Buckyball Racing Club (and Loose Screws) presents: Ring Tossers Rally (Triple Eight Championship, Race 2)

I totally missed that.
Is it worth the race organisers to include a reminder of that rule for those who missed it or like me who are likely to forget with each race :ROFLMAO:
Almost certainly.

To recap: neither myself, Sir Boundness, Caelum Incola, Aken B. or Epahus can get more than a 6th place unlimited entry using a Sidewinder in unlimited class for the remainder of this championship.
Update: after further consultation with the other race organizers, it's become clear that the additional 'fastest' :15 bonus is likely to be more problematic than it's worth, as it leads to questions about what happens if the fastest speed is part of a slower (and hence discarded) run, as well as the potential for other shenanigans on the last day.

Racers should have more transparency around where their times stand in the ranking, rather than face the prospect of a random CMDR shuffling the podium at the last second with a half hour run that hits 20c.

Also added this note to the race description, because I overlooked it, too:

NOTE: According to a new rule introduced for the 888 Championship, any racer who places in the top 5 in unlimited will have that ship "locked" and will no longer receive more than 15 points (6th place) in any following race that season during which they enter the same ship type. This should encourage the top racers (last season this would only affect 10 racers) to spread their wings more and explore a variety of vehicles for mayhem. If you do not place in the top 5 this does not affect you. If you do, don't use that ship type again in unlimited for the season.
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It is a rule brought in this year by Bruski
It ultimately means the better pilots will get fewer choices of suitable ships as the championship goes on. This of course will not do anything to Shaye and Sgurr
@Alec Turner's post of quotes not showing up here...

Ah. An interesting rule. I'll keep that in mind if I should make it to any of the remaining races as a participant. Not that I would expect to run into this rule, but who knows...
Regulation and Unlimited finally submitted. Inspired by Alec, I took my Titan-bombing Clipper around the course. At least I can unleash Nanite torpedoes and AX missiles on the rings after I've faceplanted into them!

Almost certainly.

To recap: neither myself, Sir Boundness, Caelum Incola, Aken B. or Epahus can get more than a 6th place unlimited entry using a Sidewinder in unlimited class for the remainder of this championship.
It's a shame: after all, everybody had to use Sidewinders in that race, it's not like you had a choice of ship to use.
It's a shame: after all, everybody had to use Sidewinders in that race, it's not like you had a choice of ship to use.
Yeah. mildly unfortunate that no sooner do we introduce what I think is quite a cool rule than we go and have another BRC first by having a race where the type of ship for unlimited is fixed. Oh well, it's fine and I'm personally OK with it ... loving the Clipper.
God damn it ... I give up!

(not literally)

I've spent the last three days working on the "if I try it enough times it's bound to work once" principle ..

Source: https://youtu.be/HSTW8T2IDQo?t=17

.. basically engaging SCO while passing through one binary ring with the other lined up and then praying as I hurtle towards the second ring at speeds in excess of 50C.

Anyway, after 60+ attempts, every single one of which has failed, I have not managed to "catch it on the flippity flip" so I've had to submit a far less ambitious unlimited run and walk away from this madness for the sake of my sanity.

Actually, I have a suspicion that at those kinds of speeds the game is incapable of accurately doing the collision detection and instead uses a far less precise model where the planet and its rings are treated as one massive barn door rather than as two separate things. I submit as evidence of this suspicion one example (of many, possibly not the best) which clearly shows I wasn't about to hit anything.

Source: https://youtu.be/5bEtciYk4GY


(center dot and exclusion zone outline in white)

Tomorrow I'll turn my attention to regulation.
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