Patch Notes Update Beyond 3.0 Beta 3 Patch Notes

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Alliance Chieftain

  • Fixed an issue that could see SRVs becoming stuck under the Chieftain’s wings
  • Straightened up the Ship Nameplate position
  • Fixed an issue where the ship would often not land despite alignment being correct
  • Tweaked flight model to improve lateral and vertical thrust
  • Fixed the armour having too high a mass for the ship’s size
It still leaves the Chieftain a bit on the weak side for shields. But perhaps the increased agility is good enough to make up for that. I just wish the beta would still go over the weekend, as Saturday is the first day this week, where i could give the ship an extemded testdrive.
Some interesting things in there.

  • Notoriety now updates periodically during gameplay (reducing by 1 unit per hour of gameplay)

Hmmm open to abuse?
  • Consolidated lawless security state in to anarchy security state
  • Anarchy states now show anarchy security level
  • Interstellar factors are now available at all markets controlled by factions with Anarchy governments, regardless of star system security level
  • ATR response is now governed by system security level and crimes committed

Some very logical changes there.

Now we just need to be able to see system security level in the galaxy map (info tab & popup) and the cockpit UI.
Some interesting things in there.

  • Notoriety now updates periodically during gameplay (reducing by 1 unit per hour of gameplay)

Hmmm open to abuse?

It was open to abuse before because it had timer without condition of gameplay.

Now it requires you to stick around or at least log in at anarchy.
Here again, good job and thank you for taking our feedback into account.

Anything about High yield cannon being way too OP and Thermal load reduction for PAs ?
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Now quad rails can be viable!

Indeed! I have engineered four railguns (3 small, 1 Imperial Hammer) with Long Range grade 5 (G4 after converting) for my Chieftain-to-be on Live, along with all other modules necessary to make for a good show. Reduced heat output for railguns is great news.

The dark side of planets is no longer pitch black

See it as part of changes. Notoriety will be similar to cool down timer - you will be forced to stay out of high sec - or bear consequences - if it will be too high.
If notoriety is still capped at 10, it's actually too low. I mean, you can have a whole in-game life of crime, then spend 10 hours in a station or in a hazardas RES and you're clean again? This sure needs some testing, i'd want it to be able to go up to 25 at least, perhaps more. I mean, if you want to be a criminal, you also have to put work into being a top-notch criminal, right? :D
This would mean that small slips can still be recovered from quickly. You make a mistake, you get one notoriety, you spend an hours out of view of the authorities and you can recover. At the same time actually being dedicated to a criminal lifestyle would really get you into it. I think it'd be a win for both sides. :)
What i appreciate is that they tick the value based on gameplay time. So at least you can't log out and come back clean the next day. It could make sense to occasionally also apply that to faction rating. :)
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