Convert your Intimidator Shotgun (Minimum Level 3) Into a High-Bore Rifle

I will say that having night vision compensates partially for the lack of velocity at range. You can see the outline of a person and get some good shots in before they can react.
Yeh, this is a common theme for how things are I think. It's like the long range shotty cannon build. Maybe a bit OP. But ultimately, is it better than the Exe when the Exe can have 10 shots without ever reloading (2x on dom with stowed)?

Just checked the recoil on the tormentor and it is sort of static when spamming the trigger. It pulls up on the first shot but stops at a terminal height above centre. So I am not certain it's "cumulative".

This is an image (using ADS, spamming, at the same range as the picture is taken):
View attachment 242306

Cumulative should look like a line going up. You can see in the image there are only 2 contact points (top dot is multiple hits in sequence).

I think I just naturally adjust once in my head without thinking. I tend to use WASD to aim as well as mouse, if that makes sense. It'd be interesting to see how much better stability makes it though, just firing full auto at a wall. If it's much closer to the first hit, I'd say it's worth it, definitely.
You're probably not going to notice it at that range, it's cumulative, but it's still always decaying, so it'll look almost like half-life effect, the first shot has the most deflection, and then every shot to about the 4th will show about half the deflection but still cumulating.

Is this with your pistol, or is it stock, Hip Fire Accuracy, as we have demonstrated in this thread, is kind of weird and broken right now, so it might be playing a role.
I took my new Range/Scope/Hip Accuracy shotgun out for some fun tonight. The impact area is basically a single point up close. As you move away, you can see a tiny bit of spread among the plasma pellets start to build. They remain within the width of, say, an NPC head for a ridiculously long time.

The hardest part of using a weapon like this is remembering that it doesn’t behave like a shotgun any more, and you can kill that angry NPC way over there with one shot if you aim for the head.
To be fair, it does have a skill floor. You have to be able to make headshots consistently. You have to be pretty accurate in general because you no longer have a wide spread of pellets to make up for aiming errors. It’s still only 2 shots in the magazine unless you splurge for 3. If you miss the head and hit the body you have to fire again to kill…just like any other plasma weapon at grade 5.

I can see them widening the spread a little, but it’s not like the shotgun works this way off the shelf. I had to put 5 grades and 3 mods into it to get to this point.
I don't have one with a scope, but it seems ADS has been disabled for the intimidator. It works on all my other guns so I know it's not my binds or my mouse.
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