Console Profile Transfers and 2022 Updates

OK So it seems I'm screwed with the credits, armour, weapons I earned with the PC CMDR. Unless FDev finds a way to let us convert our credits into Arx. Or directly let us buy cosmetics with our credit balance I guess.

Also looks like it's best I delete my PC CMDR save since none of the progression (in terms of assets) can be merged like you said. :/

Ah well, thanks for the clarification.
So currently you can handle running a separate commander on each device, so why can’t you just transfer the console commander to PC and carry on running the two separate commanders on the one device?
Didn't realize this was an option until it was pointed out by @Felix DiCestria. Was following one of OA's older videos on this which talked about the option to merge both accounts. But this has clearly been obsoleted based on the discussion in this forum to date.

But I always assumed you could only have a single Cmndr account on PC and console side. But guess I was wrong. So this is the best way because I was using my PC Cmdr to test play roles and explore the galaxy using his AAA upgraded Sidey. That way if he gets blown to oblivion by the likes of rogue NPCs or the newly awakened 'Goids on Roid Rage, then my rebuy losses are minimized. My console Cmder is where all my money is. I'd rather get murdered by 'Goid in a upgraded Sidey than lose my Asp, Python etc.

Also use my PC account for RP purposes. My PC Cmnder is a rogue pirate merc/privateer (an aspiring space crime lord syndicate oligarch wannabe).
Vs. my golden boy console Cmnder. Who is a respectable, moral/white knight, upstanding trader/space Uhaul trucker/neutral Alliance faction entrepreneur. :D
Didn't realize this was an option until it was pointed out by @Felix DiCestria. Was following one of OA's older videos on this which talked about the option to merge both accounts. But this has clearly been obsoleted based on the discussion in this forum to date.

But I always assumed you could only have a single Cmndr account on PC and console side. But guess I was wrong. So this is the best way because I was using my PC Cmdr to test play roles and explore the galaxy using his AAA upgraded Sidey. That way if he gets blown to oblivion by the likes of rogue NPCs or the newly awakened 'Goids on Roid Rage, then my rebuy losses are minimized. My console Cmder is where all my money is. I'd rather get murdered by 'Goid in a upgraded Sidey than lose my Asp, Python etc.

Also use my PC account for RP purposes. My PC Cmnder is a rogue pirate merc/privateer (an aspiring space crime lord syndicate oligarch wannabe).
Vs. my golden boy console Cmnder. Who is a respectable, moral/white knight, upstanding trader/space Uhaul trucker/neutral Alliance faction entrepreneur. :D
I know of many players who have more than one commander on PC (known as Alts) it just requires a seperate copy of the game for each Alt, one has six or more.
As long as you can handle the time management/multi tasking involved to keep them running smoothly, which I can’t, why not and with all the sales it is another way to support the game.
I know of many players who have more than one commander on PC (known as Alts) it just requires a seperate copy of the game for each Alt, one has six or more.
As long as you can handle the time management/multi tasking involved to keep them running smoothly, which I can’t, why not and with all the sales it is another way to support the game.
Down to Earth Astronomy has a decent video showing how to set it up.
Ah OK. I deleted my Odyssey cmdr last night in preparation for copying my ps4 cmdr to my odyssey game. The Arx disappeared! I wonder, will they reappear when i restart Odyssey with my ps4 copy?
You should be able to see it right now on the web DLC store along with all the purchased stuff...
No idea why I still had 66 ARX on the epic account I wiped... but I do.. wont use it till after clone of account... save was all ready nuked
Screenshot 2022-09-11 001917.png
You should be able to see it right now on the web DLC store along with all the purchased stuff...
No idea why I still had 66 ARX on the epic account I wiped... but I do.. wont use it till after clone of account... save was all ready nuked
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As you can see... I found them. I have a few!!


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Does one need access to their console for this transfer? I sold mine a few years back but am eager to transfer over to PC.
find out tomorrow... they are going to restrict Free copies if you dont want a free copy and are willing to PAY them for Epic/steam versions and buy EDO. i Dont expect them to care much about verification and proof that you own a BD and did not play it on some one elses console...
Having a FDev account does not prove you own the game... Game pass users on Xbox get the transfer but they never paid for the game to fdev only microsoft so they are not getting free horizons version... they get the account copy but will have to buy the PC version of some kind... Game pass users no longer have the game as it was removed from game pass..
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