Can we maybe not change ARX cosmetics on-the-fly, please?

I'm fine with it. Chameleon paint is a pretty common Sci-fi trope, and less farfetched than much of the games handwave-lore.
Reminds me of when my father bought a Volkswagen Thing (181 outside USA) in the early 70's. Because of the ad campaign, I was repeatedly asked by people to make it change colour!
And ship kit... holograms? The rabbit hole gets a bit too over the top or under the bottom, depending on your perspective, never mind the game-play elements of the thing. I'd rather the existing elements of compelling game-play not be all explained away by sci-fi magic for the purposes of accessibility beyond the meta progression of the thing.
So...what exactly are we paying for when we repair our paint, if it can be magically changed on the fly?

Does it keep the wear and tear when you change it?

I don't understand how this fits in, exactly :)
ship kits are easy to explain. Cars (expensive sports jobs, admittedly) already come with retractable spoilers. Other bits can do the same thing. (Hollyweird has made vehicles for spy movies etc. that do things like rotate license plates, change light configs on a button-press, that sort of thing. Think James Bond and agent Q. Silly, but think of what people really do to their vehicles, or their own bodies. Radio DJ from Fifth Element for Holo-Me stuff.
So...what exactly are we paying for when we repair our paint, if it can be magically changed on the fly?

Does it keep the wear and tear when you change it?

I don't understand how this fits in, exactly :)

It doesn't cost anything (in-game) to change your livery. Wear & tear is (currently) unrelated, if you change the skin on a worn ship the new skin will also be worn. At various times in the game's life the ship wear rules have changed though, and may change again. It is currently a bit silly but caters for all preferences.
ship kits are easy to explain. Cars (expensive sports jobs, admittedly) already come with retractable spoilers. Other bits can do the same thing. (Hollyweird has made vehicles for spy movies etc. that do things like rotate license plates, change light configs on a button-press, that sort of thing. Think James Bond and agent Q. Silly, but think of what people really do to their vehicles, or their own bodies. Radio DJ from Fifth Element for Holo-Me stuff.
Can you at least transform me up some tank treads for my Vulture then, please? ;)

What's the end game goal here (in terms of game development and intended game-play)? How does it add to compelling game-play beyond the meta progression? And where does one draw the line? It's going a bit further than I'd prefer at any rate, while to an extent undermining existing game-play.

Just my opinion. Fair enough if you have a different opinion and outlook.

Cheers. o7
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I've heard this will be part of the update introducing the ARX currency system for cosmetics.

I've actually rather enjoyed cosmetics being a part of game-play in the game, needing to go to stations to change them around.

Here are a few key points for me:

Learning to recognize ships on expeditions and the like.​
Looking forward to coming back from the black to pickup my gold squadron trophy and Distant Worlds 2 decal.​
And of course the obvious, changing a ship's appearance out in the middle of nowhere, including things like ship kits, doesn't make much sense contextually in the game.​

So, yeah, I'd prefer the application of ship cosmetics remain a compelling part of game-play than something applied frivolously with no game context supporting it.

Why do you care? You can still wait till you get to a station if you want. Some of us though want to take screenshots with different paints at distant points. It doesnt affect open play mechanics at all, it's a completely private affair. If Frontier releases a paint pack while you're months out on a voyage, why should you have to haul your ship allll the way back for it? Cant we assume that in the Elite lore, the paintjob always existed and the one you previously had was a placeholder?

Fly your silly little ship back to the bubble and stop complaining about things that are nice.

this proves that comms in Elite are handled by Friendship Drives

quantum pairing.
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Why do you care? ...
Essentially, because I want the game to be good and its corresponding game-play to remain compelling and engaging where and when it can, instead of frivolous, arbitrary, and inconsequential beyond the meta progression.

Naturally, this is going to be rather subjective.

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Personally, I don't mind swapping paintjobs on-the-fly. I can just pretend I had it from the start.

