Game Discussions Bethesda Softworks Starfield Space RPG

Finally updated Starfield. Spent hours decorating my ship interior and after a night's sleep I now have more ideas.

One disappointment I have with the nutrition/hydration thing is its's all or nothing. I can see it being done that way to not annoy peopole who didn't want to eat a bunch of things every 5 minutes, but only needing to eat/drink 1 food and 1 water every 30 minutes for a very black and white result breaks from the immersion the system should have created. I'd prefer something like a healthbar for each that decreases over time and exersion. The way they implemented it actually makes food less significant than when it actually heals.

Anyway back to redecorating my HOME ship.
Yes it is a bit binary, but it's still better than nothing. Although it is a bit weird to pause during a battle to eat a raw potato and a carton of vodka.

I've not done a whole lot of ship decorating yet, but the biggest boon for me is that the clutter you could always put around is actually saved when you switched ships now. From the start I would put extra clutter and decorations and things around the ship and I was always reluctant to switch ships because they'd all just be put in the cargo hold and I'd have to do it all again. But now it's all just saved which is nice.
What irks me is after 30 minutes I go immediately from fed and hydrated to fully dehydrated and malnurished. A hungry state in between where there are no modifiers would be nice so I have some time to roleplay finding a restaurant or something.

the clutter you could always put around is actually saved when you switched ships now.

I haven't tried changing ships, but that's a nice feature. Haven't even occured to me the rolls of vacuum tapes I had lying around might disappear if I board and capture another ship.
What irks me is after 30 minutes I go immediately from fed and hydrated to fully dehydrated and malnurished. A hungry state in between where there are no modifiers would be nice so I have some time to roleplay finding a restaurant or something.

I agree. It is rudimentary. I also want something more complex, such as food I have cooked lasting longer than eating pre-packaged Chunks. Also, I want to see the lack of sleep add a debuff. But it is a good start in the right direction!

Now that we can suffer ambient environmental damage with the new survival settings, we need that forthcoming land vehicle sooner rather than later. Cold temps and radiation quickly burn through your suit's protection (at least for my level 10 character). I find myself doing speedruns clearing out facilities that lack a proper pressure door because the cold quickly gives me frostbite. Radiation can be just as challenging when on the surface of a moon, such as during a survey mission.

Screenshot 2024-05-26 7.35.45 PM.jpg

Here, Sarah and I took a kiosk mission to hunt down a Varun (sp?) who occupied an abandoned pharmaceutical facility. We had cleared half of it (offscreen left) and needed to clear the right portion. Unfortunately, this part of the facility lacked a proper pressurized environment so the frigid temps slowly ate away at my suit's protection until I started to suffer frostbite. I was forced to leave a lot of loot behind because I didn't want to take extra time, risking more severe environmental damage.

Screenshot 2024-05-26 8.00.36 PM.jpg

We successfully cleared the second half of the facility but I was in bad shape. I had puncture wounds from gunshots, severe frostbite damage, and burns (from lasers, I believe!). I took a second to notice that the sun was now setting on the moon's horizon (as with Elite, I love to see orbital mechanics at work!). One thing that surprised me was that my suit's radiation warning was no longer beeping. Is that because the system's sun was low on the horizon and the solar wind's strength was reduced? Does Starfield actually track that?!

This May patch reinforces my (oft-repeated) assertion that if BGS continues to develop Starfield with enhanced mechanics, fixes, and content, it has the potential to be one heck of a great space game. It is already a good game, but it needs more immersive meat on those bones. This patch was a step in the right direction. Keep going, Bethesda! o7
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It is true: Starfield does model radiation from the local star:

Starfield™ 2024.05.29 -

I was out surveying Procyon III-A. When I left the ship, the local star was below the horizon, giving me a radiation-free experience. However, on my way back from exploring a cave, the system's primary began to peak above the horizon. Guess what happened? My radiation detector started chirping and my suit's hazard gear kicked in to protect me.

I agree. It is rudimentary. I also want something more complex, such as food I have cooked lasting longer than eating pre-packaged Chunks. Also, I want to see the lack of sleep add a debuff. But it is a good start in the right direction!

Now that we can suffer ambient environmental damage with the new survival settings, we need that forthcoming land vehicle sooner rather than later. Cold temps and radiation quickly burn through your suit's protection (at least for my level 10 character). I find myself doing speedruns clearing out facilities that lack a proper pressure door because the cold quickly gives me frostbite. Radiation can be just as challenging when on the surface of a moon, such as during a survey mission.

View attachment 394002

Here, Sarah and I took a kiosk mission to hunt down a Varun (sp?) who occupied an abandoned pharmaceutical facility. We had cleared half of it (offscreen left) and needed to clear the right portion. Unfortunately, this part of the facility lacked a proper pressurized environment so the frigid temps slowly ate away at my suit's protection until I started to suffer frostbite. I was forced to leave a lot of loot behind because I didn't want to take extra time, risking more severe environmental damage.

