Only, using the debug tool (I've been playing with 1.5 in debug tool with in-game SS set to 0.75) has been the single best improvement I've made to ED so far and now I'm just trying to figure out how best to combine that with ASW.

Hi Alec,

For us on the 970 I've no doubt the debug tool or the new built-in super sampling setting can be used with ASW but it does mean having a good ole time of messing with all the settings especially if you have the debug tool at 1.5 even with SS at 0.75. I couldn't get any decent improvements that way, setting the debug tool at 1.3 was a marginal benefit for me but still with judder, going higher I believe would wipeout any ASW benefits BUT others may find it different.

With no debug tool and SS at 1.0x I could max out nearly all the settings. Of course it's all a matter of preference but it's great to finally play with textures at max and seeing decent shadows, reflections, a bit of bloom if that's your thing AND it's really smooth.

To see if ASW is working hit CTRL and F, need to peek at the monitor though.
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Hmmm... Not completely convinced myself, whilst this may be a silver bullet to lower end cards for those with higher end cards that could already maintain a steady 90fps with high settings it's a big like snake oil, the visual smearing and graphical anomalies were enough for me to go back to my original settings. I found ASW 45fps is certainly noticeably poorer than ATW's 90fps.
Whilst the ASW did allow me to run Oculus debug tool at 2.0x as apposed to the normal 1.5x smoothly I just don't think I can live with the drop in frame rate and graphical anomalies.
After building two rigs over the last two years specifically for this game in my opinion the stuttering is ever present regardless, and believe me i have quite literally tried everything to get rid of it! I did once get the game running absolutely amazingly with 0.8 extended mode using 4x DSR and 1.5 in game oversampling running 3 GTX 970 in SLi and have never been able to get the same visual fidelity and smoothness since the switch to direct mode (Please bring back extended mode Oculus !). In fact SLi was so broken in the last six months iv'e switched out the 3 way SLi for a single graphics card to get smooth game play once again.
I did some benchmarks using the latest drivers and a host of config file tweaks compiled over time and am getting a solid 90fps and excellent presence albeit still with the occasional stuttering and this is after throwing a Titan X Pascal at it with some proper overclocks and the game still stutters occasionally!

After a shed load of time and tweaking and clocking this is about the best iv'e seen from Elite since 0.8 Check out the VID

I do have to add however that there was a noticeable increase in VR performance with the latest 373.06 NVIDIA Drivers and can report they run flawlessly if anyone's considering an update.
I do have to add however that there was a noticeable increase in VR performance with the latest 373.06 NVIDIA Drivers and can report they run flawlessly if anyone's considering an update.

Thanks for saying thtat! Whenever an NVIDIA update comes out I tend to google it to make sure it's not going to be disastrous but people only ever write bad things about updates on forums so it's great to hear about a good one.
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The occasional little skip is more than compensated for, this is huge improvement for me. i used to run VR min, everything off just to get perfect 90fps. now its bloody smooth with all the fruit on. played for about 4 hours last night and its a massive improvement versus no ASW and running on High. would i go back to VR min 90fps, nope.

1.5SS via debug tool
VR High
i7 3820@ 4ghz
1070 GTX 10+% OC
ASW on auto
Not a chance mate. That or you are ignoring all of the stutter outside of your cockpit or pulling very slow pitches or rolls.
it's possible. I run debug @1.8 and game @1.0 on ultra without bloom, blur and shadows set to high and i get stellar performance without ASW..i am trying to turn it on but havent yet.I do get judder here and there but not at all like you'd expect.very brief moments of stutter or a very short 'pause' usually during hyper jump.
it's possible. I run debug @1.8 and game @1.0 on ultra without bloom, blur and shadows set to high and i get stellar performance without ASW..i am trying to turn it on but havent yet.I do get judder here and there but not at all like you'd expect.very brief moments of stutter or a very short 'pause' usually during hyper jump.

