Community Event / Creation Buckyball Racing Club presents: Seven Sisters Speedway. 13-Jul-3305 to 21-Jul-3305

YES! Improved by more than [REDACTED] minutes! Satisfied this time. Oh btw I did a little type in the message, does it still count? My shields held quite nicely, 0% damage taken!
Oh and...

They got the wrong guy!
Incidentally, on the subject of fly-past messages (which we've used in the past too I believe - Alot's "Advanced Options" race?) - am I right in thinking that something's changed (at least on PC). I'm sure it used to be possible to pre-compose a message in comms, then close comms, and then re-open comms and press Return to send the message (I used to do this all the time when I was approaching stations in Open - "Buckyballer incoming!", that kinda thing). But this doesn't seem to work anymore? :(
Yes, I was going to mention it as a tip, but noticed that it seemed to have changed.

YES! Improved by more than [REDACTED] minutes! Satisfied this time. Oh btw I did a little type in the message, does it still count? My shields held quite nicely, 0% damage taken!
Oh and...

They got the wrong guy!
I'm pretty lenient, so typos are probably okay. I mean, I'm allowing cut&paste, so it would be a bit harsh to disallow a manually typed message for a typo.
Apologies team, my video evidence has decided to go shy and disappear...
Working to understand what is happening with my video capture software to prevent this from happening again.
I have contacted Raiko and requested my time be removed from the leader board. Provided Raiko is feeling kind and I am not disqualified, fully intend to resubmit new time (and evidence) before the race is complete.
Tried a run today. Lets just say it wasn't pretty. Missed an approach to a station, got hyperdicted, hit the listening post while trying to type. I would almost say if it could go wrong it did.

Then I got disconnected, and called it a day.

There is always tomorrow...
Apologies team, my video evidence has decided to go shy and disappear...
Working to understand what is happening with my video capture software to prevent this from happening again.
I have contacted Raiko and requested my time be removed from the leader board. Provided Raiko is feeling kind and I am not disqualified, fully intend to resubmit new time (and evidence) before the race is complete.
I'll leave your time on the board. Hopefully you'll beat it anyway, or others will.
If it's still your best time at the end of the race, and it's still on the podium, then I'll have to make it unranked to be fair on everyone else, but there's a long way to go yet. :)
Tried a run today. Lets just say it wasn't pretty. Missed an approach to a station, got hyperdicted, hit the listening post while trying to type. I would almost say if it could go wrong it did.

Then I got disconnected, and called it a day.

There is always tomorrow...
So many things can go wrong in a Buckyball Race I sometimes think it's a miracle we get any times on the scoreboard at all!
Well the courier Anabasii Celeste never let me down...managed to knock a good 3 minutes of my last time and also will qualify for Kamakazi..the tunnels were a bit blurry though...will submit tomorrow however but just for the hell of it.........
tunnel vision.JPG


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    tunnel vision2.JPG
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And not a single pun that wouldn't irreparably tarnish my good reputation comes to mind. Sorry, too many years of silly "alien probing" tropes.

By the way, that's a thing that has never happened to me, and I've had my fair share of traveling around the Pleiades. I'm almost hoping to be hyperdicted so that I could experience it first hand at least once.
I get hyperdicted a lot. They seem to be rather fond of me. But next time they're in for a surprise, because now I have a canister with pepper spray in my glove compartment.

A little behind, but still with a decent 40-something time is CMDR Polly in her Hauler Vein I Myrkr.
Hopefully a lot behind. Otherwise you guys needs to practice more. I would say that it was a pretty indecent run (including, but not limited to, the probing part).

So many things can go wrong in a Buckyball Race I sometimes think it's a miracle we get any times on the scoreboard at all!
Couldn't agree more!
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A word of warning to others who might make the same mistake, there are 2 listening posts out near Merope 1b, but one of them is actually orbiting Merope 1 and the other is orbiting Merope 1b. When I did my run, I went to the wrong Listening Post. So my run is invalid and needs to be removed.

Anyway, make sure you all go to the right one! :p


Day 4 of the Se7en Sisters Speedway sees the action heating up nicely with a few big news items.

Open Unlimited Class
There's been lots of action in Open Unlimited Class on Day 4.

