Game Discussions Bethesda Softworks Starfield Space RPG

Sure, if you consider all these things important, then it might be something for you. As for me, I'd say rather not.

You people like to forget one thing over and over again: that a game that has not yet been released is a wonderful projection surface for our very personal dreams. Especially because it is almost untouchable by future facts that are only roughly outlined at this point.

Okay, then don't buy it?

And yes, I consider what I outlined (which happens to be the majority of the game shown) very important. Lol. Why are you even in this thread then?
He might be talking about "consoleS", plural, because Starfield is only coming to one console - the XBox.
Well, if you want to get technical. Series S and X are consoleS. ;)

As for it coming to PS. Man, who knows. Honestly, if PS allowed gamepass then MS wouldn't have any problem with putting games in the PS ecosystem, but I believe Sony said it would never allow GP onto their platform.

Late edit: BTW, even if Starfield was releasing on PS, Sony does not allow modders to create mods with assets outside the game. Only in-game assets can be used, and thus, only a very limited amount of game modification.
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Volunteer Moderator
I can't find it now, and honestly, I can't be bothered looking harder.

It was in one of their financial statements to their blessed shareholders.
No worries, but it does not ring a bell at all though. Either that or you may have misunderstood what it really meant?
No worries, but it does not ring a bell at all though. Either that or you may have misunderstood what it really meant?

Suit yourself. I'm not trying to convince anyone, because I don't really care any more. I know what I read, and I understood it fine. Everything (from the 'narrative' to the Odyssey support cycle) is set to end at the end of FY23, which is about April/May time for Frontier. The implication of that is fairly clear - at least to me. Nothing they've said since has contradicted that. 🤷‍♀️
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Just because they don't want to keep using "Odyssey" to reference things doesn't mean they don't have anything else they're looking at shipping for E:D. What you think this is? SC? Braben doesn't come around in his power black and start waving his hands and Fidelity scoping everyone when somebody ships something.

Point is, lack of talk about Odyssey might just be lack of talk about Odyssey and not about Elite as a whole.
As for graphics, I agree with those who say they are not cutting edge (UE5 setting that new standard), but I'm totally okay with that.
To be clear, I am too. Ship damage model looks amazing too. It's just Bethesda being themselves and still using that 2002 Gamebryo engine with layers upon layers of code on top of it to try and keep it alive. Do not expect it to be smooth, or to run flawlessly: as usual the going will be rough until modders fix the game and even so top end graphics cards will choke on it.

simplistic system is from NMS, SC is superior in handling ships than NMS and ED, but probably very similar to starfield.
SC has zero physics (or should I say, laughable physics - really it's a clown show). I'm sorry but at least ED ships have some kind of mass, and their thrusters do act properly (and give the expected results). SC is closer to NMS in that regard with an "arcade" flight model with magic antigravity, magic thrusters, and lets not look too closely at object masses, collisions, wind effects etc..

Compared to old pixelated games or last gen, Starfield has amazing graphics. If you think this game looks average then ED's graphics would be bad. UE5 looks better, but current gen consoles and GPUs won't push UE5 to the limit yet.
I never talked about old pixelated games here (Also, i love pixel art.) This game looks really average and dated, yes, Bethesda's zombified engine is getting really old in the tooth. And yeah UE5 on current gen consoles is already looking fantastic (without pushing to the limits probably, but that's enough), and you completely side stepped Decima engine which has been in existence for some years and surpasses everything else but UE5 - especially when things get moving (absolutely top notch inverse kinematics for example). I would add that UE4 gen games also look better.

So back to this Bethesda presentation: usual baked-in light maps, usual obvious textures, and usual limitations from their decades old engine that's now pushed so far the PC used to do that demo (which I guess was not a cheap one) noticeably hiccuped on some frames, and with some painful camera pans that made the low framerate even more obvious.

See, as excited as I could be for "elder scrolls IN SPACE !" I wont white knight about it either. While I appreciate Todd's ingenuity for delivering absolutely gargantuan scale open worlds, I've played every game from Fallout 1 (when it was released) and Daggerfall (same) to FO4 (avoiding FO76..) and every time I've seen the unbridled ambition of that developer AND the vast amount of bugs, jank, rough parts, that make it to just every release from them.
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Typo. I meant end of FY23 / start of FY24. Apologies.
Not to drag this on, but maybe FDev will keep pushing the end date back, as long as SC keeps pushing back their dates for...well...everything. Also, in regards to Bethesda...SF was to launch November 2022. Now, possibly December 2023? Dang, FDev really coulda pushed back the release of Odyssey by a year, seeing how it's ok for everyone else to. But somehow I think they'd have to shut down the forums, for the amount of backlash they'd get if they actually did that.
To be clear, I am too. Ship damage model looks amazing too. It's just Bethesda being themselves and still using that 2002 Gamebryo engine with layers upon layers of code on top of it to try and keep it alive. Do not expect it to be smooth, or to run flawlessly: as usual the going will be rough until modders fix the game and even so top end graphics cards will choke on it.

SC has zero physics (or should I say, laughable physics - really it's a clown show). I'm sorry but at least ED ships have some kind of mass, and their thrusters do act properly (and give the expected results). SC is closer to NMS in that regard with an "arcade" flight model with magic antigravity, magic thrusters, and lets not look too closely at object masses, collisions, wind effects etc..

I never talked about old pixelated games here (Also, i love pixel art.) This game looks really average and dated, yes, Bethesda's zombified engine is getting really old in the tooth. And yeah UE5 on current gen consoles is already looking fantastic (without pushing to the limits probably, but that's enough), and you completely side stepped Decima engine which has been in existence for some years and surpasses everything else but UE5 - especially when things get moving (absolutely top notch inverse kinematics for example). I would add that UE4 gen games also look better.

So back to this Bethesda presentation: usual baked-in light maps, usual obvious textures, and usual limitations from their decades old engine that's now pushed so far the PC used to do that demo (which I guess was not a cheap one) noticeably hiccuped on some frames, and with some painful camera pans that made the low framerate even more obvious.

See, as excited as I could be for "elder scrolls IN SPACE !" I wont white knight about it either. While I appreciate Todd's ingenuity for delivering absolutely gargantuan scale open worlds, I've played every game from Fallout 1 (when it was released) and Daggerfall (same) to FO4 (avoiding FO76..) and every time I've seen the unbridled ambition of that developer AND the vast amount of bugs, jank, rough parts, that make it to just every release from them.
I am pretty sure this was XBOX presentation not PC one. So FPS is hard to measure until we see PC gameplay, right?

Also a lot of people compare it to UE 5, but Starfield was build also on a new engine, not that they used in FO4. So if one appretiates the difference between UE4 and UE5, one shouldn't dimiss the difference between CE 1 and CE2, right?
Also based on players reaction to Oddysey specs and looking at this:


Most of Elite dangerous players will not be able to play it, cause Starfield minimum = ED: Odyssey recommended.
Imho, merging X4 with the character interaction (and npc graphics) from Mass Effect:A, I would have a game I could really enjoy; but to add ship building and configuration would be amazing.
Looks like SF may be The Game (for me).
The anticipation is building.

(I don't play FPSs so ME:A is my only experience in such things fps)
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