Buckyball Run 9: Move 'em out, let it roll!

I need to come back to the bubble sooner than Saturday, don't I.

::le sigh::
And I need to get back in my Hauler! :p

I was intending to do a few runs last night, but mostly because I'd forgotten I was going to the cinema with my better half. :D
Hopefully this evening I can have a go...
And, Cookiehole, if Alot doesn't want to come out to play, Kligg's looking awful lonely up at the top of Unlimited Solo. Just a thought. ;)

No movement in Hauler Solo. Maybe because Cookiehole is already in first place there? Hmm sure seems like an easy way for someone else to grab a championship dot...
Unlimited Solo will melt completely as soon as I've got a time in Nova that I can submit. No need to race another ship there :D
I surprisingly managed to arrive at Obsidian Orbital in my first practice run, although I needed one break to get the heat back down under 200%. I'll give it another try today.
I think the live runs count into Solo Unlimited (/Solo Hauler) too? If that is correct I might get an Asp time on the board on Saturday anyway. :)

Ah, and Hauler Solo: I didn't really intend to compete there, that's just the time of the live run. Which is nearly two minutes slower than the one in Open Hauler, so that would be the free inverse dot in this race at the moment.

And I need to get back in my Hauler! :p

I was intending to do a few runs last night, but mostly because I'd forgotten I was going to the cinema with my better half. :D
Hopefully this evening I can have a go...

Hm. I'll cool Tin Can a bit down, maybe it's still flyable enough to attempt defending that first place :D
This is worth coming back to the bubble for!
Cmdr name : Archaicjinn
Ship name : Cygnus( Asp Explorer)
Class : Open
Fav. Sci fi hero : That madman in a blue box , The Doctor , Specifically David Tennant
( Also ill be playing on xbox does anyone know a good way to share pics from xbox live?)
This is worth coming back to the bubble for!
Cmdr name : Archaicjinn
Ship name : Cygnus( Asp Explorer)
Class : Open
Fav. Sci fi hero : That madman in a blue box , The Doctor , Specifically David Tennant
( Also ill be playing on xbox does anyone know a good way to share pics from xbox live?)

Ohhh boy.... Um. Hmmm. Hate to discriminate, but we don't currently have any X-Box leaderboards. In the past there's been no way to compare times between X-Box performance jumping between systems (which is all over the place for PC as is) and solo/open, but especially because there's been no way to get the all-important screenshots or video on a public site.

If you're coming back to the bubble just for this, though Bucky will try to accommodate you as best as possible. There are X-Rats in the Fuel Rats, after all. Should be X-balls as well?

I'd say until you can confirm you can email or post screenshots of the dash clock while docked at a station not to kill yourself getting to the starting line...

Shame pre-flight staging isn't sorted alphabetically on user name really. ;)

It's by order of entry, actually. I meant to compliment all of yesterday's finishers for entering and racing on the same day because it means there's a dozen or so CMDRs who have been camping out at the bar at Garden Enterprise since the beginning of the race. Tsk tsk tsk... Just a gentle reminder to those there that they become DNFs if they don't get in at least one run! :D
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Disclaimer: I do not own an Xbox One, so this might be incorrect.


This method should allow you to save your screenshots and then publish to twitter/one-drive. From there it should be relatively simple to copy them onto imgur, etc.

For the BRC we're just planning to highlight Xbox entries in some way, to distinguish them from PC runs (there have been a couple of xbox entries in the A* Challenge I think). There's not been enough entries yet to determine whether it's an advantage or a disadvantage to run on console vs pc.
I like to join!!!

CMDR Tyzah
Ship Name: Ethon
Ship/Class: Imperial Clipper / Unlimited
Hero: Professor Fate

*edit* I was in the wrong place ^^
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Another piece of advice: Don't try pad-braking in a shieldless T7 with over 120m/s.
Number two. I think I'll sell this ship asap. Not that I don't like flying it, but I seem to confuse it with a shielded Asp all the time. :D
Woo, baby, this sounds like the perfect length for maximum fun. Been wanting to swing by Maia anyway. Count me in.

CMDR Name: Freedom4556
Ship Name: Plum Crazy
Ship Type: Asp Explorer (Unlimited - Open)
"Who is your personal sci-fi/fantasy hero?": Geordi La Forge, TNG

Ship Name: Hiryu
Ship Type: Anaconda (Unlimited - Open)

Ship Name: Miri
Ship Type: Hauler (Hauler Challenge - Open)
So, just completed an Open Unlimited run in "Dat Asp". Knocked a clear 30 seconds off my 'conda time - would have thought it would be quicker than that even, absolute peach of a run but nope. Back to the drawing board...
This has been tough just because of little things. Getting stuck on the toaster right at the end or running out of fuel! Anyway I finally managed it

CMDR Name: Cheetah
Ship Name: The Sleeper Awakes
Ship Type: Asp Explorer (Unlimited Open)
Declaring intent to race
(sorry was busy flipping a system, now that is done, it's racing time)

CMDR Name: Blain Crighton
Ship Name: Harriet the Hauler
Ship Type: Hauler (Hauler Open)
"Who is your personal sci-fi/fantasy hero?": Marcus Cole, Babylon 5

Ship Name: Kereru
Ship Type: Sidewinder (Unlimited Open)
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Another piece of advice: Don't try pad-braking in a shieldless T7 with over 120m/s.

