Catalog of Guardian Structures and Ruins

Y u no scan moons?! There could be Raxxla and you wouldnt know...

Currently around the last discovered site in col 137 sector. Lots of boring systems, almost none in edsm.
Nice initiative!
Right now I'm at SLENGIE DB-M C21-36 and I'll be here mapping the area.
I'm using Elite Observatory, Elite Discovery and ED Market with plugins to upload the data.
Any tips or additional information to help you?

Cheers and o7!
Tips: Before you even start searching for ruins figure out the outer limits of the braintree bubble. Make some bookmarks to visualise the border. Then start to search by grid and boxel. Jumping around isnt the best thing for this, pick an area and stick to it. Also pick a layer, mine is -150 to -250. If you dont do this you will get lost because space is big. Filter for unvisited stars only, after some time you will have a hole in the galmap so you know where youve been. After completing a boxel pick one of the neighbouring ones and so on. In the end you will have an entire block of the galaxy with your name on it.

Ruins wont come by as easy as you think. You need to manually/visually check every landable on the system map for location info. There is no info in the fss event if there are ruins so no 3rd party tool can report it. Good luck son.
They do indeed show in Locations of FSS, even highlighted in yellow.
The info is the same as in the system map right? I never wait till that is fully loaded, I scan as fast as possible, hit j, full throttle, check the map and if nothing is there I align the ship.

I think I do this faster than other people so I have the full map for one task. There are so many systems and planets to check you become insane if you wait for the info in each fss scan.
The info is the same as in the system map right? I never wait till that is fully loaded, I scan as fast as possible, hit j, full throttle, check the map and if nothing is there I align the ship.

I think I do this faster than other people so I have the full map for one task. There are so many systems and planets to check you become insane if you wait for the info in each fss scan.
If that works for you, great - but it is considerably slower for me, made a lot worse in Odyssey and the need to select Every. God. Damned. Body. on the system map to check this information - and it not even being on the default screen either but buried in a new one.

That said, if you're waiting for FSS to show something, instantly zooming out and back in fixes that. I'm also using Observatory to tell me bodies that might be of interest as I scan them - I'd lose that in System Map. I think if I timed just FSSing and not checking vs checking in FSS as I go, it costs less half a second extra per body. If you can make up that time in SysMap, more power to you.
made a lot worse in Odyssey and the need to select Every. God. Damned. Body. on the system map to check this information - and it not even being on the default screen either but buried in a new one.
This baffles me to no end.
Why did FDEV choose to make user experience objectively worse?
So far I've seen no rationale behind decisions like that, so I have to go with the worn: "for no reason" (as I'm not yet willing to say "to spite players"). :(
This baffles me to no end.
Why did FDEV choose to make user experience objectively worse?
So far I've seen no rationale behind decisions like that, so I have to go with the worn: "for no reason" (as I'm not yet willing to say "to spite players"). :(
I'm led to believe the experience is better for those on mouse+kb - but as I use a controller, there are parts of the UI that are still staggeringly tedious. My hope is that they'll see this when (if) they come to do the console ports.

We've probably derailed Moo's thread enough now though, let normal service resume :)
Hi everyone, I have another question.
To find guardian structures do I have to use the surface scanner in each body or the FSS will show something in 'location' part at the upper right right?


Thanks, and o7!
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This baffles me to no end.
Why did FDEV choose to make user experience objectively worse?
So far I've seen no rationale behind decisions like that, so I have to go with the worn: "for no reason" (as I'm not yet willing to say "to spite players"). :(
I think it's quite simple: they forgot about stuff. Over the years, they've routinely tended to forget that exploration exists and might be hampered by changes they made. So, judging by their track record, I find it most likely that this time around, they simply forgot that players might still find some new Guardian ruins :D
I've found this nice guide from cannon

I know that there is a filter in galaxy map to show only unvisited systems by me, but I would like to know if is there any plugin to show all unvisited systems (any player).
Do you guys know some app like that? In nebulas is hard to find a "never visited" system.

Thanks and o7!
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There is only one possible way to do this: you need to download the entire star catalogue from edsm and replace your visitedstars.dat file (backup you original one!!). However there are only stars in that file that have been uploaded by players. If that did not happen they are not in there but the system has been discovered anyway.

I dont have a link for that now because my saved one is dead.
you need to download the entire star catalogue from edsm and replace your visitedstars.dat file
Does this work now?
AFAIK it is, or at least was some time ago, borked / intentionally disabled by FDEV.
Hope backing up one's own cahce is enough to save it, and using downloaded won't prevent its later use...
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