COMPLETED CG Brewer Corporation Planetary Survey Initiative (Exploration)

But has it though? By extending the deadline all FD done is negate the consequences of the attack itself- which should have been that it (the CG) was cut short because it was attacked. FD could have crafted a 'revenge' CG somewhere (say, tracking down an NPC faction) and let people loose.

In reality people love an emergent BGS until it affects them and people start whining.

Yes, I think it has, though.

The Extension of the campaign by Brewer (=FD) is or would be a logical reaction following the lockdown.

When going back in history, there are examples of international science efforts or other events, that where delayed. Remember the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in 2021 or the delayed start of the James Webb telescope due to COVID.


Volunteer Moderator
I was under the impression PF bounties came from killing other commanders, but assault was local jurisdiction, in which case the latter would cause lockdown.
It's been so long since I've fought other people. My recollection was that it had to be attacking ships that belonged to the controlling faction to lower the security of a system.

Even if a fine is issued by local jurisdiction for assaulting another Cmdr they're not aligned to the faction. Local Jurisdiction put out fines for lots of things that don't contribute to lockdown.
Yes, I think it has, though.

The Extension of the campaign by Brewer (=FD) is or would be a logical reaction following the lockdown.

When going back in history, there are examples of international science efforts or other events, that where delayed. Remember the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in 2021 or the delayed start of the James Webb telescope due to COVID.
This is not real life, and is a game. Games have constraints, otherwise whats the point? Next time FD might as well just keep it open until it gets to where they want it to be.
This is not real life, and is a game. Games have constraints, otherwise whats the point? Next time FD might as well just keep it open until it gets to where they want it to be.
100% this. Don't give the illusion of choice by allowing use of mechanisms which run counter to an established goal. That just wastes people's time.
This is not real life, and is a game. Games have constraints, otherwise whats the point? Next time FD might as well just keep it open until it gets to where they want it to be.

Of course it's a game, but it's a game that simulates something. That's why I think an intervention that corresponds to a logical reaction - simulates one - is acceptable. Especially because it is also within the the borders of the game mechanics.

It would be different if FD had simply written in a message that I had dealt with the lockdown in some way and ended it.

(I would also be happy with the result if FD had done nothing (I submitted my reports long ago), but I think the reaction in from of the extension is ok)
if i was part of the player activity with the intention to target and disrupt the cg, and i would succeed using legitimate ingame mechanics and gameplay, and fdev decided they will undermine my efforts and extend the cg and just now additionally invite people to work against me
i would probably be angy
but not surprised
is this the best handling of the situation? is this being fair towards everyone or just a group of players? is this leveling the field or a nudge towards the desired outcome instead of the actual result of gameplay?
you could argue that fdev didnt disable the opposition per se, but if there were two conflicting cgs and it would get extended because the desired outcome wasnt there, how would that look? is it that different situation?
low pop system, no bounty hunting cg to accompany, seems to me like the cg was a little borked from the start, there never was any idea nor plan for any real opposition to happen, and this is more of a "lets get this over with and try to angy as few people as possible" situation with no real universally good outcome.
it is what it is™
and its only february :p
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Like I said, the CG should have been frozen out at 5/6 and then that consequence used, because the time constraint is, well, a constraint- until it magically isn't.

There's the problem, it never has been a constraint. I remember when I spent nearly 2 weeks hauling much needed supplies out to Jaques in Colonia in my Python, 17ly per jump, just short of destination, 2 days to go in CG, log on next day and it's finished early and I got nothing and had to sell my stuff at a loss, but I didn't because I dumped it all in the interior of the station.....anyway yeah it's never really been a constraint, more like a guideline.
if i was part of the player activity with the intention to target and disrupt the cg, and i would succeed using legitimate ingame mechanics and gameplay, and fdev decided they will undermine my efforts and extend the cg and just now additionally invite people to work against me
i would be probably be angy
but not surprised
is this the best handling of the situation? is this being fair towards everyone or just a group of players? is this leveling the field or a nudge towards the desired outcome instead of the actual result of gameplay?
you could argue that fdev didnt disable the opposition per se, but if there were two conflicting cgs and it would get extended because the desired outcome wasnt there, how would that look? is it that different situation?
low pop system, no bounty hunting cg to accompany, seems to me like the cg was a little borked from the start, there never was any idea nor plan for any real opposition to happen, and this is more of a "lets get this over with and try to angy as few people as possible" situation with no real universally good outcome.
it is what it is™
and its only february :p

I am with you. When your way of playing the game is to disrupt or target an ingame event - which is totally ok in my view - and you suceeded in this (what you did!), you have to „live with the consequences“ that „the autorities“ in that simulated world react. What they did.

And it is still possible, that the attackers will succeed (correct me, if I am wrong).
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personally would of preferred if they didn't extend it as now may need to collect more if the system gets out of lockdown.

But as it was extended I do think that another CG for bounties should of popped up to give more people a reason to try clear the lockdown
I am with you. When your way of playing the game is to disrupt or target an ingame event - which is totally ok in my view - and you suceeded in this (what you did!), you have to „live with the consequences“ that „the autorities“ in that simulated world react. What they did.

And it is still possible, that the attackers will succeed (correct me, if I am wrong).
our idea of ingame response varies.
when there is an ingame system that responds to player activity, and gms decide to bypass that, i dont consider that a consequence of ingame authorities...
brewers deciding to accept data for a few days longer is in game effect, but it is a consequence of out of game authorities.
somebody indeed couldnt live with the consequences...
This is the first CG that has really irritated me. It was advertised that you could do a minimal contribution and then get one of those pre-engineered surface scanners. So I took the time to fly to turn-in ship (5 jumps in a 70 ly jumping Mandalay), gathering more data on the way, only to find that Universal Cartographics was locked down due to pirate activity.

Whatever. With the way engineering mats are flowing in with all the care packages from PP ranks, I didn't really need this. I just thought it would be fun to do this quick turn in. Thanks for wasting my time, FDEV.
This is the first CG that has really irritated me. It was advertised that you could do a minimal contribution and then get one of those pre-engineered surface scanners. So I took the time to fly to turn-in ship (5 jumps in a 70 ly jumping Mandalay), gathering more data on the way, only to find that Universal Cartographics was locked down due to pirate activity.

Whatever. With the way engineering mats are flowing in with all the care packages from PP ranks, I didn't really need this. I just thought it would be fun to do this quick turn in. Thanks for wasting my time, FDEV.
lockdown is a result of player activity
you yourself said that to qualify you would need minimal contribution, yet instead of turning that minimal in and then going for an exploration spree you decided you will take your time with all the hand ins
the cg has already been extended (by the fdev you are trashing) and players are working on lifting the lockdown
poor you :c


Isn't infrastructure failure supposed to be a random BGS event??
Isn't infrastructure failure supposed to be a random BGS event??
I would say it is random here because it's an economy state rather than security (I think). And players have not been tanking Brewer Logistics' economy, which as you can (also) see has been pushed into Investment (in fact was yesterday as well).
I would say it is random here because it's an economy state rather than security (I think). And players have not been tanking Brewer Logistics' economy, which as you can (also) see has been pushed into Investment (in fact was yesterday as well).

I've only seen one infrastructure failure event since PP 2.0 started so I did get the impression that it's kinda rare.

Very odd though that the second occurrence I've ever encountered is in the middle of a contested CG.
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