Celebrating 35 years of Elite!

My favorite memory in Elite is Colonia expansion initiative!

2K+ tn in 1 month on poorly engineered ships... Learning the neitron highway, first - empty, later - full. Barely getting out from several jets without experience.

And p5 for our company finally

Cmdr Al Loiz [ICU]
This first time when I got stuck at the coriolis Station real panic appeared and I managed it to hit the landing pad 😂 BHARD99
Favorite memory would be landing on my first planet and driving around for an hour only to find that I had barely covered any ground next to the huge crater I had landed next to. CMDR Malius on PC.
Greetings Commanders,

Over the years, the Elite series of games has grown and evolved, starting all the way from the first Elite (published on this very day in 1984) to the Elite Dangerous we have today!

For the 35th anniversary of Elite 1984, we want to look back and celebrate each and every Commander who has shared this incredible ride with us.

Haven't had the chance to earn your wings in the iconic Elite? Claim your free copy on the Frontier Store for PC and Mac here.

As a gift for every Commander, head over to the in-game store, and you will be able to claim your own Retro Thargoid Bobblehead, available until 23 September (16:00 UTC) for 1 ARX.

But that's not all! Alongside this octagonal interloper, we've got 35 Cobra MK III Classic Wireframe Paint Jobs to give away. To be in with the chance to win one of these Paint Jobs, all you need to do is reply to this thread, telling us about your favourite memory playing one of the Elite games. Don't forget to include your Commander Name to be eligible to win!

The competition will run from now until 23 September (11:00 UTC) and winners will be contacted by 25 September (11:00 UTC). With the aid of the Elite Dangerous development team, our top 35 favourite comments will be rewarded with the Paint Job.

You can also get involved over on Steam, Twitter and Facebook! Please find all of the Terms and Conditions below.

Whether you've only just donned your flight suit, or you've been with us over the last 35 years, thank you for all of your passion and support!

Fly safe.

  • Prize: One (1) Cobra MK III Classic Wireframe Paint Job. (35 per platform – Frontier Forums, Steam, Facebook and Twitter)
  • One submission per person (per platform).
  • You only officially enter the competition when you reply, with your favourite Elite Dangerous memory, to the relevant competition thread/post.
  • Be sure to include your Commander Name in your reply to be eligible to win.
  • The competition closes on Monday 23 September (2019) at 11:00 UTC.
  • The winners will be announced by Wednesday 25 September (2019) and prizes will be credited directly to the winner's account.
  • The winners will be chosen by a panel of Elite Dangerous developers.
  • Objectionable or offensive content will be disqualified.
  • No submission should violate the Elite Dangerous EULA and TOS.
  • Frontier Developments has the right to remove any entry at their sole discretion
  • Frontier Developments employees are excluded from participating in the event.
  • Frontier Developments reserve the right to exchange any prize for a prize of similar value.
  • Prize: One (1) Cobra MK III Classic Wireframe Paint Job. (35 per platform – Frontier Forums, Steam, Facebook and Twitter)
  • One submission per person (per platform).
  • You only officially enter the competition when you reply, with your favourite Elite Dangerous memory, to the relevant competition thread/post.
  • Be sure to include your Commander Name in your reply to be eligible to win.
  • The winners will be contacted by the Frontier Community Team via Facebook DM, Twitter DM or Forum DM. Please ensure you are following @EliteDangerous on Twitter to allow us to contact you.
  • The winners have 7 days to respond and claim the prize; if no response has been received after 7 days, you forfeit your prize.
  • The competition closes on Monday 23 September (2019) at 11:00 UTC.
  • The winners will be announced by Wednesday 25 September (2019) and prizes will be credited directly to the winner's account.
  • The winners will be chosen by a panel of Elite Dangerous developers.
  • Objectionable or offensive content will be disqualified.
  • No submission should violate the Elite Dangerous EULA and TOS.
  • Frontier Developments has the right to remove any entry at their sole discretion
  • Frontier Developments employees are excluded from participating in the event.
  • Frontier Developments reserve the right to exchange any prize for a prize of similar value.
My moment was finding a Thargoid for the first time in ED. I had Elite 1 & 2 (Big box) on the PC as I had found them at a car boot sale when I was young and to have one of those big beasts pull me out of space without warning was amazing. The only thing that came close was getting the key from the guardian probe (that is one of the best bits of animation in sci-fi let alone gaming). Jaxblaze Xbox1
But that's not all! Alongside this octagonal interloper, we've got 35 Cobra MK III Classic Wireframe Paint Jobs to give away. To be in with the chance to win one of these Paint Jobs, all you need to do is reply to this thread, telling us about your favourite memory playing one of the Elite games.​

