PvP Bounty Hunting WARNING - KWS wont let you off Pilots Federation Bounty. PVP Bounty hunting is DEAD.

WAI according to Support. As expected, I guess.

Yes , once again the Mile wide Inch deep, shows his face into the game. At this point.... I should gave up on a actual real gameplay scenario where you could do PvP.... because seriously there's none... IDK if this was driven by the CRummunitY or an actual Developer choice... but in the end it's a total failure IMO... this game is unsalvageable if this is where the devs are taking it.
Yes , once again the Mile wide Inch deep, shows his face into the game. At this point.... I should gave up on a actual real gameplay scenario where you could do PvP.... because seriously there's none... IDK if this was driven by the CRummunitY or an actual Developer choice... but in the end it's a total failure IMO... this game is unsalvageable if this is where the devs are taking it.

Most players couldn't care less about PVP, as a niche of a niche so it'll never be first in line for anything major.
Yes we should just all who want PvP join SDC and go around the verse KOS anyone we see fit... will be much better...

You can do whatever you like, blaze your own trail. That's simultaneously ED's biggest draw and greatest flaw depending on how much you care what other players are doing.
You can do whatever you like, blaze your own trail. That's simultaneously ED's biggest draw and greatest flaw depending on how much you care what other players are doing.

I don't really think it's a flaw, the flaw is that blazing it comes with 0 consequences... like spoiled children... maybe that's why people are so eager to defend this game they don't want to lose their spoiling mama..
I don't really think it's a flaw, the flaw is that blazing it comes with 0 consequences... like spoiled children... maybe that's why people are so eager to defend this game they don't want to lose their spoiling mama..

Or they recognize the game provides choice and rather than losing it and screeching "DOOMED" they simply tailor the game to their own preferences by exercising those choices.

The trick to appreciating ED (IMO) is embracing choice whilst not wanting others choices restricted.
People who use this word. Are you fellers aware you're slagging the very community you're a part of?
I don't really think it's a flaw, the flaw is that blazing it comes with 0 consequences... like spoiled children... maybe that's why people are so eager to defend this game they don't want to lose their spoiling mama..
That's a little harsh towards PvPers. Sure, blasting CMDRs out of space left right and center has little consequences, but to call them spoiled children is a little rude.
Am not sure if any official word has been added to this, but come on...a PvP bounty hunter is the only current force a criminal CMDR could fear. All PvE C&P is an inconvenience at this stage.

Given that the PFB bounty is inherently about taming random murder against CMDRs - i.e. it's a deliberately gamey mechanic that magically singles out PvP crime - why allow it to act as an obstacle against PvP players looking to be this city's crime and punishment? The local faction bounty can absolutely remain, but the magic anti PvP murder penalty should keep its trap shut, especially bearing in mind the offender should not have picked up such a bounty by accident or for inconsequential reasons, much like an ordinary bounty.

TL;DR either a bug or should be reconsidered.
Given that the PFB bounty is inherently about taming random murder against CMDRs - i.e. it's a deliberately gamey mechanic that magically singles out PvP crime - why allow it to act as an obstacle against PvP players looking to be this city's crime and punishment?

But it doesn't (in this case).

The OP got his PFB for exactly the reason FD said a player would get one, destroying a clean player... Now you, or anyone else can go and rid the galaxy of this criminal and they can only hide in anarchies. ;)

The OP wants to be able to destroy players wherever they happen to be, so long as they have been bad somewhere, simply by using a KWS on them. In other words, it seems to me that they want everybody else's bounty to effectively be a PFB (galaxy wide), regardless of the nature of their crime, but is less happy that they get one for doing what FD always said would incur one.
This is really where politics and different types of bounties would be good. System wide, faction wide and galaxy wide bounties. For instance, if you have a bounty in an independent system, since it's independent, it will only be a bounty there. That system has no extradition treaty with any other system. If you have one in a system aligned to Ffederation, you should have that bounty in all systems aligned with the Federation. Create some political lines in the Bubble. Make a faction have some meaning.

As Stigbob said, as an Imperial, you could go into Fed space and tear up the place and retreat back to Imperial Space and be legally protected by the Imperials. As someone aligned to the Federation, you could go into Imperial Space and try to blow this CMDR out of space, and enjoy the exact same protection retreating to safe Federation Space. Ideally the Federation would award you for dealing with one of their enemies, while still getting a bounty in Imperial Systems.
This is really where politics and different types of bounties would be good. System wide, faction wide and galaxy wide bounties. For instance, if you have a bounty in an independent system, since it's independent, it will only be a bounty there. That system has no extradition treaty with any other system. If you have one in a system aligned to Ffederation, you should have that bounty in all systems aligned with the Federation. Create some political lines in the Bubble. Make a faction have some meaning.

As Stigbob said, as an Imperial, you could go into Fed space and tear up the place and retreat back to Imperial Space and be legally protected by the Imperials. As someone aligned to the Federation, you could go into Imperial Space and try to blow this CMDR out of space, and enjoy the exact same protection retreating to safe Federation Space. Ideally the Federation would award you for dealing with one of their enemies, while still getting a bounty in Imperial Systems.