View attachment 394003

We successfully cleared the second half of the facility but I was in bad shape. I had puncture wounds from gunshots, severe frostbite damage, and burns (from lasers, I believe!). I took a second to notice that the sun was now setting on the moon's horizon (as with Elite, I love to see orbital mechanics at work!). One thing that surprised me was that my suit's radiation warning was no longer beeping. Is that because the system's sun was low on the horizon and the solar wind's strength was reduced? Does Starfield actually track that?!

This May patch reinforces my (oft-repeated) assertion that if BGS continues to develop Starfield with enhanced mechanics, fixes, and content, it has the potential to be one heck of a great space game. It is already a good game, but it needs more immersive meat on those bones. This patch was a step in the right direction. Keep going, Bethesda! o7
I really must get around to re-installing Starfield. I've been playing through Fallout 4 a lot recently on the back of the TV series. I suspect what's putting me off re-installing is remembering which mods I had installed...I had a fair few :rolleyes:
lack of sleep add a debuff
That would be great. I hope they add more traits like Lazy (need mroe sleep for lower matabolism) or soemthing.
we need that forthcoming land vehicle sooner rather than later
I'm looking forward to that too, but I have no interest for the vehicles themselves. I'm curious how they'd implement the vehicle bay, will it be in th same category as the landing bay or a separate family. I'm guessing the vehicles will come with the bay rather than having to buy separate vehicles (my preferred option). What ever it is I'm looking forward to more ship parts.
I really must get around to re-installing Starfield. I've been playing through Fallout 4 a lot recently on the back of the TV series. I suspect what's putting me off re-installing is remembering which mods I had installed...I had a fair few :rolleyes:
Same with why it took me a while to make the jump. Luckily for me all the hud and texture mods weren't affected by the update. Now I'm wishing there was a hunger mod like RDR2.
Shame on you for uninstalling it in the first place.
I will have to completely uninstall, then do a clean reinstall, then add one mod at a time to see what still works, and what doesn't. Currently my game is in an unplayable state with the mods I have. Since I lack time for that at the moment, I'm going to wait at least until the Shattered Space DLC, hoping that more incompatible mods have been updated or replaced by alternatives by then. I miss my big battlecruiser....
It is true: Starfield does model radiation from the local star:

View attachment 394017

I was out surveying Procyon III-A. When I left the ship, the local star was below the horizon, giving me a radiation-free experience. However, on my way back from exploring a cave, the system's primary began to peak above the horizon. Guess what happened? My radiation detector started chirping and my suit's hazard gear kicked in to protect me.

I found all these hazards totally off and the suit resistances were nigh useless. I wouldn't want to play with these conditions and more severe debuffs. Some stuff kicked in after 1 minute in the outside. Landing site walk to Cydonia on Mars in sandestorm? Cough.
Sun goes up and radiation starts? That's cool. What's not cool running out of the suit protection after a minute. Is like Mass Effect Andromeda where you hop in and out of car to prevent the stupid arcade debuff.

I like survival in The Long Dark. Hunger, Hypothermia, sprain, blood loss - they all can be deadly, but they take time. And so does traversing the world. It does not make sense to get hungry from going to Cydonia from Old Launchpad.
I found all these hazards totally off and the suit resistances were nigh useless. I wouldn't want to play with these conditions and more severe debuffs. Some stuff kicked in after 1 minute in the outside. Landing site walk to Cydonia on Mars in sandestorm? Cough.
Sun goes up and radiation starts? That's cool. What's not cool running out of the suit protection after a minute. Is like Mass Effect Andromeda where you hop in and out of car to prevent the stupid arcade debuff.

I like survival in The Long Dark. Hunger, Hypothermia, sprain, blood loss - they all can be deadly, but they take time. And so does traversing the world. It does not make sense to get hungry from going to Cydonia from Old Launchpad.
The survival aspects need some balancing now as things kick in too quickly. If Bethesda doesn't do it, I am sure mods will better fine-tune the various survival aspects. Those environmental hazards make me eager for vehicles because trekking any distance on an extreme environment world can be a pain. However, I will say that it makes what gear you wear much more important outside of just combat buffs. By wearing an internal hazmat suit with the best thermal and rad protection outer layer I found, I have extended my surface time noticeably from my beginner equipment.

But, yeah, balancing and vehicles are needed for the survival aspects of the game.
I reinstalled it, found a rogue folder on my backups and downloads SSD full of all my old Starfield mods so I went around the Nexus updating them all...and then stupidly, manually added them all again and manually edited the custom.ini file rather than trusting the task to Vortex or similar mod manager...went to play from where I left off but found missing textures on all of the main female Sarah and Andreja were invisible except for floating heads and arms in my saved games...even on a new start, Sarah appeared at the Lodge with no outfit textures at all outside of a floating head with no hair.

