I don't know, if the Thargoids can't actually use incursions to set fire to stations due to the bug, taking some time off until it's fixed might be sensible...
It would seem strange to me for fdev to highlight a bug in something they don't plan to use (and aren't using now) unless they are trying a bit of damage control on the usual forum outrage. OTOH they rarely do damage control (e.g. they never mentioned the issues with AX CZ and used them anyway), so you could be correct - time will tell
Well, unless we have had incursion pending states, and then the incursion didn't set fire to anything so wasn't noticed?
Hmm, well 22460 wasn't showing as being in Incursion, and neither was anywhere else (they would show on the Galmap, unless that too is broken). Stations only caught fire on successful infestation, i.e. when the incursion was active (and yes, they could have changed that too).
Tinfoil: Thargoids have actually been trying to do diversionary attacks to draw defenders off HIP 22460 for the last three weeks now, but...
That would also imply they broke the Galnet report. Possible, but you're starting to say a lot of things were broken
All fun - we'll see soon. Or not, if Incursions really were postponed.