So yeah. Not judder free "smooth" gameplay either, you are just happy to ignore the stutters and splutters (as per my comment). I can turn up settings and SS and put up with the judder, but its there - in some places more than others and to me that is not acceptable in VR as it blows my immersion out of the water. I'm not the one coming on the forum giving people a false impression by saying everything is fine and smooth as silk, I'm realistic and stating that the stutter is still there and that ASW does not fix it, particularly when using SS and higher settings. It also adds horrid distortion and artifacts - it is not a magic fix as some here will have you believe.
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The occasional little skip is more than compensated for, this is huge improvement for me. i used to run VR min, everything off just to get perfect 90fps. now its bloody smooth with all the fruit on. played for about 4 hours last night and its a massive improvement versus no ASW and running on High. would i go back to VR min 90fps, nope.

1.5SS via debug tool
VR High
i7 3820@ 4ghz
1070 GTX 10+% OC
ASW on auto

OK, dumb question... How do you set the SS with the debug tool? I downloaded it and 2 things happen when I run it.
1. I can't find anything in the software that allows me to changte any settings, it just shows me what's going on
2. I have to restart all my Rift Services as opening the Debug Tool stops my machine from seeing the Rift at all until I restart the services.
OK, dumb question... How do you set the SS with the debug tool? I downloaded it and 2 things happen when I run it.
1. I can't find anything in the software that allows me to changte any settings, it just shows me what's going on
2. I have to restart all my Rift Services as opening the Debug Tool stops my machine from seeing the Rift at all until I restart the services.

From what I've read (and tried) the best sequence is to start up Oculus Home, then start the debug tool, entering the appropriate Pixels Per Display Pixel value as shown here ..


.. then launch Elite. You also need to leave the debug tool running, otherwise its effect tails off and the game reverts back to the normal value.
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Ok, chiming in here as well, running a 980ti and i5 4670k overclocked to 4ghz.

Just tested this myself, and can't believe I waited a week to do this.
I am still just running in 1x multiplier but I set the game from slightly downscaled VR high (2.1 high, tested in live) and just cranked everything to ultra, and bumped up the terrain slider.
And it is far more than playable, yes in busy instances it will drop to 45hz, and interpolate but the interpolation is smooth, and quite a bit better than before, noticeably better than say with the Vive ( :( ), but naturally still you will occasionaly classic interpolation artifacts in menus etc but I'm fine with it.

I have also tried the debug tool for the first time, although still just left it at 1x for now, I suppose I might drop in game AA and upscale to 1.5 using it later. that has so far looked and performed better with the vive so why not with oculus.

In short this was a definite early christmas present :), it might not be magic but it's REALLY close to it.
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Pretty sure you won't be needing the debug tool anymore when 2.2 goes live. In the graphics options there is an HMD quality setting (think this is the equivalent of the debug tool) like the debug tool and the ingame SS setting.
Pretty sure you won't be needing the debug tool anymore when 2.2 goes live. In the graphics options there is an HMD quality setting (think this is the equivalent of the debug tool) like the debug tool and the ingame SS setting.

From what I understand, and have tested, the new bit's in 2.2 is they have just added a new preset for VR, and made the old VR high, VR medium.

They also add setting for 1.25 multiplier in game (which is standard for the new vr High).
This is fine and looks great but chances are the debug tool setting performs closer to metal and thus better still.
From what I understand, and have tested, the new bit's in 2.2 is they have just added a new preset for VR, and made the old VR high, VR medium.

They also add setting for 1.25 multiplier in game (which is standard for the new vr High).
This is fine and looks great but chances are the debug tool setting performs closer to metal and thus better still.

Click on the plus part of the HMD quality and there are a load more options. I believe other games have the debug mode built in as well.

No, there is an HMD quality setting that goes from 0.65 and up as well as the ingame SS setting. I was looking at it on Monday. When I get back from work tonight I will take a screen shot of it. It may not be obvious as it may be in the OCT setting and not a number.
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