Something obviously amiss with a couple of my installed texture mods so rather than spending hours finding each one and disabling them individually, I uninstalled (again), but this time I manually deleted all my savegames, mods etc and am currently in the process of doing a fresh vanilla install to fix all the eroneous mods...mainly the texture based ones. I can't use a normal script extender having the Gamepass version of Starfield (needs an .asi loader instead) so Vortex or similar is the only realistic way to go to add mods.

I'll start again from scratch using Vortex to add the mods once it's reinstalled this time. I do love the custom eye candy splash and loading screens I had though...they're getting reinstalled regardless :)

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I reinstalled it, found a rogue folder on my backups and downloads SSD full of all my old Starfield mods so I went around the Nexus updating them all...and then stupidly, manually added them all again and manually edited the custom.ini file rather than trusting the task to Vortex or similar mod manager...went to play from where I left off but found missing textures on all of the main female Sarah and Andreja were invisible except for floating heads and arms in my saved games...even on a new start, Sarah appeared at the Lodge with no outfit textures at all outside of a floating head with no hair.

Something obviously amiss with a couple of my installed texture mods so rather than spending hours finding each one and disabling them individually, I uninstalled (again), but this time I manually deleted all my savegames, mods etc and am currently in the process of doing a fresh vanilla install to fix all the eroneous mods...mainly the texture based ones. I can't use a normal script extender having the Gamepass version of Starfield (needs an .asi loader instead) so Vortex or similar is the only realistic way to go to add mods.

I'll start again from scratch using Vortex to add the mods once it's reinstalled this time. I do love the custom eye candy splash and loading screens I had though...they're getting reinstalled regardless :)

I haven't had issues with my llimited list of mods. The mods I had were moistly UI and color changing mods. Kind of glad I didn't try anything special. It didn't even occure to me to check for mod updates. I don't think I've gone through the trouble of reinstalling if I had a problem with the update.

What suit/mod is that collar ring from?
I really like the bulkiness of the mining rig, if I can hijack the collar ring model from your screenshot and put it on other suits that'd be great.
As for the rest of the pic, space is supposed to be cold, no?

I've been playing a bit the last couple of days, after taking a sizable break. After 650 hours I kinda needed one, haha.

It's still a lovely game. I'm looking forward to the expansion, for sure.

Here's a shot from yesterday's adventure.
View attachment 394336
I don't think I've been to a planet with snow/ice like that before.
I reinstalled it, found a rogue folder on my backups and downloads SSD full of all my old Starfield mods so I went around the Nexus updating them all...and then stupidly, manually added them all again and manually edited the custom.ini file rather than trusting the task to Vortex or similar mod manager...went to play from where I left off but found missing textures on all of the main female Sarah and Andreja were invisible except for floating heads and arms in my saved games...even on a new start, Sarah appeared at the Lodge with no outfit textures at all outside of a floating head with no hair.

Something obviously amiss with a couple of my installed texture mods so rather than spending hours finding each one and disabling them individually, I uninstalled (again), but this time I manually deleted all my savegames, mods etc and am currently in the process of doing a fresh vanilla install to fix all the eroneous mods...mainly the texture based ones. I can't use a normal script extender having the Gamepass version of Starfield (needs an .asi loader instead) so Vortex or similar is the only realistic way to go to add mods.

I'll start again from scratch using Vortex to add the mods once it's reinstalled this time. I do love the custom eye candy splash and loading screens I had though...they're getting reinstalled regardless :)

Gives me Cyberpunk vibes.
I haven't had issues with my llimited list of mods. The mods I had were moistly UI and color changing mods. Kind of glad I didn't try anything special. It didn't even occure to me to check for mod updates. I don't think I've gone through the trouble of reinstalling if I had a problem with the update.

What suit/mod is that collar ring from?
I really like the bulkiness of the mining rig, if I can hijack the collar ring model from your screenshot and put it on other suits that'd be great.
As for the rest of the pic, space is supposed to be cold, no?

I don't think I've been to a planet with snow/ice like that before.
Lonestar Republic's planet has an ice biome with vegetation. Akila Mayor sends you on errand to find the deed thing for a house and the farm is in this ice biome with sparse trees.
Who needs ship interiors, right? Players will get annoyed running through their ships...:rolleyes:

Also, we will soon be able to build our own...SPACE STATIONS?

One Of Starfield's Most Wanted Features Will Be Revealed At Xbox Showcase, Claims Leak

Yet perhaps the most exciting detail is that the presentation will also confirm details on the next major patch which will reportedly add in the ability to construct entire space stations. The community has been begging for such a feature since launch, asking that Bethesda expand the ship-building mechanic to allow for even more elaborate constructions that can be used as in-orbit outposts.

This is just a leak, but I believe it because modders found this feature in the game's files soon after launch:

You can build your own Starfield space stations thanks to this modder who found the code 'already in the game'

This is going exactly where I hoped Bethesda would take the game...
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