[Bug] Can anyone check if their on foot assets were wiped like mine?

It's been a while since I did some ground missions so I followed a friend to kill some scavengers yesterday.

After a fruitful looting session, I return to my ship to transfer my spoils into storage when I noticed all my assets (chemicals, circuits & tech) were wiped clean save for a couple of microelectrodes.

In a panic, I asked if it was the same for my friend and he said all his assets are still there.

After relogging and checking inara with no changes, he advised me to go through my journals and send a ticket to support.

I checked my journals for the past few months and managed to pinpoint the day my assets were wiped: 22nd April 2022.

I sent in a ticket and am now hoping for the best. So now I'm asking any cmdrs who haven't check their assets in a while to confirm if they are still there.
I can verify this. All of my on-foot assets, chemicals, circuits & tech items are gone from inventory, wiped clean.

I don't know when it happened as it's been awhile since I noticed them.

Post a link to your ticket and I will add mine to it.
I can verify this. All of my on-foot assets, chemicals, circuits & tech items are gone from inventory, wiped clean.

I don't know when it happened as it's been awhile since I noticed them.

Post a link to your ticket and I will add mine to it.
Support replied saying I transferred 1000 assets & data to my carrier's inventory and asked me to check.

So I did and yup, they're all there. Weird since I don't remember doing that.

But it's all good now, farming all those assets again (especially tech) will be a huge pain.
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