But I think this whole holo-thing is starting to get out of hand. Everything is holo-this, holo-that. Next thing we know the ships are holograms. As well as the stations. Actually the whole galaxy is just a hologram and no one's ever traveled anywhere. And Raxxla is the red pill. You find it and your character wakes up running in a treadmill, tied into a machine in some dystopian 1984. Cue end credits.
Personally, I don't mind swapping paintjobs on-the-fly. I can just pretend I had it from the start.

But I think this whole holo-thing is starting to get out of hand. Everything is holo-this, holo-that. Next thing we know the ships are holograms. As well as the stations. Actually the whole galaxy is just a hologram and no one's ever traveled anywhere. And Raxxla is the red pill. You find it and your character wakes up running in a treadmill, tied into a machine in some dystopian 1984. Cue end credits.
This is why a consistent and compelling forth wall is important. A willing suspension of disbelief. If it's only the meta, I'd find little value in playing. I'd rather play the game as a Commander in the Pilots Federation, and the game support that play style with compelling, apt, and rewarding game-play. Maybe that's just me.

By the by, you ever play the puzzle game The Witness? Don't mean to spoil it for you...

...but that's basically the premise. The game's kind of pretty in a mobile app sort of way, and the puzzle progression design and the way it starts to interact with the game world are pretty good. I'm already "awake" though and don't need to "wake up" from most of the games I play. A bit of weird and pretentious social commentary. Oh well. It's certainly not why I care to play this game.
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I've heard this will be part of the update introducing the ARX currency system for cosmetics.

I've actually rather enjoyed cosmetics being a part of game-play in the game, needing to go to stations to change them around.

Here are a few key points for me:

Learning to recognize ships on expeditions and the like.​
Looking forward to coming back from the black to pickup my gold squadron trophy and Distant Worlds 2 decal.​
And of course the obvious, changing a ship's appearance out in the middle of nowhere, including things like ship kits, doesn't make much sense contextually in the game.​

So, yeah, I'd prefer the application of ship cosmetics remain a compelling part of game-play than something applied frivolously with no game context supporting it.

Please not the 'i' word stuff over applying paint!
Although if this is folk's only complaint (so far) with the new updates they really must've done a good job!
Exactly. Hence it gets handwaved away for the sake of gameplay.

Though it may be interesting to calculate how long information takes to spread. Just for science, really.

How long does it take to fly there?

Which is a good question, if we don't have FTL communications, why don't you see more jobs for couriering data files for news from place to place? Seems like something frontier could slot into the usual mission system without too much trouble.

Stay Frosty,

Cmnd Fulsom
Please not the 'i' word stuff over applying paint!
Although if this is folk's only complaint (so far) with the new updates they really must've done a good job!
Just my perspective of things. Regarding reservations some have, some are worried that the ARX gathering will turn into just another meta progression grind. That doesn't apply to me so much though, as I just buy the cosmetics I want anyway. I mean, other than the ones I've earned in the game so far. Now there's some compelling game-play, actually earning something in the game contextually, i.e., the DW2 decal.
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I see it as a suggestion.

The topic read as:
"Please don't make paintjob changes available on the fly, only at stations, for the sake of at least some semblence of realism"

Why are you defending FD so much?
I agree with the OP, actually.

When I joined the Gnosis expedition I thought carefully about the ship I’d take — even down to how it was painted — in case I was stuck out in the black for a long tine.

But I can make my piece with it. The outside of the ship is clearly covered in what are effectively e-Paint pixels (though they are easily damaged) and need frequent repair.
I agree with the OP, actually.

When I joined the Gnosis expedition I thought carefully about the ship I’d take — even down to how it was painted — in case I was stuck out in the black for a long tine.

But I can make my piece with it. The outside of the ship is clearly covered in what are effectively e-Paint pixels (though they are easily damaged) and need frequent repair.
Fair enough, and for me it isn't actually the end of the world or whatever some seem to be making it out to be. I'm glad for the thing overall, other Commanders being able to earn cosmetics in the game and such. Would prefer if it made more sense contextually in the game though.

That being said, it does seem indicative of a game design philosophy that's moving more away from where I'd prefer it to be.
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