[Canonn Science Report] Generation Ship Thetis investigation.


I just visited for the first time the Thetis. Like many I try to solve the mystery. I came to a hypothesis. It all starts with the listening post. The message is partly corrupted. The source has been identified (Nefertem) but not the date. And it is this problem of date which is the first element of my hypothesis.

Then there are the entry dates of the communication logs. Everything is fine for the first 3 but something happens for the 4th and 5th, this is my 2nd element.

I believe the Thetis has encountered a temporal disturbance.


The signal they detected was the one emitted by themselves. The temporal anomaly begins before the first log 905.2.34. As they continue to approach the anomaly, passengers hear a signal that comes from the anomaly, an echo from the past that will be their future in the past :eek:. At the time of finishing her 3rd message, the one who ended up with “kill them all”, they entered the anomaly. On the other side, they are in the past, near the system Nefertem. The 4th logs indicates a number much prior than the others. The listening post receives a corrupted part of the 3rd message with date bug. The Thetis finish attracts by the gravity of the system and stabilizes. The 5th message comes from when they was inside the anomaly, “kill them all” distorted by the anomaly, the last part from the 3rd message.

A time loop, a time paradox, they enter witch-space by natural phenomenon, who knows.

If my hypothesis is correct, there is or was or will have a temporal anomaly within a radius of 15 light years of Nefertem.

Your opinions?

Edit: Traveling in witch-space can send you in an other time, an other dimenseion, turn your body inside out and becoming crazy.
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Gen ship are too old for jump, they travel in normal space at sub light speed. I suppose they start at Sol, because, not much of planet were colonize at that time.
It cant still be there and the reason is coms array delta 69, this same signal arrived at the base, weighed in mass of 0.1g, but couldn't be seen, "shouldn't be there"... it was 10km away, then the logs talk about ships that disapears for no reason, meaning either this thing not only moves but is not visible but the ships disappearing are the generation ships that fail to arrive, then we have the artimis mystery pop up on galnet this week.. the logs mentioned the void and ships with lofe still waiting to finish their mission... the void..which is far west of the galactic core, the very edge.. ED says we still haven't discovered all ships.. or something to that effect..
Just some thoughts regarding the log numbers:

No idea what the second number could mean, not really important for my idea.

The last number 34/04 could just refer to the device that was used to record the log. For the first 3 she uses her personal device, the 4th is recorded from the comms deck, that's why the number changed.

The first numbers "90x" could refer to distance, instead of time. The ship turned. (She had to stop Pearson from changing a route, that she maybe set after getting infected [back to civilization?] )

But I have no idea where this could lead. Assuming they travelled a straight line (don't nail me on the exact numbers atm, don't have my notes from yesterday here) from earth, 900 ticks would be the distance from sol to nefertem (53.46ly). Then 1 tick would be 0.0594ly. So the 8 ticks between log 1 and log 4 would be ~0.4752ly, what would still be the same system and there wouldn't be a difference to a ~15ly-away-system.

Or the 4th log was recorded somewhere further away and the Thetis was travelling decades to get back to Nefertem, maybe autopilot just headed there in search for a safe spot.

Well as I said I have no clue what this could finally mean. I just wanted to provide the idea that 90x could refer to distance, instead of time.

(I don't think they travelled back in time, i mean how could the board computer even know that they left their timeline.) The number got smaller because they turned around at some point, what was never planned. Of course my further thoughts/calculations could be nonsense.

[[Edit: further thoughts: IF delta 69 is related: 0.1G could be a wormhole, big enough for a signal. People there later disappeared, without using the doors, through other wormholes (willingly or not). And the planet that Thetis passed was Col 285 Sector BG-O d6-93 AB 1 d, years before the delta 69 mission. But then they changed route or entered another wormhole. Or they didn't change position and passed the planet where the wormholes in col 285 originated from.. but I still have no idea how this could help us-

Edit2: I thought I've read somewhere that you could find the Thetis log 5 transmission also at delta69. But can't find it anymore, I guess I just mixed up something.]]
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Looking at the 9th generation thing...In Greek Mythology, Leto the 9th child or Coeus and Phoebe...banned by Hera from giving birth on land, had to find an island that floated on the sea.
Hyperborea..Which is a system. Not in my ship right now, so I can't look it up. Probably not even related, It just struck me because of the 9th gen thing and the fact that the Devs seem totally addicted to Greek myths :)

A question though, how does someone get a star map and plot a straight line through it?
I went to the Thetis and just chose a system vaguely in the direction of Earth at 15LY and started casting around nearby ones...I have no idea how to just plot lines on the galactic map, any help would be appreciated.
If the people who wrote this lore were actually smart, then the whole Greek myth should just be a coincidence and a red herring to the story, because from the game world standpoint, this event should've been a real (game) world event not a staged drama/fiction filled with literary devices to satisfy the readers.

You could build a ship named Jesus Christ, in reality how probable do you think that the ship or the people inside would get crucified and rise again? Unless you're writing fiction.
after reading the GalNet article I visited the Thetis yesterday. When I played the last log entry, I heard something that had the rhythm of speech. Viewing the signal in a spectrum analyzer revealed a signal at about 600Hz. I isolated the frequency using a bandpass filter, but it's still incomprehensible.

Maybe someone with more experience in audio processing can make something out of this...


  • thetis-log5.png
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  • thetis-log5-spec.png
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I'm interest in spectrum analyzer. Someone know how to remove white noise, background ect? I recorded a lot a sound, but when take a look with specterum analyzer i bearly see the secret symbole hide inside. I dont know much about filter and kind of thing. Any advise?


Thank you.
I'm interest in spectrum analyzer. Someone know how to remove white noise, background ect? I recorded a lot a sound, but when take a look with specterum analyzer i bearly see the secret symbole hide inside. I dont know much about filter and kind of thing. Any advise?
Look for a "noise reduction" option or plugin. It should let you select a sample with noise only. After this the program knows what the noise "looks like" and lets you remove it from the rest of the track. Happy Easter :)
Forgive my ignorance, but google is failing me today. Is there any way to tell if an ultrasonic frequency was omitted from the recording, perhaps due to safety features, specifically a sound around 7hz?
Forgive my ignorance, but google is failing me today. Is there any way to tell if an ultrasonic frequency was omitted from the recording, perhaps due to safety features, specifically a sound around 7hz?
We can hear frequencies above about 20 Hz, below that it's called infrasound. To tell whether a frequency has been filtered, you would need the original signal, do a spectral analysis on it and compare it to the other signal's spectrum. Most audio editors let you switch between waveform view and spectrum view, see above.

I could imagine there are reasons to filter these frequencies out, maybe to protect audio equipment. But most if not all speakers/microphones are incapable to reproduce frequencies this low anyway.

I hope that was of any help.

(ultrasonic sound is above 16-20kHz)
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I'm interest in spectrum analyzer. Someone know how to remove white noise, background ect? I recorded a lot a sound, but when take a look with specterum analyzer i bearly see the secret symbole hide inside. I dont know much about filter and kind of thing. Any advise?
View attachment 217346
View attachment 217347

Thank you.
Have you gone to delt 69? Its the same situation as the thetis, this is interesting though as delta 69 talks about an object of mass, which could be what we are seeing in this picture
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