You know just last night as I was setting off on my RECORD BREAKING* run, Kligg was urging me to drop my shield generator. I haven't, partially because I've fitted a D3 so it wasn't enough weight to shave on any more jumps by getting rid of it, but also because shields are my backup landing landing gear. They actually the primary landing gear when you've also downgraded the thrusters to D as well...

When utilizing percussive landings, shields are your friend.

* for me
** I love asterisks!
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Ooops! I've just submitted my last improved time, with screenshots and all...then, watching the video footage, I've just discovered that I've been a bit too lazy reaching the F10 key, and grabbing from the video the screenshot of the exact moment of touchdown, my actual time is two seconds faster than the uploaded one...if I don't come up with anything better tomorrow, I'll re-upload it with video snapshots...
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Ooops! I've just submitted my last improved time, with screenshots and all...then, watching the video footage, I've just discovered that I've been a bit too lazy reaching the F10 key, and grabbing from the video the screenshot of the exact moment of touchdown, my actual time is two seconds faster than the uploaded one...if I don't come up with anything better tomorrow, I'll re-upload it with video snapshots...
if you have both video and screenshots I think they use the video as primary evidence of your flight time.
I shall be back at the starting line tomorrow, hopefully ready to post a faster time than my live run. ;) The Nomad will be stripped down for racing this time, I've gotten used to landings again doing the BRC True Love race, and more importantly AMD have apparently fixed the SC stutter bug! :D
I shall be back at the starting line tomorrow, hopefully ready to post a faster time than my live run. ;) The Nomad will be stripped down for racing this time, I've gotten used to landings again doing the BRC True Love race, and more importantly AMD have apparently fixed the SC stutter bug! :D

Yeah, made my first run then saw the update lol
Yeah, made my first run then saw the update lol

We need to get the word out! I made two runs before I saw on Reddit.

In other, unrelated news, has anyone ever swung through Ross 780? There's a gas giant in a super-tight orbit with the star, so close I had to dodge it while re-aligning to jump. That left me in the fuel scooping zone way too long and messed up my pit strategy! And I nearly overheated. Watch out, CMDRs. o7
After 111 runs...




The end of the week is upon us and new racers are still hitting the black. The lead runners have all been conspicuously quiet, no doubt waiting til the last second to spring ungodly fast times on poor, unsuspecting Cookiehole and Kligg. Less than 48 hours to go to find out...

But that doesn't mean there weren't any movers and shakers. Aken B. and the Diamondback Explorer Bucket of Bolts zoomed up the ranks to the top five, putting him just over a minute out of first. CMDR Cheetah's Asp Sleeper Awakes stirred to land in 8th. In a couple of ship-switcheroos, CMDR Reload slipped out of his Anaconda in into Dat Asp but failed to gain position thanks to Cheetah. Freedom4556 in his second Buckyball after the A* ran both an Asp and an Anaconda in open, and in a reverse of Reload got a better time in Hiryu the 'Conda.

Solo Unlimited saw a fair amount of action as CMDR <-lightspeed-> announced his presence with authority, bringing his ask High Flyer straight to third place. Meanwhile, CMDR Slo'Mo in the DB-X Stripped Big Bird found himself the meat in a Lakon-6 sandwich, tucked between Anuranium's Lasercow and Drakhyr's Deep Blue Yonder. Speaking of Lakons, CMDR Cookiehole, evidently tired of being first everywhere else decided to set a record by running the only Type-7 on the board thus far as well as drawing the ire of the Bank of Zaonce insurance claims department. Finally in Open Unlimited we have another first-time Buckyballer setting another record for type, with CMDR Tyzah's Imperial Clipper Ethon rounding out the field.

Open Huler also saw its fair shair of activity, with CMDR Furrycat's heatsink jumping to 5th. Lightspeed's Your Wife Looks Good In This broke into the top 10, with Freedom's Miri coming in at 14th. Hauling up the tail end of the new arrivals gave us the return of CMDR Blain Crighton and Harriet the Hauler. Harriet herself is no stranger to the Buckyball, still sporting a bumper sticker from way back to BBR3. Welcome back, Blain!

And once again, nothing in solo hauler. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Last but not least, Buckyball 9 hit a milestone tonight, having its 100th entry! CMDR Reload's Dat Asp was the race's 100th attempt so far with 54 individual commanders reporting in. Which means a few of you are nuts. We're not going to name names, you know who you are. But you're crazy. :D

Anyway, congrats Reload for being #100! For this momentous achievement, you are hereby awarded an Obsidian Orbital keychain and koozie as well as a coupon good for 15% off your next dining bill on the Shotgun Shine (not including alcohol.)

CMDRs Freedom4556, Lightspeed, Tyzah, and Chrighton come 'n' get your dot! Freedom's second, and Chrighton's fourth! Congratulations all.

Just a reminder to anyone tuning in that the race ends midnight galactic time on Saturday, with a live run kicking off at 21:00 from Garden Enterprise. Anybody can participate in the live run whether or not they've raced thus far. I'll update the main page with the details on how to join.

Two days to go!
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