Game Discussions Bethesda Softworks Starfield Space RPG

During this fall I got interested in chems and so I did research on them and got the ability to craft high-end chems, like for example the Black Hole Heart and the Giant Heart. But so far I have not used them because I have easily survived without them. Maybe if I were to play at hard or very hard difficulty, I would probably find them useful.
Yeah, those are actually useful. In general I hoard consumables but in a late KCD run I went quaffing all the booze and potions. I kinda prefer when you get longer effects. I'm deeply spoilt by Morrowind.
Starfield mods continue ticking more and more boxes of things that I would actually like to see in ED. Now there's a mod for functional airlocks. It has become possible to EVA in space with that. Currently that has no other use than to give you an unobstructed view at space or bask at your ship, but who know where this might lead in the coming years ? The groundwork is now there. Now it's up to others to pick that up and build gameplay around it.
Can you privde a link for that please?
Time to do some ship buying and shipbuilding ... a learning experience it will be. I bought SF for ship building so I went to the dark side and now have enough credits to buy a larger ship and see what its like in something larger than the Frontier. There are some good vids for shipbuilding and I've watched several and more to come. Fun it will be.
Have a nice day
I bought my first B Class ship, the Falcon. I started making minor mods and additions with module locations and types. Console commands are very nice to be able to jump to building ships. I've played most of the main story-line but I didn't have the patience so I did an exit to go do what I wanted to do when I bought the game.

My Falcon is my learning experience.

I'll end up doing more missions to experience the fun but for now its build ships and explore.
SF_Falcon Bridge 02.jpg

At some point before Christmas I did my first "NG+". I didn't really want to as I had outposts and ships and basically all the typical Bethesda game loot and stuff I had accrued, but I decided it was finally time to see the ending and see how these alternative realities worked.

Basically it's killed my interest in the game. Yes I kept an old save so I can still visit the outposts and see the ships I made, but I don't bother since it's not the live/current game. And conversely, the live/current game has basically been stripped of all the stuff I had and all the little details that made the game world "mine". Such an odd game design choice, to allow you to create a build and then have the main story wipe everything away.
At some point before Christmas I did my first "NG+". I didn't really want to as I had outposts and ships and basically all the typical Bethesda game loot and stuff I had accrued, but I decided it was finally time to see the ending and see how these alternative realities worked.

Basically it's killed my interest in the game. Yes I kept an old save so I can still visit the outposts and see the ships I made, but I don't bother since it's not the live/current game. And conversely, the live/current game has basically been stripped of all the stuff I had and all the little details that made the game world "mine". Such an odd game design choice, to allow you to create a build and then have the main story wipe everything away.
Yup, did that for me as well. I still fire the game up every now and then but it can't seem to hold my interest for more than 10-15 minutes, even on my old original save before NG+.

I keep hovering over the uninstall button but I'm not really short on drive space...which is perhaps the only reason it's still there...just in case the urge to play it does actually happen 🤷‍♂️
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Volunteer Moderator
Yup, did that for me as well. I still fire the game up every now and then but it can't seem to hold my interest for more than 10-15 minutes, even on my old original save before NG+.

I keep hovering over the uninstall button but I'm not really short on drive space...which is perhaps the only reason it's still there...just in case the urge to play it does actually happen 🤷‍♂️
I did 1 full playthrough and while really liked it, just like you guys couldn't really be bothered with NG+, even though I read about some interesting outcomes and differences. I eventually decided to wait for more DLC and for the modding scene to mature a little.

The first DLC peaked my interest, but I think I'll just wait for more :)
My playthrough came to a screeching halt in November when I found out there’s a clever bod working on a VR mod - that’s something I’ll happily wait for and start the game afresh with.
I've got up to NG10 ran through the other Ngs but it just shows how little gameplay there is . I now only log on to check the creations ( only the free ones ) . But SF was my most played game last year ?? But I don't see myself playing or buying any DLC's still playing elite and NMS
I bought my first B Class ship, the Falcon. I started making minor mods and additions with module locations and types. Console commands are very nice to be able to jump to building ships. I've played most of the main story-line but I didn't have the patience so I did an exit to go do what I wanted to do when I bought the game.

My Falcon is my learning experience.
View attachment 414916
I'll end up doing more missions to experience the fun but for now its build ships and explore.
View attachment 414917

When I make a new ship my ship, those useless skeleton modules are the next places of modifications after reactor, grav drive, weapons and engines. You can replace the skeletons with for example cargo space, a workshop or living quarters.
I uninstalled Starfield, because I haven't played it since finishing my first playthrough.
I'm sorry, can you tell me why? I'm just curious, I know a lot of people who have Skyrim and Fallout4 installed and they play it all the time.
I'm sorry, can you tell me why? I'm just curious, I know a lot of people who have Skyrim and Fallout4 installed and they play it all the time.
I don't need to uninstall games, having plenty of NVMe / SSD storage on my PC, but I've not bothered playing Starfield again having reached the 'NG1' stage, it just doesn't have the replay enjoyment of FO4 or Skyrim, Being honest, even getting to the 'end' was tedious, not something I'd normally say about a Bethesda game!
I don't need to uninstall games, having plenty of NVMe / SSD storage on my PC, but I've not bothered playing Starfield again having reached the 'NG1' stage, it just doesn't have the replay enjoyment of FO4 or Skyrim, Being honest, even getting to the 'end' was tedious, not something I'd normally say about a Bethesda game!
I wonder why.
I haven't played SF and Skyrim myself, but I started in F4, the very beginning then I quit, I don't know if I'll ever continue. In my time I've gone through Morovind and Obvillion but nothing has made me go through those games a second time.
Always thought SF and F4 and Skyrim were essentially the same thing, but your post surprised me and got me thinking. Unexpected.
Isn't Elite the same thing but without the storylines?

Well Starfield is primarily about the main missions + locations which have some side missions. It's singleplayer only, space exploration is very limited. The generated planet-maps have a limited amount of creatures, plants. So once you're done with the main missions and visited all the interesting handcrafted locations, made a bunch of custom ships, there's little else worth doing. Bethesda's writing staff is sub-par compared to Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher 3, Kingdom Come Deliverance.

On the other hand, in ED you can explore the galaxy, it feels open world, endless, and has multiplayer (MMO-ish). There's also repetition, but it's designed to keep you playing / grinding for much longer. It could use story-driven missions though. I don't play ED everyday, only when I feel like it.
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