I’d love that.
The OP wants to be able to destroy players wherever they happen to be, so long as they have been bad somewhere, simply by using a KWS on them. In other words, it seems to me that they want everybody else's bounty to effectively be a PFB (galaxy wide), regardless of the nature of their crime, but is less happy that they get one for doing what FD always said would incur one.

Don't be so melodramatic.

I'm not actually interested in OP's scenario; this is about more than finding excuses to attack someone personally.

This game would be objectively improved by facilitating PvP bounty hunting. It would be an actual reason to PvP, it would be the only C&P that can actually provide consequence to a serial murderer, it keeps PvE-focused players happy and the PvP players have been asking for it too.

Unless I misunderstood the premise of OP's issues, the problem raised puts a massive full stop sign against PvP bounty hunting; what could have facilitated player driven consequence now works entirely against it.

As the "target" must have a PFB, incurred only by destroying other CMDRs, they should always be a valid target. That isn't "being able to destroy players so long as they've been bad somewhere".

This is really where politics and different types of bounties would be good. System wide, faction wide and galaxy wide bounties. For instance, if you have a bounty in an independent system, since it's independent, it will only be a bounty there. That system has no extradition treaty with any other system. If you have one in a system aligned to Ffederation, you should have that bounty in all systems aligned with the Federation. Create some political lines in the Bubble. Make a faction have some meaning.

As Stigbob said, as an Imperial, you could go into Fed space and tear up the place and retreat back to Imperial Space and be legally protected by the Imperials. As someone aligned to the Federation, you could go into Imperial Space and try to blow this CMDR out of space, and enjoy the exact same protection retreating to safe Federation Space. Ideally the Federation would award you for dealing with one of their enemies, while still getting a bounty in Imperial Systems.

But...that'd be engaging use of content. Can't have that mate.
Don't be so melodramatic.

Haha.. Accusing me of being melodramatic in this thread... :D

I'm not actually interested in OP's scenario; this is about more than finding excuses to attack someone personally.

This game would be objectively improved by facilitating PvP bounty hunting. It would be an actual reason to PvP, it would be the only C&P that can actually provide consequence to a serial murderer, it keeps PvE-focused players happy and the PvP players have been asking for it too.

I don't disagree.

Unless I misunderstood the premise of OP's issues, the problem raised puts a massive full stop sign against PvP bounty hunting; what could have facilitated player driven consequence now works entirely against it.

As the "target" must have a PFB, incurred only by destroying other CMDRs, they should always be a valid target. That isn't "being able to destroy players so long as they've been bad somewhere".

I think you might have misunderstood the situation, I don't know, perhaps I have...

The OP, in their original scenario destroyed a player who had a local bounty somewhere else, but was clearly clean in the system they were in. The OP got a PFB for destroying a clean player.

They were upset they got a PFB because even though the player was clean where they destroyed them, because the target had a bounty somewhere then OP thought that their punishment was unreasonable / excessive.

The OP's target did not have a PFB or they would indeed have been a legitimate target. Are we talking at cross purposes?
The OP's target did not have a PFB or they would indeed have been a legitimate target. Are we talking at cross purposes?

I think this may be a misunderstanding, yes.

It should realistically be irrelevant mind. Let's be honest, if any bounty stuck to you for more than 10 mins and a hyperspace jump out the system you committed it in, you did something naughty and you know it; being "a little bit bad" stays with you for barely any longer than the time it took to commit the act, and it still stands that PvE C&P is basically irrelevant.

If it ignores full on PF bounties it's flat out unacceptable.
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I think this may be a misunderstanding, yes.

It should realistically be irrelevant. Let's face it, if any bounty stuck to you for more than 10 mins and a hyperspace jump out the system you committed it in, you did something naughty and you know it.

If it ignores full on PF bounties it's flat out unacceptable.

Right, PvE bounties are trivial to pick up, thus pretty trivial to avoid the consequences of.

If what ignores PF bounties? AFAIK, Pilots Federation Bounties are galaxy wide, so there is no issue with players being able to legitimately hunt players who have one (instancing / modes etc aside).
Right, PvE bounties are trivial to pick up, thus pretty trivial to avoid the consequences of.

I amended my statement to clarify on this actually. PvE bounties are trivial to pick up, but the trivial ones disappear almost immediately.

If the bounty sits with you for more than a few minutes you did something quite wrong, and it still stands that in PvE you can go on a fleet murdering spree without consequence, because players ironically object to capable NPC police. I see no valid reason players shouldn't be a part of punishment when you're in Open, making it nice and consensual anyway.
I amended my statement to clarify on this actually. PvE bounties are trivial to pick up, but the trivial ones disappear almost immediately.

If the bounty sits with you for more than a few minutes you did something quite wrong, and it still stands that in PvE you can go on a fleet murdering spree without consequence, because players ironically object to capable NPC police. I see no valid reason players shouldn't be a part of punishment when you're in Open, making it nice and consensual anyway.

Yes, C&P is messed up, or at least messy.

Up to a point I agree with you, although you can still pick up bounties for destroying skimmers that last quite a while, and TBH, I don't think skimmer destruction is that serious. :) But yes, if players go on 'murder' sprees of innocent NPCs, then that probably should be incorporated into galaxy (or at least superpower) wide bounties to give it some consequence.

The problem is, FD / the game actively encourages players to do this, so they somewhat devalue the criminality of destroying NPCs.
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