What people are not understanding is that you should not be at exactly 1500.It all seems to come down to MTU
my network provider will fragment packets over 1450 bytes it will send packets of 1442 bytes and under reliably packets between 1442 bytes and 1450 bytes sometimes work and sometimes fail.
From my packet sniffer I can see some very big packets coming out of Elite (some nearly 1500 bytes) and indeed the log confirms that elite believes that the MTU is 1500 (interestingly even if you change the windows MTU to something lower!)
If i change my MTU to 1442 the game will hang on the main menu and generate a huge netlog.log file
I suspect that the people for who things are working do not traverse any networks with 'black holes' these are network connections that don't handle packets between 1440 bytes and 1500.
I suspect if Frontier changes it's maximum network buffer size to say 1024 bytes suddenly all will work OK
and before you ask yes I have put all this in a bug report but I doubt it will be read among the thousands of others
ping www.google.com –f –l 1500
Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set
ping www.google.com –f –l 1472
Yeah, I have the same problem, menu just freezes with "server 54.xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxx unconnected" and online red, then everything freezes and I then have to terminate the program through Task Manager. Driving me nuts cuz I literally just bought the Beta and I've only been able to play for maybe 15 minutes in a few of the tutorials in the last 2 days. But, I have faith that all will be resolved soon, hopefully tomorrow so I can blow some people up...
I did not come across any other players, but I was definitely in Open Play. I'm in south Florida so not sure what impact that has on the networking bit.
Just wanted to let you guys know there is hope, and you'll enjoy it once they work out whatever network problems you are having.
I believe over there it's 4 AM or something... It's nice to see testers "burning the midnight oil."
Now when i load the game im in beta 2.02 but none of the buttons on the first screen are responsive and for the first time ever for me the online button is red and in the bottom corner im getting a not conected message.
not at all sure why the menu buttons are non responsive though.
I remain frozen out at the main menu, within a sec of it appearing nothing can be moved/ajusted or scrollled, Start remains red and the Server IP remains (unconnected to the right of it) :S
If there are connectivity problems then I can understand why as the server shows as unconnected but why is the main menu unresponsive? :S