ANNOUNCEMENT Community Update - January 3306

Well, still no info on Carriers? They stated it would come past February... (yeah, I know that can also mean October 2027).
The last info was Stephen a week ago Monday, who said (I paraphrase): 'fleet carrier info will be soon, not this thursday (ie 5th) but sometime after that', he indicated probably a thursday livestream in the next few weeks.
I see we are now down to just one January Update thread.

How exciting.

I suppose decreasing the volume of the vacuum makes it seem less like a vacuum...?

Would explain why GalNet is just plain empty now. Less vacuum! =D
I see we are now down to just one January Update thread.

How exciting.

I suppose decreasing the volume of the vacuum makes it seem less like a vacuum...?

Would explain why GalNet is just plain empty now. Less vacuum! =D
To be fair I think any thread based on the January of the previous year is pretty much time expired especially in a forum about news not history.
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