[CLOSED] EDDB - a site about systems, stations, commodities and trade routes in Elite: Dangerous.

But the restock time can be different for different commodities and the game doesn't write that into the journal. So someone would need to manually find out how long that is and the trading clients neeed to be updated manualy.
I'm absolutely not proposing anything of the sort, and I'm baffled that we continue to talk at cross purposes here.

I'm simply suggesting that the apps could grab the low-hanging fruit (in fact it's basically already on the ground :ROFLMAO:) represented by the journal MarketBuy entries which are almost (but not quite) as good as having a full market journal update on departure. (I accept that the fact that the apps don't do this is more likely to be for some good reason I'm not aware of than a failure to consider it.)
This would pretty much instantly make things massively better with low-traffic carriers in particular - where the stock levels of any given commodity are often less than will fit in a single ship, and where the market supply levels on EDDB/Inara are thus extremely untrustworthy as a rule.
Hi, I am trying to find a Large Federation station which is under attack from Thargoids - and so has evacuation missions, so that I can upgrade my Federation rank whilst running these missions. Am I missing a filter? Thanks for the great site!
Dear EDDB users,

when I started developing EDDB over 8 years ago, I never thought that the site would become so big and successful. What impressed me the most was the incredible community of Elite: Dangerous. This was also the reason why I remained loyal to the EDDB project for so long. I have always found motivation to continue developing EDDB, even though I haven't actively played the game for years.

Now after 8 years, however, I have to acknowledge that my life has changed and my focus is now on other things. It is therefore with a heavy heart that I have to announce that EDDB will soon cease operations. Of course all user data will be deleted completely.

I know that the decision to shut down EDDB is bad news for some of you. I hope you understand that the work and responsibility required to run EDDB can no longer be done by me.

In any case, I want to thank you for the fantastic time I have had in this community. The EDDB project has given me a lot and will definitely not be forgotten.

Fly safe o7
I also want to thank you for your service over the years. TCE and most other 3rd party tools will miss your API.
Can you give me a date when the hammer falls?
That is indeed sad to hear, as it was the main website I used while trading in Elite (until the "live"/"legacy" split and it became mostly useless to many of us, like various other websites that now only cover the "live" game!)...

Hopefully someone else takes over your work and just maybe, starts uploading "legacy" trading data again! 😯😀🤘🤞 .

Anyway, best of luck with whatever you're doing now 😀🤘 .
Dear EDDB users,

when I started developing EDDB over 8 years ago, I never thought that the site would become so big and successful. What impressed me the most was the incredible community of Elite: Dangerous. This was also the reason why I remained loyal to the EDDB project for so long. I have always found motivation to continue developing EDDB, even though I haven't actively played the game for years.

Now after 8 years, however, I have to acknowledge that my life has changed and my focus is now on other things. It is therefore with a heavy heart that I have to announce that EDDB will soon cease operations. Of course all user data will be deleted completely.

I know that the decision to shut down EDDB is bad news for some of you. I hope you understand that the work and responsibility required to run EDDB can no longer be done by me.

In any case, I want to thank you for the fantastic time I have had in this community. The EDDB project has given me a lot and will definitely not be forgotten.

Fly safe o7
Thank you so very very much for this amazing site - it's been a mainstay in my gaming experience and it will be missed.
Happy tailwind cmdr o7
Thank You for a pleasant too. The best user friendly tool and content as of today. I wish Frontier could offer You enough funds to consider change of mind :)
Not everyone has 24/7 available to play/explore in ED. EDDB will be missed.


Volunteer Moderator
Dear EDDB users,

when I started developing EDDB over 8 years ago, I never thought that the site would become so big and successful. What impressed me the most was the incredible community of Elite: Dangerous. This was also the reason why I remained loyal to the EDDB project for so long. I have always found motivation to continue developing EDDB, even though I haven't actively played the game for years.

Now after 8 years, however, I have to acknowledge that my life has changed and my focus is now on other things. It is therefore with a heavy heart that I have to announce that EDDB will soon cease operations. Of course all user data will be deleted completely.

I know that the decision to shut down EDDB is bad news for some of you. I hope you understand that the work and responsibility required to run EDDB can no longer be done by me.

In any case, I want to thank you for the fantastic time I have had in this community. The EDDB project has given me a lot and will definitely not be forgotten.

Fly safe o7
Thanks for all your hard work, it was the most important 3rd party tool for me for many years.

Good luck and right on, Commander! o7
Thank you most for the excellent and invaluable service throughout the years. We relied not only on the excellent site that started out as the #1 BGS resource but also on the API / dumps that were the cornerstone for expansion routing/planning, 3D faction / thargoid / service visualization, risk assessment, trade potential assessment (I think your price listings.csv is still unique). EDDB is a massive pillar of the ED experience that helped BGS CMDRs and was an inspiration and example for many 3rd party developers as well. I grab the opportunity to thank those who contributed to the EDDB team as well, clearly -team or not- this is a demanding task for the greater good of the community.
I can't say for sure. Also depends what I will do with the domain. I guess the site will stay up at least until Eastern...
Thanks for all you've done over the years

I have the server capacity and can afford to renew the domain in perpetuity if you want to transfer the site. I'm not sure what it takes to maintain, but I'd be happy to let it run on my servers until FD takes ED offline. Send me a PM if that sounds like an option. I would not claim any ownership and allow you unlimited admin access for as long as you wanted to retain your rights as the owner of the name and product.

I'd be happy to pay the costs to keep the site up until EOL.
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