Cobra Mk V

I am out at the shards in a different ship but EDD shows the fit of my as-bought MkV Stellar if this is any help:

( Obviously the covas voicepack is not as supplied.)

View attachment 421367

(click to enlarge)

EDIT: If you do buy one, note that the planetary vehicle hangar comes empty - no SRV - a bit embarrassing when one arrives at Jameson's Cobra to discover that. :oops:
Cheers :)
Any info on when the MkV will be available for credits?

Up until the Type-8, we were given the date when it would be released for ARX and when it would be released for credits, but after that, FDevs just gives us anxiety XD, I assume that just like the Mandalay that came out with the Trailblazers update without any notice, the MkV will come out with some update, it could be with the Corsair? but I think they haven't given a date for this one yet either.

Oh anxiety, my old friend XD.
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