At the top of the leaderboard CMDR ZX Spectrum, fuming that the smuggler's flight recorder fitted to his Krait Phantom had erased all evidence of his first run, switched ships to his DBX DSS Down To Earth II and became the second CMDR to make it back to Ohm Horizons in time for free drinks, arriving at the finish line hot on the heals of race leader Darplata.

Also taking a spot on the podium for now was CMDR Brother Sabathius who arrived at Ohm in his Krait Phantom Ratatockr II just ahead of a much improved Orca run by CMDR Dr. Nagi in Chankk Saotome.

Shortly behind them, Buckyball regular CMDR Alec Turner's Kamikaze run in his Krait Phantom Void Star earned him sixth spot on the unlimited leaderboard.


Notes: g= Guardian Tech fitted

Regulation Hauler Class
In Regulation Hauler Class, Cookiehole is back.

Taking his Hauler Tin Can around the course in a sub-40 minute time, CMDR Cookiehole takes the lead from Ozric for now.

Behind him BRC newcomer (I think) CMDR Swoop Dogg successfully navigated the course in Crazy Ivan with a time of fifty-something minutes, arriving at Ohm Horizons a little behind Polly.


Nuk's Kamikaze Cup
The first negative time was entered in the Kamikaze Cup by CMDR Alec Turner in Void Star, his Krait Phantom. Alec's reckless station entries earned him a bonus time of more than 40 minutes, to bring his Open Unlimited time down to sub-zero.


Notes: g= Guardian Tech fitted; r= Regulation Class run

The concealed digits on the leaderboards will be revealed one at a time on Days 5-7.
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A word of warning to others who might make the same mistake, there are 2 listening posts out near Merope 1b, but one of them is actually orbiting Merope 1 and the other is orbiting Merope 1b. When I did my run, I went to the wrong Listening Post. So my run is invalid and needs to be removed.

Anyway, make sure you all go to the right one! :p
As with ZX Spectrum's lost recording, I'm happy to leave @Codger's time up for now (the LPs are very close). If it's still his best run at the end - I'll make it unranked, with a "wrong LP" note.
It's cool though, last time I checked PS4 has a time penalty per jump as well (time spent in the jump tunnel, as it loads), so it's pretty hard to be competitive anyway.
For anyone who enters on PS4/Xbone, if you let me know then your entry will be marked up as such on the leaderboard. So you'll at least be able to compare with other console runs.
The first negative time was entered in the Kamikaze Cup by CMDR Alec Turner in Void Star, his Krait Phantom. Alec's reckless station entries earned him a bonus time of more than 40 minutes, to bring his Open Unlimited time down to sub-zero.
Meanwhile ... absolutely terrible morning's racing today ... flying like an utter Trump. Took a few screenies tho' so it wasn't a complete loss.

Flying rings around Copernicus.


Fuel scooping!


What's that Mini-David? My fuel's low you say?


Not again! I thought you guys were supposed to have all gone back where you came from? Wait ... this IS where you came from?

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Nice meeting you on the course, Alec. Sorry I didn't have the time to say hello.

Word of warning: Pepper spray does not work on thargoids. Next time, I'll try N-{1-[(6-Chloro-3-pyridyl)methyl]-4,5-dihydroimidazol-2-yl}nitramide. If it causes mass-death among bees, it may drive the bugs away from the sisters.
Intent to Race
CMDR Haresus
A Solid Investment (Hauler)
Regulation Hauler (might try some Kamikaze later if I feel like it)

Great event idea, I look forward to crashing many times!
Welcome to the Buckyball Racing Club commander - It's always great to see some new faces around here! Feel free to ask any questions (we're more than happy to give help and advice), fly fast but above all else, have fun!

Oh, and on the subject of advice, someone asked earlier (Ozric?) how to tell which side of the asteroid belt to approach Squirrels Nest from so you don't drop out some 35 Km (?) away from the installation. Well, I think I'm right in saying that Pleione 3 (the neighbouring ringed planet) is always on the same side of the rings as Squirrels Nest so I've been experimenting (with some success) with doing a gravity braking fly-by of Pleione 3 before heading directly to Squirrels Nest.

P.S. better late than never, I've now updated our website:
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