Trying to load the game on a 48k Spectrum connected to a slightly out of focus 26" colour TV. My favourite memory was holding the prism up to the TV to see the access code and guessing the right answer before running out of tries so that I didn't have to rewind the tape to play it for another 5 mins.

I spent all the money I had on a BBC Micro model B to play Elite. Best memory is a marathon session and staying up all night over Christmas 1984 to reach Elite by attacking space stations and blasting everything that moved! Planning to do the same this Christmas :)

The other day I plugged in my BBC Micro and the only game that I could get working is Elite.

Best game in the galaxy by far. David is a genius.


So many good memories but I think my first expedition, so Enigma Expedition was the best, and that ending outside a Megaship. Tear in my eye.

CMDR Dimmak546

Playing Elite on my ZX Spectrum and being able to fly around - in 3d - in space!
Playing Frontier Elite II on my Amiga 500+ and realising the sheer scope of the game and just spending ages trying to work out on paper how you managed to fit it all on the disk!!
Playing E:D on PC and still in awe of the depth and atmosphere.

As a dad of two kids its a welcome bit of escapism !!
i played frontier elite 11 in the 90s and hope one day id see it on pc I my memory is coming across a vid on you tube about it and I did not care bout the cost I ordered and downloaded it there and then that was 4 years ago and still love it today ..
I'm eleven and we're spending an evening at my parent's friends in Belgium. They own a Commodore 64 with a floppy drive (!). Their kid wants to show me a cool game he bootlegged from somewhere. The next thing I know, I'm Commander Jameson, flying a Cobra MK III and my mind just does not comprehend what I'm looking at. The impossible vastness of it. The mind-boggling graphics. The weird language (I'm a French-speaker, the game isn't, but that doesn't stop me). I remember nothing else of that evening.

At home, I have a Tandy CoCo 2. It doesn't run Elite. I dream about that evening for years.

Years later, I have an Atari ST. On a school trip to the UK, we stop by Hamley's on Oxford Street and I see the box for Frontier on display. For the Atari ST. I had come out the day before. I spend every pound of pocket money I have and I bring it back to Belgium. I leave this world for months. It's better than what I could have imagined.

I'm CMDR Wombat Predator and I've been in space for 35 years. Happy birthday Elite. You've always been with me.
Tried to purchase the thargoid bobblehead from the "store". Took my arc said I owned the item then gave me a message that my arc amount did not update.altough I had 141 arc's when I started now I have 140 but NOOOOOOO Its my fault right?
yea, I think I have to run Elite or Elite 2: Frontier anyway

My favorite was going on Distant Worlds 2. By the end of the expedition, I was a few weeks behind the main fleet. I finally made it to Beagle Point; and even though I was as far as you can get from the bubble and weeks behind my fleet, I still met some new CMDRs there.


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well....my favorite memory was playing the original Elite on BBC and Acorn electron....spent months trying to land in a station without a docking computer (keyboard controls only as the mouse had not bee invented yet !) when we finally could afford a docking computer this was a major achievement. I still have my original game on cassette from Acornsoft and it is still one of my most treasured items it was so ahead of its time...
Best Memory. Lots of hours playing the orginal on my Commodore 64. What an awesome game this was for the time! Huge amount of excitement when I stumbled across the new version and I have been loving it ever since!
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